My beautiful Byron, I am writing today from my favorite coffee shop in Dana Point. We have had a really great summer this September, but…

Hi my beautiful Byron, Today finds me in California, at a coffee shop, writing a piece about 911. September 11, 2001. Years before you were…

My beautiful Byron, This weekend is Labor day here. That marks the end of summer and the kids go back to school. This picture is…

My beautiful Byron, Summers coming to an end and the school holidays too. I tried very hard to have you with us for the summer…

My beautiful Byron, This has been a rather strange weekend. Spree killers are back in the news and on peoples minds. Although America has a…

Some stories are easier to tell than others and some are just plain boring no matter how you try polish. Unless you are involved in…

Bearing in mind the extraordinary response I have had from Cafcass and Enhanced Service Manager Philip Durban, as detailed in my blog, this is my …

“Cafcass looks after the interests of children involved in family proceedings. We work with children and their families, and then advise the courts on…