The Three Rs. The racist religious right and other short stories
New book by Andrew Brel. Released October 21st, 2020.
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Book Launch interview with Richard Niles.
17 short stories predicated on behaviors by racists following the narrative of the religious right and how historical behaviors accurately predict the future along the X and Y Axis of consequence. Between Liberal and Conservative choices.
The stories are chosen from familiar historical examples of absolute-power in the hands of populist Authoritarian leaders corrupting absolutely, especially when we choose blind-faith belief, superstition, over informed critical thought and forensically provable science.
There’s one about the last three days of the Third Reich. How racist/religious/right Reichs end. Was there remorse?
There’s one about 17N. The Greek assassination squad who sought vengeance for the November 17 extra judicial killings by the ruling right of that time.
Another is a researched take on slavery. Who really benefited most.
Another on America’s curious affection for lynching. In Public. What fun – asking your gal out on a date – dressing in Sunday best and heading off to watch a good ol lynching. Who are these people? I found out a lot more about our culture than I thought I already knew from this story. Worth sharing I think.
The 17 stories are topically relevant in the current climate of #BlackLivesMatter-less-now-than-ever, increasing allegiances to traditional conservative values by the 2016 empowered racist religious right. The Brexit Trump Putin era where social media driven popular perception of the free-right to an opinion has seen the lie become the ‘like’ equivalent of the truth in this age of Tweet leadership for Twits, despite the documentary IDIOCRACY warning us of the Trump “Ow My Balls’ show.
These 17 stories all consider the benefits of liberalism over self-serving regressive conservatism for the majority. And why racism is counter-productive for a harmonious and prosperous social order which still allows systemically racist court process protecting, indemnifying and encouraging racist behaviors knowing “There can be no harmony in a lawless society“
Maya Angelou said “History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again“.
The authors hope is that The Three Rs will provide readers with a helpful resource for locating an informed perspective on why; ignoring the mistakes of History condemns us to repeat them while ignoring the facts of Science condemns us to extinction.
By the Author:
In January, 2020, I traveled from Los Angeles to Johannesburg, returning to California on the 26th of January. The airports I passed through were sold out of masks. It was already clear that a viral spread of unprecedented proportions had begun.
I had previously written a blog about the ‘Spanish Flu’ (2012) and was aware that Trump had shut down the Obama era Pandemic team. (2018.)
At that time and place, the end of January, 2020, I could see the writing on the wall. In UPPERCASE with !!!!!!. It was not hard to predict what was going to happen next with an untreatable virus spreading like wildfire. Infections would grow and fatalities would increase.| Everyone with above average third grade reading skills could see the writing on that wall. Knowing the history of new viral pandemic spread, I was not alone in encouraging the urgent course of action that would save hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives.
The world in January 2020 was in a unique position in my lifetime.
The pandemic provided a tremendous opportunity for a global social reset. It was clear the world of commerce needed restructuring after centuries in which the gap between richest and poorest has widened, at the same time as our disregard for the planets well-being has made climate change denial a suicidal choice of ‘for profit’ business model..
Sadly when that opportunity arose, the commander in chief and de facto leader of the world, was Putin’s proxy, Trump. A multiple bankrupt, grotesquely illiterate darling of the worlds conservatives, white supremacy movements and blind-faith evangelicals. The leader who stood up for the least intelligent, weaponizing idiocy in his war against intellect and science.
With this malignant narcissist and his clan of nationalist Christian White supremacists at the helm of the good ship America, world super power, the opportunity to mend much of what ails humanity and our planet passed in a blur of gross incompetence.
Almost all scheduled flights between London and New York continued with unrestricted travel for new arrivals on both sides. Hundreds of thousands died from just that one decision, exactly as many predicted when commenting on infection spikes that followed this failure by Johnson and Trump. Trump and Johnson. Both conservatives with impeccable racist credentials, coincidentally empowered simultaneously by Putin sponsored events of 2016.
The opportunity for a global reset – funding people to stay at home with properly reasoned Universal income to retrain for new careers working socially distant.
An entire generation free from the pressing need to do anything for money, able to now choose more creatively rewarding career paths and not 30-year treadmills of misery, that would uplift both the life quality of the worker as well as the national economy. Instead, we watched as trillions of dollars were printed by the Fed, most of which simply went to benefit the same status quo as pre-Covid. The Billionaires paying no tax and praising the man holding the bible above his cloud of tear gas.
