Wallace the dogs blog
For a few years I had a blog for my dog, Wallace. Which is copied here in memoriam. Because words never die.
Wallace of Riverbank.
1 April 1998 to 26 June, 2013.
Fifteen years.
Wallaces news
“My name is Wallace. I am a miniature black and silver Schnautzer. I live on the Riverbank near Hampton Court. I became self aware some time ago. This may be connected to my ears standing up, unlike most ‘floppy eared’ schnauzers. I work hard to help those afflicted by blind ignorance to consider making more of life.“
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
If criminals are allowed to steal and kill without being brought to account, well, before long we would have big problems.Accountability is central to the idea of pursuing a world where ‘we stop hating and learn to live in bliss.’Now, I am 11, and in my life I have seen a few things. But the worst thing I have seen is the terrible killing of a Million Iraqis by two liars.Not only did that disgusting Bush man drop Barney (His Scottie) on his head on a concrete floor, he also lied straight to the face of the Americans.He said ‘Iraq is bad. They have weapons of mass destruction. Trust me. We need to to go and massacre a million of them to show that we are capable of making expensive weapons that generate huge profits for my friends.’ Actually he may not have said the last bit openly, but everyone knows about Halliburton and such. Anyhow, of particular interest to us dogs is what he did next. He found an English Poodle, named him ‘Yo Blair’ and told him to lie to his Country men along the same lines. So ‘Yo Blair’ did. But the English weren’t quite as dumb as their American cousins and about a Million of them came out to protest the imminent War of terror on Iraq. This I am told was the largest protest in British history. No event fired up more opposition from the British public than the poodle led threat to commit Britain to Bush’s war game.Tony ‘Poodle’ Blair lied straight to he face of the British electorate who had placed their trust in him. ‘Weapons of Mass destruction will rain down on us from Iraq if we don’t immediately go and kill a Million of them‘ is how my friend Max (The Doberman) paraphrased Poodle Blair’s speech.Anyhow. these two thugs told a whole bunch of lies, explained how god told them it was what he wanted and then of they went to kill a Million Iraqis, or, to be more specific, off they sent a bunch of youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds who form the life blood of any Army needing its cannon fodder kids willing to kill on command for the price of three meals a day. Thousands of those American kids from Buttmunch Nebraska and similar died in Iraq and hundreds of similarly desperate lowest class from the UK. All because Bush and Poodle Blair lied their way into starting that atrocity.And here’s my point. People said at the time. Bush is lying. Blair is lying. Blair said ‘I am not lying. Trust me. Iraq needs to be bombed. We need to destroy their education system. We need to kill approximately 1 million of their citizens, and most importantly, we need to do whatever my friend in God, George Bush says we must do.‘ But of course Blair was lying. And Bush said ‘Those Al Qaeda Iraqi guys bombed our Towers and now they threaten the safety of America with their weapons of Mass destruction. Trust me. We need to bomb them and kill around about a Million of them. Its really important. Dick says so. Donald says so too. Who you gonna trust Saddam Hussein or me, Dick and Donald.‘ But of course Bush was lying.
And so George and Tony, brothers in God, warmongering and lying, set off to kill a Million Iraqis. They succeeded. But unfortunately, somehow, people noticed that they committed America and Britain to war based on bald-faced-lies.
If Blair and Bush are not charged with war crimes for lying their way to the execution of a Million people who meant us no harm, but whose relatives now most certainly do, then Blair and Bush will have got away with it.
And if they get away with it, then, we live in a world where mass murderers walk among us, known to a majority, but somehow remaining unaccountable.
A million people died because two people lied. Betraying their office. Betraying the trust of Hundreds of Millions who voted them in. This is not a small thing that can be overlooked on the ground of diplomatic immunity. It is deliberate premeditated mass murder.
Don’t let them get away with it. If they do, anyone will be able to do whatever they choose with the office of President. And the Prime Minister will always be an American poodle.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Goings on.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Barney Hates George
And he has developed a dreadful smokers cough because the retards wife chain smokes.Barney says its disgusting that he should be subject to this kind of dog cruelty. Especially when in effect he is the Country’s first dog.Us dogs on Riverbank say. SET BARNEY FREE . He does not want to be a prop in a snuff movie about Iraq.The White house should not be above the laws put in place to protect creatures who have no voice of their own.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Islams Romeo and Julie
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Africas Aid problem
Perhaps treating HIV victims with drugs?
Providing work opportunities for the unemployed?If you considered any of the above, you are not getting it. You are thinking like a westerner, and this I think is the biggest problem Africa has faced in all its years of falling victim to the curse of ‘AID’.It’s not the African way.Here’s what you would do if you were King of Swaziland. (Thinking like an African.)
