Trump era. First law suit

I am bemused as to why no body has brought charges for mass murder against the prime offenders. Even dodgy octogenarian Fauci is guilty as sin, aiding and abetting our ‘Christian Manson family head’.
We (well, when I say we, obviously not me, but some of you) are watching mass premeditated murder on a daily basis and arguing about what cutlery the cannibal is choosing instead of arresting him and his cohort of Christian cu*ts on the spot.
How much more evidence do you need than thousands dying every day by premeditated intent that will continue for as long as you allow him to keep going. With his snuff reality TV show. Why does anyone watch that? You know it fuels the fire. His brand of idiot narcissism thrives on attention.
The very least we can all do short of paying lawyers to bring murder charges, because the AG Office has been castrated by the neutered Trump appointees, is to boycott his every utterance.
I have been boycotting Trump since reading how he tried to buy the lynching of those boys in 1989. A lynching right-wing racist (Is there any other kind) from the beginning. Son of a Nazi KKK man. Dad Fred a Hitler fan who was so openly racist he would not allow Blacks into his slumlord properties.
How is it reasonable smart people support this racist pro Nazi idiot?
That’s rhetorical. I know the answer.
In one line?
If you believe an invisible man in the sky is in charge of every grain of sand, where it falls all over the land that he created 6,000 years ago, working in total darkness, then, you have a mental illness. A serious, life threatening mental illness. If that life being threatened was just the affected believer, that would be no concern for me at all. But its not. Jesus belief kills more people than even Muhammad’s various sects.
Like many a Christian charlatan before him, that is what Trump targeted. The mentally ill who believe the fairy story. He knew if they believe that ‘fake news’ – the deluded unfortunates who actually think Jesus was a human presence who walked on Earth, they will believe anything you tell them. Measured by the same will to exploit stupidity that Emperor Constantine identified when he invented that flaming cross fake news opportunity, beginning in a time 300 years after the Virgin birth story. A little technical anomaly that should have provided more of a clue when the first conman met the first fool.
The inability to accept the Jesus con is the same mental block that Trump drives his truck of lunacy through. And for the same reason as well. Profit. To steal from the poor of mind. Keep em dumb. It is astonishing to me to this day that people STILL watch and comment on Trumps every utterance.
Another form of insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Trump was a lying idiot the very first time you heard him speak. Why carry on putting your mind in harms way by repeating the same experience?
I don’t mean to spoil the story outcome, in case anyone reading doesn’t already know, but, unless enough Americans put aside these foolish things, this notion that a Jesus story is even 1% fact, you can expect to see the pattern repeat. It is an old story and an old pattern that has repeated the same way many times before.
Exploiters of this mental illness will keep proselytizing the meek to inherit the very nothing that exists in equal measure to the enormous reward they extract for playing the fools for idiots.
Sorry if that’s news to anyone reading this (and I know for most of my friends and those with double figure IQ’s it is not news) but unless the Jesus delusion ends soon, we will keep on enjoying the outcome broadcast live in Trumps Megachurch channel, on TV every day. Insanity by any measure.
The orange mega church pastor carry’s on robbing you blind. In Jesus name and our two options now are;
Enjoy, stop moaning, inherit your meek nothing, or;
snap out of it. Tune in every day, accepting you are insane by legal, medical and logical definition.
Or tune out once and for ever.
Take that Jesus trash to the curb and dump it.
Stop arguing about the cannibals cutlery. And end this ethical cannibalism now. The only thing keeping Trump in place is Jesus.
If we suddenly arrived at the truth that God and his son by non-consensual insemination is a lie – then – that takes away Trumps power over his 33% evangelical support base. He then becomes exposed by his lies. Accountable for his actions, unprotected by the cloak of stupidity that comes with this mental illness.
That is the only reason Trump is POTUS. The lie in the sky. Or as some call him, Jesus. It is true to say that Jesus chose Trump in the sense that without Jesus Trump would be grabbing anal porn star pussy in New York as a low life racist reprobate and not addressing the world as POTUS.
