I have had flu before. One year, 1992, it was so bad I had to lie in bed all day. And drink gallons of water. And take on vast amounts of Vit C every hour. I was not alone. Many of my fellow Londoners experienced flu every year. Between 291,000 and 646,000 people die of flu worldwide annually. Around about the middle of Winter it affects millions; up to a Billion by some sources. And then, just as Winter ends and the Spring begins, come April, it disappears. Until mid winter the following year when that years mutated version of flu comes along. And the cycle repeats.
Sadly, every year around February, deaths by flu spike. Especially among the elderly, whose immune systems reflect their age.
In my lifetime we have never seen a knee jerk reaction to a coronavirus, whose consequence is to destroy the worlds economy.
In my lifetime we have never had a more deficient Government than we have now. The old saying “America sneezes and the world catches a cold” could not be more appropriately applied than now.
Putting all sarcasm and irony to one side, it is an obvious fact that Trump and Pence combined represent the least intelligent combo to ever command the US defense against a threat. (And that is a grand claim considering past leaders like Reagan and Bush and Bush.)
I say the #TrumpPenceLandslide2020 handling of this flu bug is catastrophic. Consistent with the common direction of a half witted pair of blithering dolts. Whose appointments since firing the Obama Pandemic team in 2018 reflect the same anti-Obama direction that is the hallmark of this deuce of dumbness.
Sacrificing the world economy because of their intelligence deficits. Allowed to continue as the current team suggests/demands, the Economic Pandemic that is now unraveling will produce many more deaths than the Wuhan flu. At the same time, squandering trillions senselessly. Obviously because the most vulnerable are the octogenarians, the most wealthy of which form the Trump base.
These numbers – those ‘working class people’ whose lives will be blighted by this Governments idiotic anti-science measures – expose this incompetent deluded pair for what they really are. Shown up by Macron in France, reassuring his citizens that “No one will go bankrupt because of this” and making funds available to reimburse direct losses arising from enforced retrenchment from work.
This is a place in time where intelligent leadership is required, by leaders imbued with the traditional qualities of leaders. Instead, what we have is pitiful Pence the prayer leader whom God has big plans for (according to his venerated Mother), offering a White House prayer party to save us all from this demonic plague. This biblical Armageddon prophecy.
Of the many options available to combat this pandemic, we have gone with the decisions of two moronic Christian idiots and their team of Christian acolytes validating their every idiotic utterance as the word of God.
The consequences of this degraded semi literate leadership direction is evident in the collapsing markets, worldwide. America coughed stupidity, and the rest of the world sneezed that bug.
Trumps legacy is now secure. And now we know; God did indeed have big plans for Gaylord Pence.

Pence’s personal minister offers this guidance.
I address you today as the planet is shaking, the kings and rulers of the earth now learn that they are but mere men.
The Sheikhs of Islam now shake in their terror at the might of our Lord.
A mere virus has emptied the streets of once proud cities. New York, London, Paris, Sydney, Nairobi and even Phoenix Arizona now stand empty. A testament in silence to the might of our Lords will.
National and international Airlines have been grounded, schools closed, entertainment events closed, friendly hand shakes are now a no go. Even rim jobs are off the menu in red light sin centers like Hamburg and Amsterdam.
Have you paused and wondered what is really happening. Why have we been swept away by this wave of terror and panic?
The truth is; GOD is demanding our attention.
It is His final warning from the office of the CEO of the UNIVERSE. The result of our sinful ways, Gay marriage, men lying with men without fear of Leviticus. Women marrying women and raising children as if one is a man. Stem cell research mocking the Lords perfect design. Young people being read stories instead of the Good book. Following education that is ‘secular.’ Blaspheming daily as a matter of course.
All of these sinful decisions serve to signal a very BIG event is about to take place on the late great planet Earth.
Our God of mercy does not proceed with punishment without offering the sinner one last chance.
The message now is this: JESUS CHRIST is COMING SOON. The second coming is indeed on it’s way and considering his enormity, you will need a large umbrella.
It will come from the SKIES and the entire planet will watch it LIVE on GLOBAL TV with commentaries of the event repeating; Revelation 1:7 and Matthew 24:29-31
The world will be divided into three groups of people.
Us rapture-ready Christians will depart as promised to be with Jesus Christ in the Heavens above. (For hard scientific evidence of an earlier rapture read
Nolan Cash. Bowling Green, by Andrew Brel.)

