Two sons. One raised by loving parents.
Facebook reminders reminded me where I was 20 years ago on this very day. Twenty years ago today I was taking this photo of my older son John inside the Kings Chamber. We were in Egypt visiting the last of the surviving ‘Seven wonders of the World’.
We learned the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20-year period, finishing in about 2560BC. It used 2,400,000 blocks of stone weighing a
total of 6.3 million tonnes (13,889 million pounds)
The year was 2,000, I took John, 11 at that time, to Egypt for three weeks of life experience tuition that included mostly Egyptian antiquities, in the guise of a summer holiday in Egypt for dad and son.
Although John lived with his Mother, my ex wife Catherine, we had agreed regular visits that included multiple trips abroad annually. Invariably chosen for their educational advantage as both parents knew there is no teacher like travel. John got to visit many of the most interesting travel destinations, both with me and with his Mother.

Here is a picture of John inside the famous chamber in the great pyramid after climbing that famous staircase, considered one of the masterpieces of ancient Egyptian engineering. The narrow staircase leading up into the heart of the Pyramid is a stupendous achievement in architecture and engineering from any age.
The ascending passage leads 47m long to the room known as the King’s Chamber, built entirely of red granite, inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), Giza, Egypt.
It was super hot that day.
The temperature climbing the stairs was well over 40C and extremely humid. I was dripping in sweat, yet, when you enter the chamber, it is cool as a refrigerator.
Perhaps by design? After all, that where the mummified body would rest for all eternity.
Adventure History class for an 11 year old, with a Camel ride commute in the hot dry dusty desert sun.

John had a great day out this day 20 years ago. He had many great days out with both parents. No family court judge judge ruled that he could not have these days out with both parents.
John loved the opportunity he had for seeing many great historical locations close up. He had many educational life experiences of this type every year since his parents divorced when he was three. And there is a reason for this educational advantage he enjoyed.
His mother and his father did not let family court decide on his time with his parents. They agreed it bilaterally, knowing it is always right for a son to see his father. It is never right to impede a child’s opportunity for interesting travel experiences.
Equally I respected Mother crucial role in a young child’s development and did not compete to win primary carer role, taking a supportive position in this to agree what we felt was appropriately balanced time with each parent.
I can reflect how different his life would have been if Catherine and me had not had a conversation sometime around the height of the separation animosity, agreeing to put Johns interests to the fore.
To put our differences, extreme as they appeared at the time, to one side.
We agreed that our sole communication criteria would be in relation to John’s education and well being.
Money never came into it. Arguments and historical discontents were sidelined.
I never applied disparaging names to her – and (far as I know) nor she to me. Trust in our respective parenting roles as 100% of the agreement. John had the best of both parents attention because a conversation happened.

Our mutual dislike and distrust was put to one side because we loved our child and made the decision to honor our parental obligations above the need to act out how much we hated each other.
As a result, a great deal of money went into Johns opportunity and not into family court.
He saw mummy and he saw daddy consistently through his childhood years in which time I believe he never heard either disparage the other.
As a result of John’s visitation being agreed by parents and not determined by family court John was not abused by a family court judge; either by financial penalty to his parents, or by any interference with his rights to be raised in the normal parenting responsibility associated with both parenting roles.
In John’s case there was no family court judgment that would allow some speciously qualified family-law member made Deputy District judge in a negligently incompetent process the right to absolute power over his future, in a situation where qualified immunity for these Judges makes mistakes non-accountable.
John never experienced the child abuse legitimized by arcane family law without recourse to the checks and boundaries of appeal any effective legal system requires.
As a result he saw a great deal of the world by way of travel, enjoying the full attention of both mother and father. Working together to make the best decisions for his future for His highest good. He had both parents involved support through his education and had the best private education we were able to provide.
Both of us can look back now knowing we did the best we could and nothing served that intention better than avoiding family court.

As a result John did extremely well at school and in the life lessons towards self-awareness with the advantages of some advanced critical thought at his disposal.
Now he is 31, has a well balanced outlook on reality and helps the world be better with his helpful Ph.D.
But this is where he was 20 years ago today. Traveling with Dad because; our parental decision to put the child above our differences by avoiding family court enabled the opportunities he enjoyed.
In conclusion of this point;
John’s parents elected to not go to family court and to not allow an abusive family court narcissist judge to impose their petty-ignorance of parenting on that most natural of orders.
A parents role in a child’s life.
Not that it was a great and unusual forethought. It was no more than a normal responsible parenting decision. One that many parents take – for so long as they are not sucked into the family court web of deceit. The so called ‘Secret Courts’ where judges are empowered to make legal judgments free from any accountability and even free from any Appeals process.
Twenty years later I have another 11 year old. And reflect on this twenty year anniversary for both boys opportunities as my sons when they were 11.
Byron is my second son, born 20 years after his brother John ‘The brain doctor‘ as he called him.
To a different mother.
A very different mother, especially in the matter of maternal instinct.

Byron, my second son is 11 now. But thanks to his mother, Family law solicitor Adler, a family court judgment in the case she brought against me, Adler Vs Broulidakis in 2015, means Byron has been prevented from any interaction with me since Feb 16th, 2016. Today – where 20 years ago his brother John was with me, on this three week trip to Egypt, Byron is not allowed to speak to me even by phone.
Byron is isolated in his mother’s ring fenced home while she goes off to charge more billable hours ambulance-chasing high net worth people at their lowest ebb.

‘Poor Byron‘ is what I hear everytime anyone asks me about him. Yet there is only once decision that separates my two son’s life experience. One sole decision that John’s Mother made differently to Byron’s.
Byron will be 12 in May. He does not expect to receive a Birthday gift from me from Amazon. Or a letter in the post. Or a phone call. or gifts and talks with family. He knows what his Mother has told him.
In 2021 Johnson’s Conservative party is empowered to decide on what to do about this hot potato they have inherited. A family law system that rewards members instead of protecting children’s rights.
They could be the party to change the law.
To make child abuse a criminal offense no matter where the child abuse occurs.
And to prosecute child abusers.
Starting with the family court judges who knowingly, willfully abuse children. They could decide to end legal protection for parents alienating their children by deceit.
Johnson’s Government were able to rush through effective legislation to arrest and charge Covid era travelers for lying about their destination. But reforming legislation that is ruing hundreds of thousands of lives annually in the UK simply to reward dishonest members of that entitled clique, family law, is simply not on the table for this Governments legacy.
This abuse of children by family law crosses all layers of our society. From Council house occupants to Lords of the Manor. Currently Baroness Meyer, author of “They’re my children too” who like myself and 10,000 other parents in Britain annually, has experienced why we need to change the law.
Parental alienation is clearly an abuse of any child’s rights and harmful to any child unfortunate enough to be volunteered for the profit of family court members by negligent parents.
Abusing children is wrong. No matter how you argue legal definitions of child abuse. Why do we allow its continuance in family court? Arguing legal semantics on what child abuse is makes no sense to any child who knows they are being abused. Denying that any such thing as Parental Alienation exists even after the CAFCASS definition is so widely understood by the majority, is simply the establishment lying to protect its beneficial interest in maintaining this status quo. Family law placing reward for members above children’s interests.
Every child has the right to see both parents equally. They are children and vulnerable. They depend on a working court service to protect this right.
Those amoral Child abusing members manipulating family court should and must face the full weight of the law for what is one of the most heinous behaviors possible by any criminal working for reward. Up there with murder and rape as the worst behavior a person can commit to. Alienating a child from one parent.
My 2021 Blog “BUYER BEWARE’ about Family law.

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