My Facebook posts since January 17th, 2020. My first Covid Post
Jan 17th.
My first social media reference to Covid 19.
Of course Trump would have had notice long before. November 2019 by official account.
My posts are in contrast to his Golf days before creating his #1 TV Reality Hit show. Trumps live snuff movie. Currently still at #1 in the History of most watched TV stars.
How many will die before Trump is removed and prosecuted?
“We never knew” will be the average Christian Trumplicans most likely defense. Which explains why so few read my Facebook and why I share this extract of content from Zuckerbergs platform, to free access on my own blog.
To one day look back on. A time when ‘Lions were lead by donkeys’. Donkeys led by Trump.
The rise of the apocalyptic Nazi right – led by Clown Prince Herr Trumpenfuher – is metastasizing across the planet.
Throw in a nice case of Asian mystery flue starting a swathe of lung polluted deaths; and the recipe for that old Greek guy, John from Patmos, is close to the stoner vision in his book of the apocalypse.
A planet with too many stupid people to survive.
My father and his generation of WW2 fighters who stopped this rot last time are quite literally screaming through the ether.

Jan 18th.
Trump speaks with forked tongue.
How Trumps office change Historical records.
Real genius at work. No one will ever know as long as good Republicans keep their mouths shut. (If they know what’s good for them. Or else it’s fat Tony.) Any women Republicans still speaking for Trump speak against all women.

Jan 18
Bobby Sands. Anniversary
Because life goes on and its normal to remember history.

I was twenty when Bobby Sands died. For what would have been no more than his second amendment right had he been American and not a target for the British Right Wing Nationalists. I always thought he was a heroic boy since his first activism at 16, who grew to be a heroic man before dying in the 27 club. The best of us. Inspired me.
Jan 19.
Virginia Gun Rally. Covid is spreading and the Trump Clan want to show of their guns. Of course they do.
Now is the time for more guns. Trump said so.

I took the train till Richmond it fell, was a time. I remember oh so well………Today in Virginia, Richmond is going to see possibly 50,000 Trump fans behaving like his sons. One itchy finger on a machine gun trigger is all it takes so Trump tweeted on Saturday:
“Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia. That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away.”
This is what happens when you elect a Russian agent to destroy your great institutions from the inside. If your stupid enough to not see it. Now go buy more guns.
Jan 19
Isabel Dos Santos. Angola’s Yael Kushner proving rich corrupt daddy does enormous harm to a young lass.
How Trumps ethical measure spreads world wide.

A glimpse of the future for the USA. Africa’s own Yael Kushner used daddy’s office to become a multi billionaire. Her skill? Daddy was president. Her reply on being called out? It’s a witch hunt. How the rot spreads. Angola is a major oil producer. 30%+ of the population live on about a dollar a day……. hopeless blinding endless poverty. While Africa’s Yael parties with the stars.
Jan 19
My last meet with Johnny Marshall. My friends Dad who encouraged me as a young musician leaving South Africa. On this day last year.

With my best 90 year young friend. In Huntington Beach. Many years after I first knocked on his door in Bryanston and asked “Mr Marshall. Please can Dayne come and drum in my band.” That was 1976. I was 15. A total legend he is. Johnny Marshall. Still gigging at 90. Thanks for the lunch.
Jan 19th
Gratitude. Being a part of smart third of America able to speak against the third that is not for the benefit of the other third who cannot.
I don’t say this often, because, obviously now is not the time, but I love America. And the brilliant Americans who prosper with critical thought and freedom to be. I am loving my fourth life as an American. With the most amazing friends and family.

Jan 20th
Finland. Homelessness. Sharing interesting article on Socialism. As the US embraces socialist agendas
Click link.
Jan 23
Isobel Dos Santos. Update on evil Isobel. Africa’s Yael Kushner.
Isobel is Africa’s own Yael Kushner aka. Ivanka Trump. Happy times for the 1%. While the rest welcome Covid
A banker implicated in the embezzlement and money-laundering case against Africa’s richest woman, Isabel dos Santos, has been found dead in Lisbon. (Click link.)
Jan 26
Zuckerberg meme

Jan 27.
Charles Windsor snubs Gaylord Pence. A wonderful video clip.
In the history of the monarchy- here in 15 seconds you will see the most egregious act of homosexual prejudice. Outdoing even his famously intolerant father, Phil the German. Prince Charles simply blanks Gaylord Pence. As if he doesn’t exist. Is it because our Pencester is so flagrantly homosexual? Or is some other dark force at play here.A royal mystery for the ages. Why did Prince Charles wither Americas first gay VP with his absent royal shake of approval?
Jan 30.
My first audio book. As people have more time, being in lockdown, here’s a nice opportunity to catch up.
My first audiobook and you can enjoy it for $2.77. My very first narrated story about the lamentations of Nolan Cash. First cousin of ‘The man in Black’, who had one hit, in 1957, called Bowling Green, after which his life took a turn for the worse, from an already dire start. I met Nolan Cash, a elderly homeless busker, and this is the story he told me.

