23 April. Distance learning

23 April. Distance learning

My beautiful Byron,

Another week of Covid lockdown. What a thing. No school for you now, it’s distance learning. And it’s the same for many. They had better learn from distance, or the death rate will climb still further.

Can you believe, in America we have people so stupid they are gathering by the thousand with their Assault rifles instead of masks, to protest for their rights – as the Constitution (The American rule book) allows them. The fact that they are spreading and contracting Covid at the same time is above their intellectual ability. I guess one way we can look at this is Natures way of ‘culling the herd’. Stopping that gene pool from continuing and breeding children as stupid as they are.

Another way of looking at it is with pity. These people are so fooled by their education and Blind Faith belief, that they do not realize voting for a Nasty cruel idiot is going to threaten not only their own country, but the entire planet.

Because America is the largest economy and military power in the world. ‘America sneezes and the world catches a cold‘ is an old saying. A metaphor. In this case, sadly, the metaphor has become literal truth.

I am so happy that you are safe indoors and still learning by the online service from your school.

This is a great opportunity for you to upgrade your learning curve. Read. Learn new words. Keep fit by doing exercises. And exercise your mind by keeping fit.

There is much to be excited about in a positive way with what’s going on.

On my side, today is the release start of my new album. Finally – after all these months, I have the 7 songs in a shape that I can be proud of. So I have pushed go on the release. It now goes into the ‘system’ and in about 10 days time it will be released on all the music platforms. Spotify, YouTube and so on.

This is the cover I came up with. My music is used a lot for Yoga – so I decided to do a Yoga Pose. With the actual guitar I used on the record. I did most of the artwork myself. Using Photoshop and a creative approach to representing the music in a single image. It is such fun. Digital photo editing. All you need is a Mac and a license for Adobe products.

I am sure your mum has got you a nice new Mac, or she wouldn’t have stopped the Macbook I offered for you from reaching you on each of the last ten occasions when I tried to send you the same Macbook with software and support that John had from the age of around 7.

It sure helped him.

Stay safe,
Miss you,
Love you,


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