First – marry 11 wives (The younger the better as it lessens the chances of them being HIV+)
Second – buy them each a new BMW – spending almost half a million pounds in this process.
It still leaves you with half a million to spend on something else, and of course King Mswati’s British education (Sherborne) will have made him aware that all he needs to do is ask for more, and it will come. The British public never tire of donating money for African excess if its sold to them by rock and roll quasi politicians, and in this case can be grateful that the fruits of their donations went in such a non violent undertaking, which is off course unusual in the context of African Aid and its final outcome.
And so, unlike the millions who die elsewhere in Africa following our Aid intervention, we can only salute King Mswati for his prescience in preventing this money going in militant endeavors by purchasing motor cars that help increase the happiness of 11 Swazi citizens.
Which leads us to ask:
Which kills more Africans. Aids or Aid?
Any one able to enlighten me can write a reply to this blog.
Woof woof from the frozen Tow path…. Wallace.
Monday, December 20, 2004
The Universal soldier
The wonderful organisation – The International Rescue Committee (http://www.theirc.org/) report that 3.8 Million Congolese have died in the past 8 years, and continue to die at the rate of 1,000 a day. That’s a world trade centre tragedy every 3 days or so.
What seems strangest to me is the disparity between the staggering volume of attention that the deaths in the 9/11 Towers incident generated, whilst, until you read it here, you probably didn’t have the vaguest idea that 3.8 Million Congolese (Mostly Women and children) have died horribly and in some proportion to the Aid receipts by those Countries contributing to the death count.
Which makes me wonder – what if media were controlled to such a degree that the power of those controllers of world media to affect the way the average person believes is so complete there is virtually no press speculation as to why 3.8 Million died in the Congo. The worlds worst conflict since 1945 – and not worth a passing mention by the media. Why?
The sixties song by Buffy St Marie ‘The Universal Soldier’ makes the point that the individual who fails to exercise conscientious and informed thought allowing themselves instead to be manipulated pawns in a system that – through their ignorant contribution – leads to misery and death, is ultimately responsible.
Ms. St Marie sings ‘He’s the Universal soldier and he really is to blame’ and I think quite clearly, those mindless donations to African causes driven almost exclusively be ego driven megalomania are karmically in the same drawer of responsibility for the harm that money has led to as the prime culprit in this dreadful exploitation of Africa’s misfortune for his personal benefit.
Imagine that there really is a problem in Africa. And then imagine that there really are a number of ways in which an individual could offer help to those already making a meaningful difference.
In my view the Saint Bob – ‘Band Aid’ style of crisis aid management is clearly harming Africa. Imagine if that Band Aid money went to those governments who spent it on Armies to help kill 3.8 Million Congolese in the name of mineral rights.
And imagine if the powers of media were quite content to not promote the stories of how we allow millions of Africans to die in the name of mineral greed, a process that benefits numerous western companies to a massive extent, choosing instead to create a blind alley. A popular ‘Band Aid’ to create the lip service effect of making people believe the problem is already addressed by those who know. And in the meanwhile, 1,000 Congolese die daily. And just around the corner in the Sudan…….well……..it hardly seems worth carrying on for all the difference bringing the subject of the dark continent to the table makes.
Incidentally the governments of Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia and Chad all deployed troops in the Congo by 1998, effectively funneling much of the Congo’s huge mineral wealth (Gold and Diamonds) into their own coffers.
I have no idea which American companies have any interest in both the African governments responsible and the control of Western press, (or indeed how many shares the Bush family and friends hold in these companies) however I will not be surprised when this information comes to light.
Luckily for the hopes of mankind we have the inspired leadership of George Bush to help us address these concerns with the wisdom and insight they deserve, and so the temptation to leave matters in his capable hands seems irresistible. Or does Ms. St Marie paraphrase as ’He’s the Universal idiot and he really is to blame.’
Friday, November 19, 2004
‘Do they know its Christmas?’

Tito, a handsome Yorkie, was one of his longest friendships. Tito’s human had a wicked pair of lungs and sang many number one hits all over the world. Someone from America, a lawyer, wrote to Wallace and offered $10,000 for him to sing his beautiful song on a video as a duet with Wallace. Wallace agreed to do it for 50%.
Tito’s human did an amazing job singing this pretty special song and as a result the American used the video to propose to his gal. And they married and lived happily ever after.
As you can see, Wallace sang his part magnificently.
In a magnificent recording career, Wallace went on to appear on many albums by Andrew Brel and Hugh Burns
The full story of how it ended is included in the book WHO LIES WINS.
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