MBS, Trump, Pegasus and Khashoggi
NSO Group Technologies is an Israeli CyberArms technology firm focused on cyber intelligence. It was founded in 2010 by Niv Carmi, Omri Lavie, and Shalev Hulio. It reportedly employs around 500 people and is based in Herzliya, near Tel Aviv. They were first to market with a product giving total control over incoming and outgoing content on any iPhone anywhere. The sold it under the brand name Pegasus.
Annual revenues were said to be around $40 million in 2013 and $150 million in 2015. In June 2017, the company was put up for sale for $1 billion by Francisco Partners Management. Founders Lavie and Hulio, partnering with European private equity fund Novalpina Capital, purchased a majority stake in NSO in February 2019.
They say NSO provides “authorized governments with technology that helps them combat terror and crime”. That software created by NSO Group was used in targeted attacks against human rights activists and journalists in several countries.
Pegasus is spyware that can be installed on devices running certain versions of iOS, Apple’s mobile operating system. If you use an iPhone it can very easily seize control of every incoming our outgoing correspondence and feed this to anyone willing to pay. Live. Pegasus is capable of reading text messages, tracking calls, collecting passwords, tracing the location of the phone, accessing the target device’s microphone(s) and video camera(s), and gathering information from apps.
Discovered in August 2016 after a failed attempt at installing it on an iPhone belonging to a human rights activist, one corresponding with Khashoggi, an investigation revealed details about the spyware, its abilities, and the security vulnerabilities it exploited.
Apple released version 9.3.5 of its iOS software to fix the vulnerabilities. News of the spyware garnered significant media attention. It was called the “most sophisticated” smartphone attack ever, and became the first time in iPhone history when a remote jailbreak exploit had been detected. It was during this period that the Saudi Government, led by de facto leader Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, MBS, invested in Pegasus, and tracked the best known Saudi dissidents. At the same time, no doubt introduced by their own Israeli agent, Jared Kushner, the Trump family business enjoyed the benefits of their own Pegasus account.
Through this they know the details of the Biden family business. But of course, cannot disclose, which causes Trump the current frustration on what he can and cannot say. Imagine how pissed off he must be to not be able to show what he has on Hunter Biden.
Although Pegasus is now a redundant product, its successor, not known by name to all but clients of NSO, is happily providing all mobile phone intel to ‘Governments and the billionaire class’, enabling them to safeguard their position with the strength that comes from knowing what your rivals are saying and doing.
What makes this information especially useful is its benefit in producing news that is effective in creating an opinion for ‘average people’ which they repeat not knowing they are repeating exactly what this information has calculated as optimal for serving the interests of dumbed down compliance. Simple.
To paraphrase. If you can afford it, you can hire Israel cybertech, to provide real time access to any rivals phone, iOS or android. And who is to say that Trumps phone is not on Putin’s watch list. And Xi’s as well. Bookmakers will give you no odds on that bet.
When viewers turn on Fox they have little or no idea of where the content comes from. In the sense that it is False news, it is more than that. It is designer news based on intelligence processing to manipulate the viewer into repeating a thoroughly well considered construct. Like – Build That Wall. They know before this style of voting magnet is introduced how it will run because it is tested on the main players, without their knowledge, via monitoring their communication. Imagine this; Trump is watching Fox and Friends. He can see what they are texting privately, in real time. What fun. He can amaze them with his insight. (This is why he claims to be a genius when, palpably, he is the opposite.)
Less fun is the power this technology avails to less well-intentioned individuals like MBS. Through his great friendship with Whatsapp buddy Jared, Yael Kusher’s husband, he has front door entry to the US economy, introductions to the whose who of high-tech grateful to receive his Billions. And of course, he is a leading client of NSO. His use of Pegasus is best known for his involvement in the hit on Saudi dissident and Washington Post reporter, spilling the beans on the barbaric excesses of the torturing Al Saud family. Especially in the new era of MBS. Since he took the entire wealthy class of Saudi – locked them in the Ritz Cartlon Hotel, (The velvet Prison) and shook them down until they voluntarily handed over vast chunks of their enormous wealth, making MBS a trillionaire? A big player in the world of money. A magnet to the wannabe billionaires like all Trump and friends.
To have a valid, vote-worthy opinion on Trumps suitability as POTUS, one cannot ignore the consequences of his actions. And to do that one must first know the extent of his actions. His support base of some 33% of Americans all have this absent quality in common. They depend on the bliss of ignorance. This above all else is the polarizing line between Americans. Them that know and them that don’t. (Or even want to know. Stop it. I’m not listening Nah nah nah..…)
The oldest and best known weakness in a democratic process is that the most gullible have the same power as the most informed. And with Americas college system, the most gullible often have 8 times more say than the most intelligent. With electronic voting machines that can be hacked by a moderately skilled Israeli cyber expert in approximately 3 minutes, the balance shifts further still.
Information is strength I learned at college – many years ago as a student of Information processing. Trumps wall is built on this premise. Dividing those who know what is going on in broad daylight from those who choose to remain blissfully ignorant, using phrases like Mulligan, which is designed effectively by an algorithm to introduce into their vocabulary at a specific time to disinform them and disempower them from the capacity for critical thought. This is a toad in hot water process. Eventually they are so used to simply repeating Fox news single issue points, they do not know the boiling point of their idiocy.
