September 5. Art and goodbye’s
Another Thursday, another letter. Its been a big week since I last wrote. Mason left for College. We had a great party to see him off. I got him to do a little speech. And a good time was had by all.
The girls were there, Taylor and Rhyan, looking as beautiful as ever. Taylor recently played golf for Canada at a World Championship. For the 8 year old division. She starts Grade 3. Rhyan starts grade 4. They visit often.
I went to the Festival of the arts where they feature the best art from each year. This is the winner for fourth grade. (Click to see larger pic.)
I wonder how your art is progressing. I used to love encouraging you to draw.
My work news is that at long last I have a book that is a no 1 seller on Amazon. Amazon is where books and stuff all sell online, and to have a no 1 selling book there is very cool. It is dedicated to you, so although I cant share this moment with you now, one day we will party to celebrate an important milestone moment.
We have found a lovely new Vietnamese restaurant in Newport beach, that is our favorite place, where we went to celebrate my book progress.
Here I am toasting you in the restaurant.
Summer is beautiful here. Average this week is over 32C.
Hope you are well. I have no news on the December visit yet, but I will keep on trying.
Miss you,
Love you,
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