Jan 30th.
A link to 3 hours of prime meditation music. With my most musical friend, one of the worlds most advanced guitar playing human beings. Hugh Burns.
If your not enjoying the news and all this negative Trump/Johnson succubus vampiring of global wellness, I have a high value alternative suggestion. (And its free.)
The world keeps on turning. The sun still rises in the morning. Would be a shame to not make the most of every moment we have left.Music works. Try this as a soundtrack to your day……. Instead of any news….. The awesome guitar styling of Hugh Burns on this playlist of the 3 albums we created together that make a perfect shield for your wellness against the waves of dark energy swirling around today.
Feb 6th.
Kirk Douglas dies. Moved by his final words.
Kirk is gone. But his words live on.
They say there is nothing new under the sun. Since I was born, our planet has travelled around it one hundred times. With each orbit, I’ve watched our country and our world evolve in ways that would have been unimaginable to my parents – and continue to amaze me with each passing year. [I’ve] lived through the horrors of a Great Depression and two World Wars, the second of which was started by a man who promised that he would restore his country it to its former greatness. I was 16 when that man came to power in 1933. For almost a decade before his rise he was laughed at ― not taken seriously. He was seen as a buffoon who couldn’t possibly deceive an educated, civilized population with his nationalistic, hateful rhetoric. The “experts” dismissed him as a joke. They were wrong. Until now, I believed I had finally seen everything under the sun. But this was the kind of fear-mongering I have never before witnessed from a major U.S. presidential candidate in my lifetime. I have lived a long, good life. I will not be here to see the consequences if this evil takes root in our country. But your children and mine will be. And their children. And their children’s children. All of us still yearn to remain free. It is what we stand for as a country. I have always been deeply proud to be an American. In the time I have left, I pray that will never change. In our democracy, the decision to remain free is ours to make.
Feb 19th
A rare actual event from my personal life.
Meeting the JoJo Brothers. Collaborative artists. Whose work arrived at my coffee shop today, where 7 pieces will be on display.
My office view today. The collaborative art of the JoJo brothers. One does the sea. One does the sky. Both are very tall. And super talented.
I can recommend this piece. Which is a bargain at $15,000.
Will be worth a lot more in time.
PM me of your interested in a private viewing with the artists and I’ll set it up.

Feb 23
Sophie Scholl Anniversary. Just 75 years ago this happened. Girl broke the law. And justice followed. Conservative Justice
75 years ago today. Sophie Scholl met Johann Reickhart. One was a right wing conservative. Fourth generation fascist.The other a young beautiful liberal. A Mayors daughter, and student. This one take acoustic guitar arrangement of the song I wrote in 2005 the day I read the story of Sophie Scholl, is performed by Hugo Fernandes. My musical friend since 1980. When I first heard the story of Sophie Scholl felt as if I was with her on that walk to meet Johann – the older man. The catholic right wing conservative doing the lords work, following the judgement of law.
One of my ‘big’ stories
Feb 27
Gaylord Pence appointed by Trump to lead the Pandemic response. The gatekeeper to Americas wellness. A Christian man who has been tested positive on every single occasion where the test was for idiocy.
Leadership you can be proud of.
A man who learned from experience how to cure homosexuality. Pray Away the Gay the Gaylord Pence Way.
A truly brilliant mind, God given, leading America’s battle against a pending pandemic that can never stand up to the power of prayer.
It worked with Mikes Gayness. It will work to keep us all safe from Coronovirus.
Just hand it over to a higher power. Pray those bugs away. You’ll be safe in His Hands. And while your at it, light up a fag. Smoking is good for you.

Feb 28th.
My Adobe Photo Library – selling some pictures. View for free
A positive post to end this week of high anxiety. My Adobe photo library. Some happy memories and glimpses of my well worn life.

March 2nd.
6 of my Books on the Apple Store. Finally got to grips with Epub coding
I have 6 books on the Apple Store. (For the first time.) Having recently learned the fine art of authoring EPUB. The thing is – I have zero reviews. And that is where you can be a patron of the arts. For as low as $1.99 for the Nolan Cash Story, all the way up to $9.99 for the Anti War polemic, ‘The Emergency Bouzouki Player’. Or to paraphrase “Hey buddy, can you spare a few words?”

March 5th
Vitamin C is one sensible Covid detail
Come fly with me, come fly, let’s fly again…..Your welcome.
Vitamin C is a cure-all. Most of the time.

March 9th
Neil De Grasse Tyson speaks Corona. While Trump is playing Golf.
A life lived in fear is a life half lived.
Just wash hands. Eat safely, don’t be stupid and next time don’t vote for a nasty idiot. And remember the Y2K virus.
March 12th
BBC publishes first hand user account of Covid.
First hand user experience by a middle aged adult male, Andrew O’Dwyer, with a compromised immune system. Paracetamol helped with the temperature shifts. No doubt its a bad cold, but there have been worse. So it is likely anyone well enough to use Facebook is capable of surviving a bout of Wuhan flu. With the right nutritious diet and a safe environment for self quarantine.My impression of a worst case scenario is testing positive – struggling to breath and being told I cannot be saved by a machine because there’s not enough to go round. Now is a good time to talk to Republicans about socialism. And Universal Health care.I would like to know at what stage of development drugs to help increase lung function are. Information that would be helpful in a way that stoner Trump’s simpleton ramblings and pitiful Pence’s prayer parties are not

March 14th
As all right wing governments roll out socialist agendas.
Because Americans don’t understand ‘Socialism’ and appear confused even about the meaning of Karl Marx’s theory, here is a one sentence explanation.
Considering the 1% of whom we speak as ‘The Rich’ and those with little or no medical Insurance – the 100 million, as the Poor.
Capitalism is for the poor. Socialism is for the rich
March 18th.
Some facts about Covid and Governmental reaction. On this day
The Trump virus is the US equivalent of Covid19. Thanks to Trump for firing the Entire U.S. Pandemic Response Chain of Command in 2018 and posting a series of tweets that are now exposed as irresponsible lies whose consequence is 1.) The unnecessary crashing of the Stock market and 2.) The unnecessary infections of Trump-knows-how-many people.
“As of Wednesday, the nation of Taiwan had recorded 100 cases of Covid-19, a remarkably low number given the island’s proximity to China. Some 2.71 million mainland Chinese visited Taiwan in 2019 and as recently as January there were a dozen round trip flights between Wuhan and Taipei every week. But despite its obvious vulnerabilities, Taiwan has managed, so far, to keep well ahead of the infectious curve through a combination of early response, pervasive screening, contact tracing, comprehensive testing, and the adroit use of technology.
As millions of citizens in the US shelter in place while girding themselves for the double whammy of an accelerating outbreak and a vicious economic recession, it is natural enough to look at Taiwan’s example and wonder why we didn’t we do what they did, or, more pertinently, could we have done what they did? But a common theme in the recent press coverage of Taiwan’s (and Singapore’s) efforts to contain Covid-19 has included a consistent cautionary note. With particular attention to the technologically intrusive surveillance-state aspects of Taiwan’s response—notably, its real-time integration of national healthcare databases with customs and travel records and its use of government issued cell phones to remotely monitor quarantine orders—we keep seeing the culturally embedded assumption that East Asian-style state social control just won’t fly in the good old, individualist, government-wary, freedom-loving United States.”
wired.comTaiwan Is Beating the Coronavirus. Can the US Do the Same?