The opportunity for a unified approach to a better, more equitable choice-enabled social arrangement this global shut down presented was instead decisively, divisively reversed. The leader of the worlds super power-economy was the example the free-world looked to at this time. Instead of embracing the very obvious possibilities for a more humane society as our underclass swelled by countless millions of newly unemployed and uninsured, the gap between Liberalism and Conservatism became a gaping chasm. Tragically transparent flaws in the Trumptocracy, would be reflected worldwide by Johnson, Bolsanaro and other racist religious right conservatives. The trillions of dollars this crisis provided for social change could so easily have not only saved lives, but also reset the world economy on an even keel, accommodating new hope for the lost 60% mired Extreme Poverty that ensures their children will all have the same absent opportunity. My Yacht Matters more is the movements #
When I arrived back at LAX after my lengthy journey from Johannesburg, I made a series of predictions, at the same time committing to writing a book about The Three Rs. Trump and Johnson could not have done a better job of meeting my every expectation. As predictable as ever in their conservative choices.
Their supporters too have conformed to the same behaviors as their forebears in the racist religious right model of conservatism. Globally conservative governments chose the opportunism of looting the relief funding for the benefit of the billionaire elite. In the US trillions of dollars of aid arrived, enough to fix much of what needed fixing socially. But instead, it appears, that enormous resource went primarily to benefit the richest. The process of this enormous spend determined by the ethics of a racist religious right rather than the science and consideration of merit in the spirit of equality. Black owned business, for example, simply got less in relief funding.
Those of my generation who lived through the apartheid years – and remember the end of the apartheid years – will recognize the similarities between Charlotte, North Carolina 2020 and Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, 1979.
P.W Botha may have been a less bankruptcy adept leader than Trump, but the similarities in their ideology are abundant. Even down to mutual admiration for the greatest Authoritarian racist religious right leader of the past century, Adolf Hitler. The National Socialist party leader from 1933 to 1945.
In binary terms, I understand that my outrage at this Trump/Johnson Putin led brand of selfish conservatism with its deadly consequences for life and economy depends on the liberal outlook I have achieved. And that there is an opposite and opposed point of view in which many white folk, both dirt poor and from the billionaire class, see their entitlement by color as a religious-law rather than a racist-flaw. Who view their racist religious right-wing behaviors through a narrative of conservative delusion in which they are not in any way racist. As Trump repeatedly assures his critics. “There is no systemic racism in the America.” As Bannon assured his keen audiences, “if they call you racist, consider it a badge of honor.”
That then is the general subject matter in this book. Stories that follow the X Y axis of liberalism and conservatism. Cause and effect.
Why the opinion of a liberal is not equal to the opinion of a 2020 conservative, who cannot pretend the mistakes of history did not happen just because they have accepted the daily diet of lies by leaders as the equal of truth as our new normal.
I have high hopes for this book as an educational resource. If I can convince one reader that the mistakes of history contain lessons worth knowing at the risk of otherwise having to repeat them, then I will feel the many hundreds of hours I spent getting this book as close to accurate as possible was worthwhile use of my Covid lockdown free time opportunity. Covid lockdown gave everyone an opportunity to consider what to do with the newly available time on offer.
Some bought dogs.
Others learned musical instruments. |
Language lessons soared.
I chose to record 17 stories about the racist religious right. Especially for young people.
Researching the stories in this book did give me occasion to review my own educational prejudices.
Victor, who writes all the English language history books, was invariably paid for his writing work, published by the victorious racist religious right establishment.
Learning to interpret the mistakes of History requires unlearning the dishonest representations my generation were force fed as children. Lessons many continue to pass onto their children to this day.
I hope you enjoy this version of the THREE Rs although it is LONG, written largely on the fly with minimal editing. I am releasing this version like a live-recording. No studio re-records afterwards. Just the flow of what I felt moved to write about – from beginning to end, with occasional repetition of the crowd-pleasing chorus moments, and the ubiquitous long drum-solo that annoys and excites audiences in equal measure on best-selling live recordings. Parts that I could have excised from the manuscript, but chose not to. If you should find yourself reading a bit that reminds you of this improvisational approach to editing, skip-past. If its not fun, move on until you find the next bit that is. But be assured, I have included many factually accurate historical moments that I did not know before, that I feel better for knowing.
I hope I am wrong in predicting the outcome of the 2020 election being a scorched Earth for Biden to inherit with a broken rule of law under the obstructive shadow of the Trumptarded. And that we are better than the mirror of America Trump has presented to the rest of the world.
I hope next year we find it is possible to teach old dogs new tricks. That the benefits of liberal opportunity for-all by far outweigh racist religious hate from the traditional conservative handbook.
That is is an honor to earn so much money that you get to pay a lot of tax and benefit the society that enabled your prosperity in the capitalist model.
That we are far better served by helping each other with kindness and love than harming with hate and division.
Andrew. California. October 2020.
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