Press release: Deep Sleep by Andrew Brel
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Press Release. 15 October, 2019
New album of Restorative Sleep music
DEEP SLEEP by Andrew Brel
Imagine falling asleep, cocooned in comfort, warm by the fireplace while rainfalls in a relaxing rhythm on the roof.
This album contains over one hour of beautiful relaxing music that helps to reduce anxiety and restore inner peace. Use this music for autogenic training to ensure whole-body sleep relaxation or as part of your sleep meditation practice, for deep restorative sleep
Ambient instrumental solfeggio compositions set in a floating background of a crackling wood fire and rain falling on the roof to bring about soothing relaxation for body and mind.
This ‘deep sleep’ music is composed to beat insomnia using delta waves, ideal resonant frequencies for stress relief, with peaceful music relaxing and soothing your tiredness and tension as you unwind.
The music you hear incorporates only positive frequencies, using 1.5Hz Delta Waves (Binaural Beats). Delta Waves provide healing using the Solfeggio frequency (a mathematically considered consistent resonance) and isochronic tones (motions and vibrations occurring at the same time, equal in duration .
I have leaned heavily on the 963 Hz solfeggio frequency, to promote connection on a higher plane through a focused meditation process allowing you to feel connected to the Light, which is whatever you think of as the highest good.
The intentional quality of this tone brings harmonious relationships into a positive light and places discordant ones into appropriate context for distancing, positively guiding relationships with friends, family, and society. This 963 Hz frequency is associated with the Root Chakra, the color red, and the musical C-note. It is well received by the sub conscious during the sleep cycle. (In my personal experience.)
Another solfeggio frequency expansively used on this album is the 396 Hz tone. Although lower in resonance, 396Hz affects a higher level of communication as well as increasing tolerance and love. All the Solfeggio Frequencies provide great assistance for grounding, cleansing fear, helplessness, sadness, anxiety and worries that can create a victim mentality.
Most of the tracks on this album are in the key of C, G or D. Unsurprising given their origins, starting on a guitar using open tuning in which this composer can most musically adapt the specific frequencies into the melodic intention.
The Solfeggio Frequencies are commonly used for meditation across all forms of healing practices across the world. Each frequency tone is said to raise vibration. The different Solfeggio Frequencies are:
- 174 Hz : For the relief of Pain & Stress. The opiate frequency that when used with confidence can effectively mitigate pain
- 285 Hz : Heals Tissues and Organs
- UT 396 Hz : Eliminates Fear by promoting calm
- RE 417 Hz : Attacks Negativity with its converse, positivity, which is all that remains after this battle between the two
- MI 528 Hz : Repairs DNA and Brings Positive Transformation, usually following deep restorative sleep
- FA 639 Hz : Brings Love and Compassion. It is the law of attraction in sound
- SOL 741 Hz : Repairs Cells and Organs. The most healing frequency, works well with 285Hz to heal advanced illness
- 852 Hz : Awakens Intuition and Raises Energy at Cellular Level. Ideal for studying purposes
- 963 Hz : Connects to Higher Self. An ideal sonic landscape for the journey to self
All Solfeggio Frequencies when applied appropriately, are known for producing a positive outcome to the listeners being and healing energy, eliminating negativity and cleansing your aura. They promote powerful connections to the higher self and encourage the breakdown and release of problematic and emotional blockages.
Ultimately though, for myself, the process is free from any science. It is an accumulation of sounds performed intuitively, without any written direction, whose intention is simply to assist wellness. To place harmoniously resonant sounds into the ether that is our Earthly atmosphere. Where they can act in equal and opposite reaction to the energy they create.
Many sales brochures for New Age Music suggest Delta Binaural Beats apply to;
- Release of Anti-Aging Hormones Decrease cortisol (stress hormone associated with illness)
- The experience of deep bliss in delta meditations
- Healing physical injuries
- Boosting the immune system
- Sharpening intuition to help with deeper connection to self
- Stimulating the release of Human growth hormone (bone, muscle and body growth)
- Deep relaxation of body and mind (as in REM sleep)
- Revitalizing the physical, mental, and emotional Aura
- Enhancing Inner peace & balance
In my ‘Andrew Brel Music’ albums, I have found certain frequencies appear more frequently than others.