March 20th.
My friend Bill Flavel knows Africa. And especially, Zambia.
TIA. Anyone who knows Africa will get this. It is so perfectly African.
ZAMBIA TIGHTENS THE SCREW ON CORONAVIRUSIn a shock announcement yesterday the Government of Zambia dealt a devastating blow to the spread of coronavirus. In a firm but fair statement, President Edgar Lungu restricted the time people can spend in a church service to one hour and the time people can spend in a night club to two hours.Within minutes, club-goers concluded these hours are transferable so they can forgo their hour in church in favour of spending three hours in a club.At the time of writing, no churchgoers have opted to transfer their club hours for extra time in church.
Seriously, this is true. You couldn’t make it up!
March 21st
Fauci’s Trump reaction that goes viral
March 24th
Fake news from Trump Kills idiot
Fake news from fake president =

March 25th.
UK Socialism produces hundreds of thousands of volunteers to a centralized Medical care system
Your country needs you. This would not be possible without a national health service. Or the spirit that goes with socialism

March 27th
South Africa goes into Lockdown. Worries about Africa spread
South Africa went into a 3 week lockdown yesterday. No Alcohol, no dog walking. Police and Army (Such as it is) on the Streets.The Townships are a Tinder Keg. I am happy to have successfully got one resident into a quarantine area.Lets hope their camo wearing president Cyril knows what to do next. South Africa has a unique arrangement with common sense. Much like fellow Africans in Kenya.I have one comment that is explored in the comments below. One thing can stop the inevitable Tinder keg of crowded Townships. In addition to the social distancing and hand sanitizer lifestyle, all Township dwellers should wear face masks. Even home made face mask from kitchen towels. This advice if heeded could raise South Africa’s current drop to Junk status with Moodys.
March 27th.
Health tips
This lockdown provides time for reflection. I was going to write a blog about Aneuran Bevan and the impact one Welsh kid, from crippling poverty, who burned his draft papers for WW1 because he was too smart for that nonsense, with his Atheist father and his membership of a labor union to guide him to introduce the NHS law in 1946 and impact on a social level that makes him, without a doubt, one of the greatest Brits to have lived and given Britain the social model that makes it great – especially at this time when only the NHS stands between Britain and ….well…. millions of Spanish flue style deaths. But I am off to make a coffee. And will instead share this important health lesson with you.
Because lockdown means :
1.) Exercise and
2.) Eat well.
(I may yet get to write a blog about Aneuran Bevan having nearly finished reading his bio.)
Coffee Studies show that drinking two to three cups a day can protect your liver from damage caused by too much alcohol or an unhealthy diet. Some research suggests it may lower your risk of liver cancer.

March 19th.
Government decides Gun stores are essential for business during lockdown.
As of Friday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and it’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) has added firearm and ammo retailers, distributors, manufacturers and ranges to the essential critical infrastructure list.We need to keep our gun skills up. If the 5 meals to anarchy theory proves British intelligence cuts the mustard, then one of our considerations should key law enforcement barriers crumble with the Chinese flu, as is both a real possibility and every Governments worst nightmare, you can add to that, the Billionaire 1% class. The Bill Gates’ of this world who understand the power of the pitchfork. “There a mighty Fire a comin and the spark is in the air.”That is why Shooting ranges are, as of Friday, essential to the critical infrastructure.If you want to know more about this subject and my relationship with it, take this reading opportunity on offer for less than $10 and read my book ‘One Day in Paris’. Richard Niles, who is a Doctor of smartness and words has told me it is destined to be a classic. And I believe him, not only because three Months after it was published, a carbon copy of events occurred in Paris, but because my then Psychiatrist, the amazing and sadly missed Mark Zetin, told me that “It is impossible that you knew all this and French intelligence did not.”
![One Day in Paris: A year in the life of Dan Blake by [Andrew Brel]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51GE84FxQ7L.jpg)
March 31st
The story of Thomas Fitzpatrick. Some light relief while Americans are under a world microscope.
There is something about drunk Americans that I like.
On September 30th, 1956, during a drunken argument in a New York City bar, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Purple Heart former marine, claimed he could fly an airplane from New Jersey to New York in under 15 minutes. To prove himself, Fitzpatrick left the bar, stole an airplane from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey at 3am, and flew toward NYC without lights or radio, completely toasted He landed on the street in front of the bar on St. Nicholas Ave and 191st St. He escaped prosecution when The owner of the plane refused to press charges. Two years later, Fitzpatrick got into another drunken argument in which another bar patron refused to believe his wild story so he did it again. This time he served 6 months….

