2nd April. 2020. Covid and British family law.
My beautiful Byron,
I have been looking forward to today all week, for the opportunity to spend some time with you at this time that you will remember your whole life.
Covid 19 has brought the world to the very precipice of catastrophe. The poor people of Africa and India especially, the 50% dirt poor who have nothing and never will have anything, now face annihilation.
No social distancing. No water to wash hands with. No soap even if they had water. No sanitizer. No masks. Many live in shacks, piled on top of each other with no defense at all. South Africa’s President has ordered 5 million body bags. Which is good leadership. We are right to expect the worst knowing the science of poverty. In America Black people and Hispanics, generally the poorer section of society, are 5 X more likely to die…..
...Continued in LETTERS TO BYRON on AMAZON

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