Those who are convenient believers will not make the rapture cut.
They simply exploit the advantages of claiming to believe. Pretend Christians, who do not accept the Word in full. Those who ‘take the best and leave the rest’ in their hypocrisy. Jesus is not deceived.
This includes deviants groups like Mormons and 7th day Adventists. Who defaced the word of God in a delusion created simply for their material benefit.
And thirdly, those who never believed in Jesus Christ before the rapture. Those sinning blasphemers who embraced Atheism, Islam, gayness, jazz music and any other sect that is not in obeisance to the one True Son of God. Our Jesus. Praise be Upon His Name. And ONLY his name.
They cannot be saved again because the Holy Spirit will not be there to convict them of sin, enabling repentance and salvation. This group of unbelievers in the TRUTH, who reject our Lords direct representatives, Trump and Mighty Mike, will now descend en masse into the pits of hellfire. And be abominated daily, violated by red hot rods of anal penetration. Infected with a mutated virus that makes CoronaVirus appear similar to a sherbet treat. A virus that leaves them in excruciating agony 24/7. For all eternity. Left to ruminate over their foolishly inarticulate choice to reject the TRUTH and the LIGHT.
Just a mere Virus, a tiny little Chinese bug spreading from Wuhan was enough to send the whole Earth into a tailspin.
Just a tiny Virus and Businesses are shutting down and streets of cities like London, Madrid, Lima and New York are empty.
All flights from Europe to America are shut down. Soon all flights will cease. All airlines will go bust. Unemployment will soar. Desperation and fear among the unbelievers will lead to anarchy. The absent social safety net of socialism will not be there to catch the millions without food to eat or a roof over their children’s heads.
Just a Virus, and the nations we look to as developed nations are being overwhelmed in a conflict with no weapons. Their trillions of dollars spent on defense as worthless as a rubber Johnny’s in the Brothels of Hell.
Just a Virus and Educational institutions are closed and entertainment centers promoting the sin of loud music are silent. Reverentially silent reminders of the weight of our sinful ways.
All entertainers are now unemployed. And will soon be bankrupt. And starve. Watching their own children starve. In all Countries except those with a socialist model, providing assistance for this contingency.
Just a Virus and all Religious sites are closed and Churches will offer no services. All contact with God is now between you and Him.
Just a Virus, and the world markets have collapsed. World recession is here. The rich will find it harder to get into Heaven than to thread a camel through the eye of a needle. (Unless they say “I repent and accept Jesus is son of God and the only way to Heaven.” Three times in a row.) Then they can join the Rapture first group.
If an Ordinary Virus, one no different to the annual viral mutation we call ‘The Flu’, can achieve this change, imagine what will Be on this Earth, the day King Jesus Christ returns.
Take note, when Jesus Christ appears in the sky, all cars, trucks, air planes, trains and ships driven by prepared saints will have the drivers and pilots ejected by the power of Jesus Christ in the rapture into the sky. And that will cause the greatest Crashes of air, road, rail and sea ever. It is the first day of end times for every atheist. For every unbeliever. For every Muslim.
And YET; GOD assures those of us who Believe, of the first seats on his heavenly train in that first hour of rapture.
Coronavirus is a warning alert from heaven to the whole world saying; Prepare. For He will return. And for those of us rapture ready, like our divine President Trump, and our loyal Vice President ‘Mighty Mike’ Pence, who so loved his Jesus that he refrained from his unnatural urges of same sex anal penetration knowing that it would discount him from his rapturous moment. His reward for abstinence comes in Heaven. Anally if it be His will.
Stand ready with your head turned skywards. For He is coming.
And the rapture will be all that Trump promised us it would be.
For you non believers, Muslims, Atheists, Brothers, Mothers and Sisters, right now is your final warning. This is the LAST CHANCE saloon.
Repent from your sinful ways and Accept JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Savior. Before it is too late.
The Door of Mercy is about to close. These are the end days. It is a fearful thing to think that a man will be lost for all eternity in lava filled red hot burning hell with brimstone and Hydroponic acid running through your veins in Behelzebubs own super dooper IV. Those are not red blood corpuscles he is running through that Intravenous design. It is lava. Super heated lava. That runs through your veins 24/7. Tremendous pain. Although that may kill the Covid19 virus in your lungs, you will soon know that is a small advantage considering the multiple other pains red hot lava entering your lungs will impose. When you could have just stopped to pray NOW and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
If you have read this and you are not sure if you are born again, then I urge you to repeat this prayer:
Dear heavenly father,
I come to you as a sinner and I am very sorry for all my sins. Very very sorry. I believe today that Jesus Christ died for my sins and I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I beseech thee, write my name in the book of life and cancel my name from the book of Hellfire and Sinful anal purgatory. I confess I am saved. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I know that every other belief system is WRONG. And fully support your decision to send the whole lot of them to HELL. For all eternity. It is we who are RIGHT. And they are WRONG. And THEY must suffer eternally. I am down with that.
I love you JESUS. Always have. Always will.
For further prayers and Help PM me
HERE with your card details for a £1,000 withdrawal, after which, as an ordained Minister of God, I will pray for your salvation.Should God check your faith credentials and find your conduct in life acceptable I will send you a certification from the Church confirming I have put in this word for you.
With God’s affirmation, your payment and my confirmation, your entry to his Heavenly garden is Guaranteed.
That’s right.
If however, there is an issue which you did not disclose to me at the time of payment, for inclusion in my prayers, God will know. He knows everything. If for example, you lusted after a same sex moment in which you accepted the stench of deviant arousal through your nostrils, God will know. Just because you didn’t follow through on the thought with action, you are still guilty. The sin of lust. And deviant lust at that.
In this case, I will notify you and it will require a payment of £5,000 to resubmit your case.
(In my professional pastoral experience, it is usually the failure to disclose homosexual urges, or moments of weakness leading to anal or oral acts with a same sex partner, that leads to this problem arsing from a first application. Do not make this mistake. God will know.)
Be assured that in my ministry I have a 66% success rate with a first submission.
And a 100% success rate with a second submission.
Why take a chance with the coming rapture when you can get pre-certified.
Book your ticket on the rapture-train now.
PM your card details and do not forget to include your card expiry date. And the three digit number on the back of the card. Better still, send two images. One of each side of your card.
In Jesus name.
Pastor Brelstein (PhD Theology)
Unitary Church of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.
Dogs are not allowed in Heaven.
Until today.

By personal arrangement with the Almighty, I can offer a special dispensation entry for up to three dogs for £1,000.
Send the dogs name and age.
And favorite treat. Cash or Credit card only.
It is recommended you send an image of both sides of your card to speed up payment and ensure no disappointments with late processing causing your loved pets to be left behind on rapture day.
PPS: The Holy Father Brelstein School of Theology is now offering PhD certification in Theology at the bargain price of $5,000.
Anyone with a PhD in Theology can apply to be ordained into the Church for a one off payment of $5,000. You will then be able to spread the word of God officially. Don’t delay. Spread the good new of Jesus today. He is coming and he is coming soon.
For the second time.
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