November 21. Miami
I am still enjoying some time in Miami. The weather has improved and its a special place for writing. So my music project is delayed while I advance my new story. I have a great new project underway and am getting close to 5,000 words every day. This picture is the view from my room in Miami. Sunset.
Miami is not like any other American City. For starters, most of the people I have met don’t speak English. The Americans who live here tend to be quite old an overweight. The history of the city is rich with Cuban influence. It is the closest American City to Cuba. And Cuba has had many problems for many years that means the people there want to move to America. But America doesn’t want to let them come, so its a bit of a struggle for those who want to escape form Cuba and come to America. Miami is where most of this happens. (You can read about what I saw when I visited Cuba HERE.)
….The letter is no longer archived here. The entire content of Letters to Byron is a book, available in Paperback or Kindle.
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