April 1st.
South Africa on the edge. No joke
South Africa on the edge. Thousands test positive. Fatalities have begun. The Townships are often single room shacks with 6 occupants. Joined onto another single room shack with six occupants. Joined onto another …….There are 30 million black people in townships where isolating is not really possible. 15 million are HIV+ and another few million have TB. (Copied from FB Post by a South African.)Worst of all, the economy consequences will likely lead to policing difficulties. Hence the early show of force. But the force are not properly trained. Moodys have ‘Junked’ South Africa, so the likelihood of Government bailing out the economy is low. (No Trilions to be sucked out of the air Trump style here.)And worst of all. Jesus is big business. So you can expect inertia among those we depend on to lead, because “Jesus has got this.” Blind Faith, the mental disorder, not the 70’s Prog Rock band, is going to kill many.But I remain optimistic. Ramaphosa appears to be a world leading example of a leader. Especially if its true that he has ordered 5 million body bags. (From China – irony.) Even though Frail Care homes are the highest risk. Along with Townships. And I have interests in both.
Britain reacts
Here’s a reason to be cheerful.
Recovered Kenyan patients: Covid-19 is real and treatable
A young woman, who was Kenya’s first reported case of Covid-19, has said she has fully recovered after 23 days of treatment.Identified only as Brenda, she told reporters she had been visiting the US since last December, but suspected that she contracted the coronavirus on her flight back to Kenya from London in early March.
“I had a cough three days into landing in the country,” Brenda said. She then went to the government isolation centre in the capital, Nairobi, to begin her treatment, adding that the staff there “treated her well”.
“[Covid-19] is something that can be managed and it is treatable,” Brenda said about her message to Kenyans.
Brian, the other recovered patient, who said he contracted the virus after interacting with Brenda, said he was also feeling much better
April 1
Food in our kitchen
We are fortunate in CA. No shortages. Of any kitchen staples to work on an immune system supportive menu plan.

50% of the planet have no defense. Only your kindness. This is a great opportunity for trump and his kind to solve an age old problem. The poorest will die the most. Africa and India especially.

April 2nd.
Trump does Russia’s work. Attacking the US defense line. Brett Crozier. Fired from the USS Theodore Roosevelt
American military, and all that the uniform represents means nothing to Trump. How one single serviceman or veteran (like myself) does not see the harm this blithering Orange dolt is doing not only to the morale of the troops but to the very fabric of service to your country – when the CIC is unfamiliar with even the basic tenets of leadership, is a mystery to me. When your CIC is working against the uniform you represent your power as a military is diminished, eventually beyond repair. I think that day has come. Serving your country and serving Trump are two very different allegiances. Funny how CIC rhymes with enemy As one veteran to any others reading this. My commiserations. After so much heroism in the field of battle – especially in Normandy, the US military was junked by a bone spur thief.

The corporate model is a dictatorship. What do you expect from a man who inherited an empire that should be worth billions. Never suffered any consequences for his actions and thinks he is incapable of making a mistake. He regrets nothing because it always works out for him somehow. He has the vocabulary and speech of a 4th grader which is how most newspapers are written. He appears to have some kind of drug problem. He refuses to accept he is getting older and tries to cover up his bald with the worst combover ever and dies his skin orange. This is the best guy the GOP could get to represent them.
Reply 2.) Nice summary. The GOO will look back one day and congratulate themselves on a great decision. the BEST decision I can’t see the GOP surviving after Trumps arrest and incarceration. Some mistakes are just too grand to ever recover from. This is one such
Reply 3.) you are absolutely correct. Trump’s businesses are all private. They aren’t public corporations that would have corporate boards and oversight. I owned two private companies and was a corporate “dictator”. I keep telling my friends who said we needed a “businessman” as the president that it was the worst possible idea. History is proving me right.
Reply 4.) I didn’t know his brand was private. If it was corporate I’m sure they would have replaced him by now
Reply 5.) It is disgraceful…and, irony of ironies, Captain Crozier’s ship’s namesake did essentially the same thing long ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
Reply 6.) I’m a U.S. Navy combat veteran and I would follow Capt. Brett Crozier into battle anytime. I wouldn’t follow the Narcissist in Chief anywhere
Reply 7.) Like Schiff said, get rid of him now, before he does any more damage. But, noooo. His GOP toadies wanted to ride the gravy train off the cliff. Well, guess what….
Reply 8.) Andrew Brel Sir, Thank you for your service. I never knew. I am appalled at the firing of Crozier. IMHO, he should be commended for putting the health and safety of his men first. The stupid orange fool and his minions are in deep denial about the reality of life on a ship. When the majority of the crew is too ill to carry out their duties, the ship could be idol and/or prime target for being boarded and taken by foreign forces. trump is a dangerous fool.
April 3.
South Africa’s Government tackle the Pandemic
The day has come where South Africa’s leaders show the USA approach to leadership to be zots. Trump the best, GREATEST zot since the word traveled to the northern hemisphere This is great news, albeit maybe the calm before the storm. But overall, as South Africans mark their first week under one of the strictest lockdowns introduced anywhere in the world – no jogging outside, no sales of alcohol or cigarettes, no dog-walking, no leaving home except for essential trips and prison or heavy fines for law-breaking – there is an argument to be made that a government so often attacked as corrupt and inefficient, and a private sector so often seen as aloof and greedy, are rising to meet what is widely anticipated to be the greatest challenge this young democracy has ever seen.Credit where it’s due, whatever happens next. Best case is they can return the five million body bags to China.

