AMAZON (Kindle and Paper)
Audible. Narrated by Andrew Brel
Book listed most recent first.

Half the Story has Never Been Told. Why we lie (Press Release). 2024.
My book of facts and opinions since the beginning of Biblical lore 6,000 years ago up until the present day of reality TV popular Christian Zionist genocide.
Amazon: Hard Cover, Paperback and Kindle
Signed Hard Copy for U.S and UK only.
21 hours. Book narrated by Andrew Brel.
Aunt Dorothy’s Visit and other Short Stories. (Press Release). 2023.
Aunt Dorothy’s visit
Extracts from nine year old Agnes’ diary before and after Aunt Dorothy’s first visit
Johnny Starr is dead
Iconic teenage pop singers tragic death makes front page news
Blake Sherman’s AR-15
In small town Serendipity, intelligent 15 year-old Blake Sherman struggles to meet girls
Krishna vardu Ghan (and the keys for conduct.)
The life story of this celebrated 19th Century Indian mystic and ascended master
Diane Sutton and the Hanging Judge
Diane Sutton inherits a considerable estate when her parent’s die in a motoring accident leading to marriage and a beautiful son
Nolan Cash in Bowling Green
The bi-racial cousin of Johnny Cash has a hard life before and after writing his hit song
Amazon: Paperback and Kindle
And on Audible, narrated by Andrew Brel

The Three Rs (Press Release)
2020 release: The Three Rs. The racist religious right and other short stories.
17 short stories predicated on the X/Y axis between conservatism and the anti Nazi take.
“The chapters I was fortunate enough to read are fascinating, informative, full of psychological insights, and sometimes, very funny.”
Andrew Colman (Professor of Psychology.)
Order from AMAZON: Kindle and paperback

‘One Day in Paris’ is a novel being one year in the life of former British Army officer and counter terrorism specialist, Dan Blake.
An action thriller with love and guns and high-tech weaponry generating billions in military complex contracts. How 0.1% of the 1% prosper in the politics of wealth
Paperback and Kindle: Order here.
One Day in Paris is available on Audible.

Press release: The Emergency Bouzouki Player. Third edition.
First published in 2011 The Bouzouki Player is a first-hand account of conscription in South Africa’s Apartheid army in 1979. My war with the SADF. My stories of meeting many South Africans from all walks of life, including P.W. Botha, Magnus Malan, Al Debbo and Alan Paton, while touring South Africa as the Entertainment Corps guitar player, visiting the war zone on the Angolan border.
“An exceptional anti war polemic underpinned by dark humor.” John Oakley Smith…..
“I recommend this book as a must read, particularly for South Africans. Of that lost generation, there are still many today who look back on their time in the South African army with pride and fondness. It is exactly this lack of introspection and narrow minded self preservation of these people that give this book its historic validity. It is also inconceivable to me that this book has not become a standard piece of literature in the South African school classroom. Perhaps this only serves to show plainly how far South Africa still has to go.” Laurence Gien
Paperback and Kindle: Order here.
Audible: HERE
Apple Books. Epub
My Other Books

Press release: The Music City Road Trip.
Travel diary. 30 days across the USA in a Tesla, visiting music related cities where possible.
Amazon: EBook

Press release: The first 30 days after October 7.
Who said what on October 7 and in the days that followed. A record of the first 30 days. Word for word. Lest we forget.
Amazon: EBook
Audio book. Calm Sleep Guided meditation using Relaxing Music for Deep Restorative Sleep
Features the CALM music album by Andrew Brel with a guided meditation narrated by Phyllis Edmonds Themis.
Sleep Music at its most relaxing
Also: Kindle and paperback

Letters to Byron (Press Release)
2020 release: Letters to Byron is a chronological list of the last 121 letters I sent to my young son Byron before larcenous family court hostility ended his opportunity to see me.
Order HERE Kindle and paperback

Who Lies Wins. (Press Release)
2022 release:
Who Lies Wins is the story of how a lying family lawyer in a dishonest family court system stole my home by larceny and my five year old son by perjury and criminal witness tampering by Deputy District Judge Michele O’Leary. The book is a tell-all about how family court monetizes parental alienation for the benefit of its members in a £44 billion per year scam profiteering from child abuse.
“Probably the most important book on British family law ever written.” Dr. Richard Niles
Amazon Kindle and paperback
Amazon Author Page.
All books published to date:
#TheEmergencyBouzoukiPlayer #WhoLiesWins #OneDayinParis #FamilyCourt #LetterstoByron #AngloBoerWar #AngolanBorderWar