September 24th. The last ‘Letter to Byron’.
This archived page is the final ‘Letter to Byron’.
The live blog is no longer active.
The content of Letters to Byron is available in Paperback or Kindle.
My beautiful future Byron, reading this I know not when.
My first letter to Byron was sent by post to you in June, 2013 in the weeks after you were removed from my home on Fathers-day, aged four.
Since then I have written to you every week, often twice a week. This is because your parents separated and your Mother is a family lawyer who from the outset, made visitation for you difficult and costly for me.
Today, after almost seven years where I have taken time every week to connect with you in the only way available to me, by writing words, I am sitting down for this purpose for the last time. I feel quite sad to think this is my considered version of the best thing for both of us.
So here is the reason why September 24th, 4 days before my 60th birthday, is my final ‘Letter to Byron.’
Because you are 11 now, and when I started writing you were four, I have covered just about every aspect of what happened previously.
……..The live blog is no longer active.
The content of Letters to Byron is available in Paperback or Kindle.

Letters to Byron (Press Release)
2020 release: Letters to Byron is a chronological list of the last 121 letters I sent to Byron before it became evident he was not receiving my correspondence.
Order HERE Kindle and paperback..
From the book LETTERS TO BYRON
On fathers-day, June 16th, 2013, Charlotte Adler, 39, made the surprising, ambush announcement that she was separating with me, some five years after we entered into a parental agreement to have a child together. Byron was at that time, 4 years old.

LETTERS TO BYRON in chronological order:
The first of the LETTERS TO BYRON: The PILOT
4th: Thanksgiving day
5th: MICHELE O’LEARY. The switch Judge
6th : Raining in California
7th: Music
8th: December Rain
130th. The one before the end
131st The last letter September 24th
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