Reply 1.) Did the BBC article come out after this? https://city-press.news24.com/Voices/the-country-faces-existential-crisis-but-south-africans-are-not-taking-lockdown-seriously-20200402
Reply 2.) Yes. BBC are specifically avoiding any real news that contradicts the veil of optimism. There is a placebo benefit to spreading optimistic anecdotal tales of joy. The reality would accelerate to Suicide rate and likely hasten a breakdown in law and order. The thin blue line is SA is really thin. Can’t imagine the carnage if the township dwellers decide to share in the social distancing opportunities
More BBC help in keeping up morale
April 3.
Right wing hillbilly reply that is typical of the fake news appearing in abundance. This one is super funny though. Worth a read
Bob Sakers Republican friend messaged his entire friends list a message on Novel Coronavirus titled ‘According to Doctors’. In his Facebook Friends list was the Muttley Crue Drummer and literary social activist, Timmy Lee, former friend of Pamela Anderson, after she came to see the GREATEST Motley Crue Covers band in the UNIVERSE. Muttley Crue. (Based in North Virginia, but travel anywhere in a 300 mile radius.)Timmy’s drum tech, Chuck ‘BoyToy’ Sneddon, who is from Alabama, handles his social media replies. Here is Chucks reply – on Timmy’s behalf, to that message, which you might find useful when fearmongers try and spread fake news and undermine the POTUS.
Who knew such thoughtful writers existed in North Carolina.
According to Doctors?
Thanks, but I have a more reliable source of information than “According to doctors”. Right now we need to screen our information very closely. There is a lot of false news flying around.The CIC of America at this time of war, and we are on a war footing, is the POTUS. He is doing a GREAT job. FACT.Even though they tried to distract him from focusing on the Pandemic with that fake impeachment. (That he won hands down.)Now is not the time to doubt Trump and start listening to snake oil salesmen like ‘Doctors’. Trump has the guts for this fight. He has the BEST people. And yesterday I was doubly reassured to see that he has called in the big guns. Jared Kushner, the ultimate solver, is going to assist Pence, who is leading our fight against this Chinese flu. Pence has God on his side. He starts every tactical meet with a prayer session. And I think, at the end of the day we all know, when in doubt ‘hand it over to the big guy’. God. Jared has been Trumps go-to fixer since he solved the Middle East problem. His fixed the Opioid crisis. He solved the guns problem. He will solve this. For a man with his capabilities and resources, this is like a walk in the park.With Trump and Pence. And now Jared, this Covid flu has got NO chance. Zero. More people die of flu every year than this. Every year. How many times does Trump have to say it before people wake up and smell the Democrat lies?I think you will see how smart our President really is in the coming months while the fatality count soars in shithole countries like Africa and India. Our fatality count is really low. Like Genius low. Better than Israel and Germany for sure. And they think they have good numbers. Trump has got this. I am not worried. The only thing that worries me is all these fake doctors spreading fake news. I jest remind myself #TrumpPence2020Landslide.
Best advice I can share is – ignore the news. Just follow TherealTrump tweets. Trump was winning that Trade war with China. He put those tariffs in place and who knows how much that was affecting the Chinese Communists. Xi getting ‘whupped’ by a better leader. I’m not saying Chinese Flu isn’t real. But who really knows?
As far as I am concerned, I am not tired of winning yet. The economy is going to come back stronger than ever. Fact.
And when our President says this alarmist nonsense is a Liberal hoax by those Democrats just believe him. It’s a pandemic of Liberal hoax’s. Trump is right every time. It is a deep state conspiracy and endless waves of false news by Democratic liars like Shady Schiff and Nasty Nancy.
Old people die of flu every year. Much higher death counts than this. I believe our President. Everyone I know with half a brain cell does too.
This is the leader of the free world we are talking about. The most Powerful office in the world. Leading the most powerful army ever assembled in mankinds history. At a time of crisis real leaders step up. That’s what Trump has done. We couldn’t be in better hands. Just ignore the naysayers. We have a genius at the helm. Put your trust where you put your vote. Watch Trumps talks every day on Fox. If you need reassurance his dailhy Press briefing are just as good as the Rally’s. (And I have been to seven so far. Best show in the WORLD.) . He is like a God. Maybe better? He toys with those idiot liberal journalists as if they are nuisance poo on this shoe. They try to trick him with their ‘science’ and their ‘facts’. But he beats them down everytime. He has the BEST team on the case. His is saving millions of lives. Daily. And he deserves the recognition of being the GREATEST AMERICAN in HISTORY.
Stay safe.
Chuck (Drum tech and driver for MuttleyCrue)
BTW: If you want to book the band for a riotous evening of Rock and Roll Mayhem, PM me. We have dogs in our show too.
Reply 1.)
There is one thought in that whole republican’s letter that expresses my conviction also … he said “I believe our President. Everyone I know with half a brain cell does too. ”
Thank you Andrew.

Reply 2.) It is the virus of idiocy that will make the coronavirus worse in the United States.

reply 4.)
Again!! trump is an idiot..he’s ONLY good for “material” for comedians to make jokes. Actually, trump IS a joke and he gives comedians material that they don’t HAVE to work very hard to make jokes. I am not a comedian, but even I watch his press conferences in not only horror, anger, and frustration but “I” can note the jokes that will be coming.

