Parental Alienation explained in 500 words
Karen Woodall wrote “I am the Alienator” in 2014.
Parental Alienation is child abuse. The pathology of the Alienator is laid bare in this short narrative.

I am the alienator
I am an alienator. You know me well. You lived with me once and witnessed my behaviors first hand.
But you did not study and internalise them for future use.
I did.
I know your ethical character better than anyone ever has before.
I know what matters most to you. How to manipulate your kindness and love.
I knew your love for your son was the weakness I could target to win. ‘What’s yours is mine. Whats mine is mine too.‘
I know the law and how to monetize the child for victory.
I am an emotional terrorist. You will submit to my will.
I warned if you did not pay I would take your child away.
I control the child’s thoughts. I have expunged you from his life.
I am an alienator, you didn’t notice when we lived together; but I began my work long before I left.
I created fissures and fractures within our family.
I managed and manipulated reality, though for a long time you did not notice that.
I am an alienator; you may remember feeling a chill wind blow through you when my moods changed.
As I raged then sweet-talked you with silken promises of what you needed to hear.
I lied. It’s what I do.
Even to myself. Especially to myself.
My mind is distorted but my projection of shadows convinces the Judge it is yours which has failed you.
I accuse you of that I am guilty of. I gaslight and deny.
Deny deny deny.
When you appeal to the outside world for justice I turn my most charming face to the sun. I open my arms wide and, with a slow rolling tear compel the judge to believe “I only want the best for my son.”
I widen my eyes and up-turn my palms. ‘His daddy left’. I tell everyone who asks him “Where’s your father?”
‘Daddy is too busy to write to you‘ I tell him when he asks and even when he does not.
I weaponize my control over his access to you. I convince everyone it is you who has failed him. You left him. Its true. I told him. I remind him.
My child is an asset, collateral, extension of a long term strategy I contrived to wreak my bitter vengeance on those who challenge my supreme authority.
My child is a satellite orbiting sunshine coming only from me.
You will never break though the web I wove around his heart.
Only my love is enough for him.
I have ring fenced his love, secure inside my orbit that you can never enter. Discarded like those clothes that you bought him that I wouldn’t let him wear, that disappeared the same night he got home clutching them like precious treasure when he fell asleep.
Like those gifts you sent that I told him were not safe, binned even before he had opened the box.
I am all that he needs. You are not.
I provide all that he needs. You do not.
My unresolved childhood trauma prepared me well for when your usefulness to me ended. I recruited our child to a campaign of revenge that joins us together against you.
I knew this day would come even when I chose you as his Father.
My personal failures with self-esteem and early abuse were always the slow burning fuse waiting to fire bomb happy home.
Why should you get to raise the child I bore.
Now our child is held hostage to the cacophony of wrongs that come howling from my personal hell endorsed by a broken legal system that is my partner in crime.
You are helpless to hold back the tide which will sweep you and him to the bleed-out-death that is living with losing your child while he is still breathing.
I am the alienator, annihalator, terminator.
My aim is to kill love. Terminating, by fair means or foul, your place in the heart and the life of my child. Cauterizing those neural pathways in his developing brain that urge him to seek out the Father he loves and misses with words that can never be un-said. My goal is total alienation.
I am the alienator.
I am easily identified by those who know me but invisible to those who do not. I am the heeled, fragrant decepticon.
You will spend everything you have telling anyone who will listen who and what I really am. You may even use one word to describe me. I know about that. And all the while I smile and get my revenge slicing another shred from the the trust our child once had for you his Father.
I am an alienator knowing the harm I bring is enshrined in legal protection. That I do not see the shadows I cast over my son is the fault of a system so blinded by prejudice and member immunity it is frozen; like the mind of our child.
The child being willfully abused in clear sight – in the very court rooms of those entrusted by the system to protect children, who choose instead not to.
Your anguish and pain are the gifts that I treasure.
Your suffering compensates for the things I perceive you to have done. And while the system colludes with my abusive ambitions, the power I crave remains mine.
Along with the child.
Whose eyes are wide open but able to see nothing at all.

My two books about alienation and child abuse by Family Court.
Letters to Byron (Press Release)
2020 release: Letters to Byron is a chronological list of the last 121 letters I sent to Byron before it became evident there was no further point in spending this time every week as he was not able to reply.
Order HERE Kindle and paperback. Worldwide.

Who Lies Wins. (Press Release)
2019 release: Who Lies Wins is based on actual judgments from Britain’s family court. By British author Andrea Lee. A story about family law based on actual profiteering by family law members abusing children for enormous remuneration.
Amazon Kindle and paperback.
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