10 September. 2020. What to do next?

10 September. 2020. What to do next?

This is the original Letter to Byron page from when it was published ‘Live.’
The live blog is no longer updated.

The entire content of Letters to Byron is a book, available in Paperback or Kindle.

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Hi Byron, or should I write, hi future Byron, reading this in years to come.

Funny how its taken me awhile to realize that the data I get from the web page showing me the number of readers confirms you haven’t been able to read any of my letters to you. Yet, I have still been sending letters, week in and week out, just in case you were able to read them.

I guess I have been in denial for some time that you would eventually find a way to read my letters to you. All these years later, its dawning on me that Adler has been successful in blocking your access. And although I am not surprised, I am still disappointed. I am giving some thought to whether I should carry on writing weekly for ‘future Byron’ and if I do , how best to approach that writing challenge.

Perhaps I should just wait until you are able to find your way here under your own steam? You know there is a loving home for you with a great schooling option.

This week in History, is #covidgate. The journalist Bob Woodward – who wrote about the Watergate that ended the disgusting Nixon presidency, has written about Trump knowing Covid kills, yet pretending it was not that serious to benefit his popularity. In this process killing lots of people.

Also Djokovic, the arrogant Serbian tennis player, on course to win the Covid US Open while the other champions were absent, was disqualified. Most unusual to see a favorite defaulted in this way. Good news for Rafa Nadal and Roger Federer.

My book The Three Rs is two weeks from release. And the skies outside are red – from the smoke generated by extraordinary fires raging through California this fire season……………

The entire content of Letters to Byron is a book, available in Paperback or Kindle.