The funniest thing I can think of at the moment is that “I” am a registered Republican since the ’60s. I didn’t vote for Trump!!! I had too much knowledge about him before he ran for president. I ALREADY knew he was a low-level creep. I will be voting for Biden. BTW, it will be extremely difficult for me even with help) at age 77 being rather disabled and home-bound before the pandemic, to get to a voting site, BUT I WILL!!!! In spite of the pain, but trump’s concern for fraudulent voting if “Mail-in votes are used didn’t concern him about “Fraud” in mail-in votes when HE ran for president the first time???? There are disabled people that won’t be ABLE to go (Expose themselves to the virus) to vote. NOW he wants a photo ID for anyone who votes and it must be in person. Anyone (I think) certainly officials, could check my consistent voting record online. I worried that I HAD to get the “Republican” changed, as in May, I won’t be allowed to vote Democratic in the primaries if I’m STILL a registered Republican, but if I don’t get it changed, I CAN vote for anyone I want in the actual election. And believe me, I will vote for ANYONE who can and will defeat trump. Biden won’t need my vote in the primaries, but he WILL get it in the election! WHEN will the people I know and THOUGHT were smart, intelligent????!!! quit being so ignorant????
reply 6.) First they have to know that they’re ignorant….. As long as they have fox news to lean on and people like Rush & Hannity to tell them what they think and lie lie lie to explain why they should think it.
April 4
Facebook reminder page from 1987. Pictured in my studio at that time. Hampton Court Studios.
Hampton Court Studios. 1987. I was 26. Owned my first home, in my third homeland (Greece, South Africa, England) and my first son John was still a speck in on a Storks to do list. And I was a veteran of War and avoiding haircuts. That Black Statocaster was my main gig guitar. I stopped gigging by age 30, and retired that guitar which went into storage. (Because I was a musical snob and the guitar was made by Casio. I preferred old Fender, Gibsons, solidbody and acoustic, Taylor Acoustics, (steel and nylon, 6 and 12 string) and Martin. A D45. But also because of the origins of the guitar, which was gifted to me.Jump forward 30 years, and the Black Strat came out of storage. I had decided to use it after noticing that JJ Cale had the identical model, with very similar modifications to mine. I took it to a local guitar tech, who cleaned it and set it up with new strings, and in December 2019, it became the guitar I would use on my 11th meditation album. In a different studio, in a different time, in a different Country. In the middle of a lock down with friends dying around me because the POTUS is a moron and things have worked out exactly as many whole wits, myself included, declared when we saw a half witted Reality TV moron whose catch phrase was ‘Your Fired’, whose business acumen ended at paying the bills of bankruptcy lawyers, succeed in playing the false News media to finish 3 million votes short of Clinton and win the 2016 election. Now. Economy is tanked. Much worse than the great depression of 29. Unemployment is worse that the great depression of 29. Avoidable deaths are at a historic, unparalled peak. A dishonest closeted Homosexaul leads the medical Team charged with defeating the Pandemic with a call to prayer. A wooden boy who so want’s to be a trillionaire that he is even learning how to connect sentences and make facial expressions fails flatly. As usual. And the primary offender, the real and present danger to the USA and the entire world, reverts to his one populist role. – Screaming YOUR FIRED at two key American defence personnel in the last 24 hours. The inspector general for the intelligence community Michael Atkinson. And Capt. Brett Crozier, from the Nuclear Fleet carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt. Two Americans that Russia, our historic enemy would have paid millions to see removed from Americas defensive line.Who could have seen this coming in 2016 when the Hill Billys, The NHS members, the KKK members, The Christian Boys league, the professional traders dependent on Bull Markets and the half wit morons conspired to form an allegiance, that has brought us to this day. Really. Who? Now, onto track seven of ‘African Meditation”. Featuring my Black Casio guitar, gifted to me for my 21st birthday by my then wife, Catherine. It sounds fantastic. And I am loving the 12 hour sessions this pandemic enables for me. And the calm this music brings me, when I would otherwise be pointing out the obvious.

April 5th
Facebook reminders, this day 7 years ago. Claremont Gardens. A Sunday outing with my son Byron and his so called Mother.
Thanks to Facebook reminders – I know that today seven years ago I took this picture in Claremont Gardens. I remember it well, walking with Byron, enjoying our chilly Sunday outing. He was four and loving my age appropriate version of Leo and Charlotte. The former residents of Claremont. King Leopold, as he would go on to become, with his own son growing to become one histories most heinous mass killers, with his Belgian Congo. And his slaughter by the million. Wildlife and Black Africans.Coincidentally, contemporaneously, I knew one of each of those two names. Even more coincidentally, each one the converse of the Leo and Charlotte who once called Claremont home. Where ‘King’ Leo was a ethical murderous scumbag and his poor dying wife Charlotte was a lovely sweetie.I have a series of photos from that day seven years ago in Claremont gardens featuring my beautiful four year old with his curly mane of golden locks, yet to face a first haircut. He could not have been a happier four year old. I could not have been a happier 52 year old. But there is a But. A dark, sinister, criminal But. While we were walking someone was watching us; with a hateful intention. Fomenting a criminal agenda that would soon manifest as unspeakable child abuse, larceny and a host of dark-as-shit conduct by the poster-cover girl for Malicious Mother syndrome.Neither Byron nor myself had any idea of what was to follow just two months later. British family law would never be the same. The C word would never be more appropriately designated than was the case on Fathers day 2013. Seven years since that day we communicate once a week. For one hour. I write to him by blog. He has yet to reply from his life lockdown 6,000 miles away. But I still write every week. “Letters to Byron.”
The blog averages 2,000 readers a day. I believe one of those readers is Byron, now ten. With but a whisper from the viral gods three C words could conflate a convenient fashion that few who know this story would doubt represents the child’s best interests. Yes, that is an alliterary abundance of C’s at this time of Covid catastrophe. I paid to enter Claremont gardens that day; now seven years later I read entry to Claremont is free to the public while the pandemic lasts. It’s verdant multi colored lawnscape and tree lined lake border covers acres of space ideal for kids to enjoy a safe socially distant run around in beatific nature. I hope no four year old there today is being looked at with the unprincipled unbridled undignified unacceptable unethical envious-hatred fomenting in that deviant black-hearted spectator watching me take this photograph. Blissfully unaware of that truism from Britain’s family court. Who lies wins. Seven years later though I reflect that winning is not a judgment without its own subjective measure of accountability. And its own consequential price tag. “Who lies wins”. But what they win is not always what they had in mind on the winners podium.
Sir James Munby was the president of Family court then, involved in my matter, he is the sole member of this stained cartel of misery-for-profit by the worst profession any career guidance advisor could recommend, to emerge from my experience with any credit. Perhaps even admiration. His recent talks about family law sound remarkably similar to words I have written on the same subject. A depressing arcane legal process in which it is recorded fact that 100% of cases taken to court by avaricious litigants result in; Parental alienation and child abuse. I speculate Sir James is one of the 2,000 daily readers of “Letters to Byron”. Certainly his recent talk in Edinburgh (easy to find on the web) seems to include cut and paste fact sharing from my “Letters to Byron.”For the rest; those paid up members of Britain’s Family Court, enjoying the proceeds of their ethical choices, this picture tells their story better than I ever could.