One is the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency. This is a well-known grounding, cleansing and balancing frequency; powerful in the process of cleansing fear, helplessness, sadness, anxiety and worries. It helps with building up and maintaining physical energy and vitality, as well as encouraging a feeling of safety and security despite all the fearsome news items that attack us from the TV. It has an encapsulating cocoon like defensive ability to insulate and deflect harmful energy away from our core. Achieved as a sonic surround, rather than the more visual description of a thick glass dome surround.
This frequency is known as an asset in finding your place of peace, security, and power within, no matter what your surrounding circumstances are. Used wisely, it will boost confidence, boost problem-solving abilities and boost energy levels. Enhancing the feeling of belonging and knowing your place in the planetary arrangement, where you should feel important and valuable; feeling love for oneself through thick and thin; connected and grounded to Mother Earth and your earthly purpose. Staying grounded within this frequency dissolves fear, anxiety, helplessness, and victim mentality. This frequency is also associated with the Root Chakra, the color red, and the musical C-note. It is a pathway to learning that the purpose in life is to be happy and the way to be happy is by making others so.
The A=432Hz is known as Verdi’s ‘A’. Named after Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, one of the earliest proponents of what is now classified as New Age Music. Verdi, Mozart and many other composers of high achievement, including my seminal influence, my musical father figure J.S. Bach, tuned their music to this frequency because they recognized the “feel good” properties that resonated with their audience. Like emotional candy. It may be that 432Hz works on the Heart Chakra.
528Hz resonates inside the body, where, applied accurately by the composer and received appropriately by the listener, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 528Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, in an ether-like repository of humanities thoughtful wisdom, sometimes described and understood contextually as Jung’s ‘Collective unconscious’.
Information I did not have when I made my first intuitive recordings as a young person, only to learn many years later how heavily I was drawn to these power filled frequencies. This happy coincidence has served me well in the process of composing and recording wellness music for the variety of practical applications it serves best. Meditation at the fore, with many offshoots including; relaxation, focus for study, sonic landscape for practicing creative work like painting, massage and especially pre-sleep hygiene.
It creates a sense of unity instead of separation. Builds emotional bridges where once were walls. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. I seldom work in composing with this frequency where I do not come away from my recording session feeling elated.
Healing Sleep Tones is the generic catch all title for those frequencies most used by composers in this style of music currently referred to as New Age Music, or Meditation music.
The intention is to leave the listener relaxed in the warming comfort of these beautiful frequencies, tones and sounds; that will nourish your body and mind and, in many cases, lull you into deep rejuvenating restorative healing sleep. This Healing Sleep Music is charged with loving intentions, using binaural beats in supporting your body and brain to activate your innate ability and blueprint for natural, effective, healthy and healing sleep patterns. Sleep is where the most significant healing happens. The positive ripple effect in your life after a good night’s sleep is immeasurable. Allowing you to start your day with a balanced positive outlook.
Ultimately though, my writing process is free from any science. It is an accumulation of sounds performed intuitively, without any notes, whose intention is simply to assist your wellness. And add resonating notes to the planet in a way that is well intended. That makes me happy.
This album was recorded in Treadmill studios, California, In October 2019.
All instruments by Andrew Brel. Who was also the sound engineer, producer, archivist, art designer, accountant, lawyer, session musician, guitar tech, mastering engineer and executive producer, paying all the costs and overseeing the release.
The guitar on 3 tracks is a Casio Stratocaster recorded through a Fender Twin Reverb, using a Universal Audio Apollo Analogue to Digital processor.
The Fender Rhodes is a 1978 model, recorded DI through the UAD A2D.
The various sounds and synthetic pads and soundscapes are all from my own Library of sounds going back to 2001, when I began recording sounds for use on meditation music recordings. Some of the low frequency drones are from Spectrasonics Omnisphere.
The two fireplace recordings and the two rainfall sound recordings were recorded by Andrew Brel in California during 2019. (A Shure SM7 into Logic on a Macbook Pro through a UAD Apollo)
The project took 14 days from concept to release during which time I worked on nothing else, in an immersive experience from which I emerged feeling abundantly sensational. I had so much fun making this album it was like a holiday from any ailments. The best part was proof checking the mastered tracks at the end, where I seldom made it past track one without falling asleep.
Andrew Brel
California 15 October 2019
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