This style of automaton pushback via broadband idiot is best demonstrated by the recent visit of Greta Thurnberg. A sweet young Swedish girl with Asperger’s, who has become a clear voice for her generation. The kind of sweet young girl rising above a challenging disorder and inspiring a whole generation to be better. Yet a powerful multi-million strong media mechanism kicked in to ‘smear’ her. Comparisons with Nazi’s and all manner of statements from people who know no better condemning her in some bizarre conspiracy that validates exactly the point I am making here.
They are being played like patsies. Look at every one of those people who posted nasty Greta posts. Played by whom?
The answer is simple. For around 66% of the country, on the other side of Trumps wall.
Personally, I am sick of the laziness evident in the world today when the truth really is easy to find. What is wrong is as obvious as how to fix it. Just as it was to me 40 years ago; learning as a 15 year old in South Africa, where much the same compliance, grown from the same racist, religious roots, was as obvious to me as the outcome proved to be.
This awareness is not because I am especially smart, or even moderately so. Many people think as I do. Many are considerably smarter. In America, possibly the majority. And that is the best hope for change. The smarter people agreeing and getting together rather than arguing with each other about how clever they are on the Bill Maher show.
Those 33% republitards have gamed the system. “Everybody knows.” The will of the people, means the majority. The majority of thinking people know what I know. This current political hijack of power by right-wing thugs, Brexit and Trumpeter, must end, or we should agree any pretense of democracy is gone. Crushed under the jackhammer boot of oversized brain-damaged goons doing Putin’s bidding.
It is not a case of ‘when they go low we go high’ or similar nonsense. It is very much a case of – with every day that passes – America is dying – hemorrhaging ethically, environmentally and economically to an extent that will soon turn a tipping point of no return. The return of the Nazi ideology we thought had been vanquished in 45.
John Major, the former conservative PM of Britain once said “There can be no harmony in a lawless society“. We are that lawless society. Treason is a legal matter. Both in Britain and in the USA the leaders are traitors to the majority of their citizens who did not elect them and whose future they threaten with every passing day. Trump literally lies to the camera’s every day, breaking the law as if daring anyone who tries to challenge him to meet their gruesome, Khashoggi like, end.
Why is Trump not sumarilly arrested and held without bail pending a treason trial. Along with his 24 top lieutenants? Are we that frog in hot water disempowered from action?
Gun law? Could be changed tomorrow. The majority want to stop the right to spree kill. That is clearly The Will of the People. Yet everyone simply accepts it’s not going to happen? Why. That is not democracy.
The Thuglicans only remain in power because of ‘the deafening silence’ from those party members of politics whose job it should have been to reign in these excesses. Perhaps, now that you know about Pegasus, understanding why these Republitards show such support for Trump, and the Conservitwats for Johnson, makes more sense. They would have all manner of dirt on anyone. For as long as a Christian majority still endorse the principle of ‘dirt’. (Which is why Christianity remains at the fore of their joint agenda.)
There is no polite way to say this. Those stupid enough to attach a value to an invisible voice in the sky, who sees and knows all, and decides which player is to score, and which is to miss, are not credible as human beings. Any change starts with stopping and then reversing that stupidity.
Choosing kindness instead. Getting educated starts with that switch. From submitting to repeating a 2,000 year old hate crime belief, to embracing a new and superior politic that starts with Kindness. Learning to read and write also helps. Learning from the smartest minds helps even more. Glorifying idiots for the reassuring comfort it brings is BAD. NOT GOOD. Even when it’s presented in uppercase.
Until then, it is a waiting game. Unless those empowered financially, still possessed of ethical fiber, show responsibility for the enormous privilege their enormous wealth provides, to share the opposite of False News. To finance educating the god fearing twits into self accountability and the ability to make a wise informed choice; always based on kindness. At which point, it will be as obvious to the majority as it is to me, and all those like me. That is, not third generation meth-addicted uneducated unemployed single issue Jesus voters.
Every passing day with these Republican miscreants spreading their lies and hate crime brings us one day closer to the apocalypse their 33% religious support wants.
The best case scenario is mass arrests of this irredeemably corrupted leadership cabal. In both Britain and the USA. And the erection of a new political structure based on ‘The will of the people who value kindness. Ignoring the will of those who promote shooting children in the legs.” People whose minds promote this style of solution to the complex policy of immigration belong in Prison. Not the WH.
I have my semi-comedic take on how the Trump Arrests will most benefit the USA on my MARA page. Comedic, although, in reality, the entrepreneurial side of me has no doubt its implementation would produce the rewards proposed.
I didn’t mean to write this blog today, but it is around the one year mark since Khashoggi was so barbarically executed by MBS. And we can now reflect on who did what in that process. Trump covered up as best he could. Successfully.
MBS goes from strength to strength. Now owning swathes of US Tech companies, paying handsomely to his bud Jared for the opportunities. Khashoggi’s death goes unavenged. His killers unpunished. The manner of his killing living on as a warning to others inclined to challenge the ruling elite. Americas reaction speaks for itself.
Here is Evan Ratcliffs ‘best in category’ journalism on this subject. (This link is to his page.)

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