April 7, 2013.
Claremont Gardens. 6 April. 8 degrees. Spring is on its way.
This is where Leo and Charlotte lived before her sad death aged just 21. Had she not died Leo would not have gone on to become the first King of Belgium, remarry and produce a son named Leopold II of Belgium, and that birth would have spared the world one of the worst Catholic killers of all time.
Leopold’s appetite for killing anything and everything in the name of profit, while sticking his Catholic knob into any available orifice with remarkable regularity is unparalleled. A man who more than any other can lay claim to have visited more harm on Africa than the mosquito and Religion combined.
The most odious of Catholic killers Leopold II, who would never have been born if Charlotte had lived on to see these grounds for another forty years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_II_of_Belgium
April 8
This trend of wasting time on Facebook.
Instead of quitting Facebook out of sheer despair. I paused to reflect. And realised I would miss John Altman. So instead. I’ll play. Name the one person in this list of 15 whom I never worked with, met, kissed, had fun with, got drunk with, or insulted personally
1. P.W Botha
2. Elton John
3. Mary Black
4. Brian May
5. Richard O’Brien
6. Joan Baez
7. Peter Green
8. Jaco Pastorius
9. Freddy Mercury
10. Gianni Versace
11. David Attenborough
12. George Michael
13. Cat Stevens
14 Margaret Thatcher
15 Steve Gadd
reply 1.) Not Jaco.
My first night in America. 21 years old. Drinking in the well named Music pub Blues Alley in DC. Two long haired dudes walk past me seated at the bar. (Actually – I too was a long haired dude then.)I recognized them and offered a drink. They were pretty toasted and accepted right off. We established it’s my first night in the US. Jaco and Mike Stern. Mike did 90% of the talking. Jaco had a fringe hanging over his eyes, that were largely not visible. When they were, the dilated pupils were a percentile of retina I have never seen before. That’s the first night I learned what basing was. When I reached my bed that night, in my mate Craig’s house in DC, after my long flight from Johannesburg, I ruminated that I was in the USA thinking – what a country. You just go down the local and drink with Jaco and Mike and learn so much about American life. (There’s a longer version of this story coming.)
reply 2.) Not Gianni
met Gianni in Eltons backstage bar in Madison square garden. Brought him a drink. He was the sole occupant when I was shown into this bar deep in the bowels of the Garden. A beach themed bar, complete with beach sand and umbrellas and barefoot waiters in skimpy swimsuits with oiled shaved muscle bodies. We drank from the constantly refilled glass and chatted for some forty minutes. I was waiting for someone else and did not know this very cool but shy dude was the famous designer. But he was very charismatic, so my interest in chatting was not feigned. Only when I got up to leave for the show, several levels down, in a packed MSG and said goodbye to my new mate, Davey said “I see you’ve met Gianni” and I realised which Gianni he was. I later visited his home in Miami. On Ocean. Where he was shot on the steps by a psycho killer. Unusually elegant man. A truly tragic killing
reply 3.) Not Thatcher
Met her on the viewing steps of the Shark tank in Cape Town aquarium in 2004. Standing right next to me. There she was. Opportunity beckoned. If you were stood next to the devil woman, what would you say?I contemplated the line “you really are a C….”. But when she turned to me she smiled very sweetly. An old withered ghost of a cartoon woman. And I lost my liberal bottle. So I just said “ I am very disappointed.“ vaguely, dismissively, and turned towards the shark that was literally in front of us in the tank. I took a selfie with her though. Me. Thatcher and a shark. In the same frame. Cape Town Aquarium. Her dodgy war criminal son lived in CT at that time.
Reply 4.) Not David A.
I met David in a BA business class seated next to me, from LHR to LAX. We spent about 10 hours in adjoining seats and altho0ugh not the basis fro a lifelong friendship, enough time intermittently to comment on various matters of the day. It was kinda cool. I was already seated drinking champagne when MR Attenborough sat next to me and said hello. I didn’t immediately recognize him until he spoke. The voice is the thing. Great voice.
Reply 5.) Not PW Botha
1980. I was a troop in the South African Army. A BDM. Bandsman. Guitarist and emergency bouzouki player in the Entertainment corps showband.The gig was Botha hosting the Argentine PM and wife.After a break – where I smoked a spliff – I found myself playing ‘Never on a Sunday’ singing right into the face of the Old Krokodil. Slaphead Botha. Eye contact from 3 feet away.What would you have said or done? Even if you were sober?I chose “Your bum Stinks.” My three word exchange with Botha. Not my finest literary moment but I console myself in knowing I did not let the moment past unchallenged.The story is a chapter in the book The Emergency Bouzouki Player. Which includes specifics of the high quality cannabis available to troops in those days. And the outcome of a troop insulting a Prime Minister and Army CIC whilst dancing with the Argentine PM’s wife.
Reply 6.) Not George Michael
In the late 80’s. in a club. James Bell opened. Jamie as he was then, as I was Andy. Both buds with Ronnie Johnson. Jamie invited me to his opening night. I arrived alone. A tad early. Unfashionable. Outside there was a distinct lack of party glamor on the sidewalk outside the club. What tod o. Didn’t want to ne the first on in. A guy arrived next to me. With a similar concern in his look, dressed in homeless looking chic, looking as disinterested in being fashionably early as I was. We struck up a chat. He asked if I had any spliff. And five minutes later I found myself smoking a fine blunt with this guy from LA.
We shared muso stories. I had just played a gig where the Status Quo singer had sat in with me and played a few tunes. I shared it with him. But he had never heard of Status QUO. He shared his last gig story; a session he had just done with two drummers. Steve Gadd and Jeff Porcaro. OK.
The people you meet hanging on the sidewalk in Earls Court I thought to myself. Soon after spliff end, my new best bud and me made it to Jamie’s club. By now the crowds were arriving and arriving at the same time were two other handsome young men who only at first glance appeared less toasted than we were. Fifty percent of the four entering on Jamie’s guest list were named Andrew.
A night of excess followed that cannot be continued here. It’s crazy enough to say that. I arrived, and outside met this homeless looking guy. Invited him to join me for a spliff without knowing he was Lenny Castro. A wild party wild man. And before the toilet gets mentioned I will not embarrass those still alive with details of the excesses by saying. It was the 80s. “The past is a foreign country. It speaks a different language.” George, for the record, answered my question “do you speak Greek” asked in my fluent Greek with a London accented “not even the swear words mate”. Funny. Andrew it must be said, was very handsome. Although his hairline was starting to fade. The things substance abuse helps you remember. That was one fine club James Bell
Reply 7.) Not Cat Stevens
I met Steve twice. First time as his lunch guest at the House of Lords, on the occasion of his new album release. A is for Allah. I set up the meet because I am Greek and knew he was half Cypriot and had an interest in Greek music. (Check out the Bouzouki on RubyLove.) I had various other links with Steve.When the opportunity arose, this lunch invitation I got to spend a few hours in the HOL, chatted to Yusuf for long enough to establish our Greek interests were a common ground that our Muslim Atheist differences could not sustain for more than twenty minutes of talk. I think he enjoyed meeting me. I enjoyed the exchange of ideas. And I got to walk around the House at my leisure which I enjoyed immensely. I clearly didn’t offend Yusuf enough to not get a second invitation to another think-tank meet he arranged trying to promote Islam. I left early that time, although I will say, it’s the most time I have spent listening to an intelligent man defend an indefensible argument. I will also say, two things struck me. He is extremely handsome still, with grey beard, and he speaks extremely well. Better than most politicians I have heard. But; that Islam thing is a thing. So I hesitated putting Steve on my list. But the House of Lords invite sneaked him in. Black rods gate. The invite said “Present yourself at Black Rods Gate” I could get used to this. I thought of that welcome. RubyLove – Bouzouki session CIO.https://youtu.be/ErZlGWDEtUE

