The worst fraud by a name Insurer against a 27 year customer EVER? @AxaInsurance

In 2014 my home flooded. The big Thames flood in February of 2014. Lucky me – I had a fully paid policy for buildings and contents underwritten by @AxaInsurance. I had been a fully paid up customer Insured by the AXA for 27 years at that time.
An 18 month claim process followed. Its long and boring. You can read it here if you want.
When I realized that The AXA INSURANCE were not going to pay ‘one single penny’ in the flood claim, after I had by that time spent £300,000 in basic remedial work making the property habitable, I started a blog post. And put it on Twitter.
I invited comment from #AxaInsurance on a public forum. Although many readers commented, the AXA did not. Time just kept on slipping away. They did a grand total of nothing.
Periodically I updated the blog, always hopeful that eventually someone at #theaxainsurance would contact me. I assumed a name Insurer like The Axa would not want this detail, including their own correspondence which supports my claim that theirs is a ‘grand fraud’, circulating. Its not as if this is a small matter for me. The total consequence arising from that flood claim has exceeded millions of pounds.
Around 18 Months ago, directly after posting another of my bi annual reminders, I finally noticed some activity from #theaxainsurance.
On day one my email box was blitzed with over 1,000 spam mails – all pointed at the WordPress page titled #AxaInsurance.
I have several hundred pages on my wordpress site. Only one page-title started generating thousands of spam hits every day. Every day from the first day it started onwards. And still ongoing to this day.
For the past 18 months I spend time clearing my spam folder of multiple thousands of spam hits to my page #AXAInsurance. I have on occasions looked at the spam folder and seen 20,000 messages there.
It appears that there is a bot set up to generate a new spam every minute or so. Some days more than others. A random generator. These spam messages clog up my email account.
Who has the motive to target my page about the worst scam ever perpetrated by a big Insurer against a 27 year customer? And why is the only page on my server that suffers this aggressive spam targeting the one called #AxaInsurance