What if believers grow up. Like a child with fairy stories, putting this second rate tired, barbaric old one to one side. It is not just a dangerous lie; It kills people every day. Persistently Preferring Poor People. Never more obviously than now.
If you don’t get it yet, then, I agree the Earth is flat. And I was wrong all along. God exists. And he chose Trump to relieve us of the burden of a middle class lifestyle. God chose Trump to choose his billionaires wisely. They too must promote the God story. Buy golden toilets. Cheat and steal with a happy smile. Say Amen and turn a blind eye to Bible Betsey educating America.
And understand the truth of religion, which is to know the Truth. In case you ever wondered, understanding truth has never been easier. Here’s the formula in one eight word sentence.
The truth is whatever God says it is.
How do I know all this? Same reason Trump is President.
You guessed it. God told me. Just awhile ago. I saw the light on the night that he lit up my window.
Its just such cool writing in that book, the second biggest selling book of all time. You couldn’t make up a better fob to console the robbed blind.
“The meek shall inherit the Earth“.
The fact is, the meek shall inherit nothing more than a terminal case of covid. 5 times more likely if the meek are also Black. The Black meek Christians. For whom every shit thing that can happen is 5 times more likely to happen to them. Because. God said so. That’s the truth. See how easy it is to tell the truth? Trump has it down. Kanye West has it down too.
Jesus is where your going to find the big bucks. In music as in Politics. As in Criminal murder for profit in whatever legal guise you choose to cloak it.
In case you have wondered why Trump does not release his tax returns, I can share with you. In the US Churches do not have to pay tax. Quite consistent with the false news that created the God delusion, we have this add on lie posted on the walls in many courts in the US. “In God we trust.” The Trump organization does Gods work like no other. Why should they be the exception?
Demanding Trumps tax returns is akin to blasphemy. And nothing annoys God and his Christians more than blasphemers. It is no less than an admission of Atheism. Why else would anyone demand to see tax returns from a tax exempt religious group?
Unless., and here is one possibility for change, word gets out that Yael Kushner, the CEO of the Trump church is a double agent. Working for the other side.
Their God killed our God.
That’s another truth you can fact check in the Bible.
Trumps dad Fred the Bund member was a big fan of the man who killed more Jews than any other Catholic. TREMENDOUS admirer of the Fuhrer, despite not actually popping over to put on a Hugo Boss SS suit and join the Leaders Warsaw team when their Stuka supremacy started on September 1st 1939.
Just 27 days later, on September 28th 1939, in New York with his fellow Bund members, Fred Trump raised a celebratory glass to his first big win, when Warsaw fell. Fred, it can be said, would much rather have seen America join Hitler than fight him.
Fred Trump will be turning in his heavenly Slumlorders grave as he watches his son let the Jews run the Christian church he financed and founded with his Hitler membership and his KKK card.
The only glue than can fix this mess is the Blood of Christ.
Either that, or……….. stop letting yet another Christian charlatan make your mental illness cost lives.
So many lives.
Children’s lives.
Every day in numbers that are growing, as the leader charged to lead the children to the presumption of safety proposes ““Why don’t we let this wash over the country?” It’s what Jesus would do.
No wait. It’s what Jesus did. He is the almighty – responsible for everything, being omniscient and all. He doesn’t make mistakes. Covid is no accident. Suggesting God made a mistake is and of itself, blasphemy. Covid is another detail in Gods mysterious plan. Trump continues being a good Christian by suggesting we respect Gods authority and not let those scientists – who are all both Atheist and Blasphemers – interfere with Gods plan to Covid away the Homosexuals and the sinners.
God bless Trump. And keep him safe from harm. He will look after us because no body is better than him and God created him as a genius so he could lead us to WINNING until we got tired of winning. That’s in the Bible too if you want to fact check.
Worryingly for all Christian Americans, someone is making a start by going after Fox news. Rupert Murdoch’s own mega church. Built on a solid Christian base.
Here’s the law suit story