YOUTUBE.COMRuby Love – Cat StevensRuby Love – Cat Stevens
Reply 8.) Not Steve Gadd
Thanks to Ian Palmer for introducing me to Mr. Gadd in Los Angeles a few years ago for the first time, at the Catalina jazz club, launching his Seventy strong album with his A list band. Most ridiculous line up I have ever seen. There is no drummer like him. I have also seen him with Paul Simon and with JT. At the Hollywood bowl. Every time it’s the same. He is without peer in the world of modern drumming. And also a model of humility. A sponsor of many recovering addicts. A soul man.
Reply 9.) Not Mary Black
I met Mary a few times. And then. I had a wonderful moment that was wonderful, so this is tongue in cheek ok? https://andrewbrel.com/my-metoo-moment/
Reply 10) Freddy Mercury
Thats the one. 10th time lucky. I almost met Fred. Thanks to Spike. But on both occasions he didn’t show up – illness. It was near the end. Sad that I never met him. Having come so close to an arranged coffee meet.
April 6th
Education. Snuff TV
Do some homework. Pre-meditated murder. Learn the difference between – profiteering from insider trading – and profiting from actions whose consequences include death. How many of the GOP’s (genaaide ou Poes in Afrikaans), are making millions out of Trumps handling of the death/profit ratio. The Trump profit curve. The more deaths rise, the more his cronies make. Doing the math is easy.Kelly Loeffler is married to Jeffrey Sprecher. Jeff is chairman of the NY Stock Exchange.Kelly is just one GOP member who is milking Trumps Death/Profit curve for this tremendous business opportunity that Covid provides.Simply put. Not one American needed to die of Covid. The information was available in November 2019 for effective governance to shut down our borders. And to quarantine our economy. Every death is down to one mans genius business sense. And his uncanny ability to attract really nice people who love to make money and be breathtakingly considerate at the same time. Because – this profit they make now – these few hundred millions those near the top of the Trump tree can pick up Kelly style – will be a drop in the water compared to the Trillions the USA will lose when Trumps actions manifest in actual losses that cannot be signed off by a bankruptcy lawyer.Who could have guessed a liar with one single skill – paying bankruptcy lawyers – would pay off so handsomely for those who signed X next to his name in 2016. The Trumpeters.Party today GOP trumpee chaps and chaps wives. Because tomorrow, unless you invest in pitchfork companies, who knows where your millions might get you.

Reply 1.)
Jeff. Good husband. Rich man.He does not have to go to jail at all. Kelly didn’t mention what happened at that Government meet on Jan 24th where they learned about Covids imminent effect. Kelly didn’t check with her husband later that day when she sold her $18 million+ portfolio. Insider trading is fine. If the Chairman of the NY Stock Exchange can’t trade, then what’s the point of being friends with Trump?Honestly these libtards whine so much. All jealousy.Trump is a genius. A great leader. And all his supporters are really smart people. Fact
April 7th
Trump. And his Snuff TV hit show.
Sharing some American insight for my non American friends, who may welcome some facts that make sense in America at this time. To shine a little light on where we are headed.
Gun sales reach all time high Month end sales.FBI data indicates that over two million guns were purchased in March alone.Illinois led with nearly a half million sales, followed by Texas, Kentucky, Florida, and California.Gun shops across the country report that they are unable to re-stock shelves quickly enough to cope with the rush. When pandemic strikes and your president says we are at war?
You best go gets yosell a gun.
Or two.
A long gun and a handgun. When those democrats libtards try and stop Trump from geniussing. We will stand ready to defend our president. We the 30% who make America proud around the world. With our guns and our Brian cell, we will follow our lords choice to hell. Whatever it takes. We just keep on listening to his daily podcasts from the White House and we knows. Trump got this. He deserves to be a trillionaire and he is so right when splains old people (Patriots who are youth challenged) will gladly present themselves to the Trump abattoirs if it means keeping our economy strong for the senior GOP members to make the millions they need to become billionaires. So they can trickle down the wealth and make America great again. You know it makes sense. And dollars. (Just not for you. But hey. The hat is red. And so is Trumps tie. And if the tie fits?)
Btw. Britain also has a Brian cell. Thanks to those heathenous pythons. Now, head on down to your nearest gun store before the shelves are cleared. Trump will be needing us soon. #trumpGaylordPence2020landslide.
Btw 2. I have been thinking about this. Having a gay VP was a winning hand in 2016. But now that we are tightening the noose, we don’t need to play nice that way anymore. What’s pence done for us lately? Gayforce was a poorly thought out initiative. Even if he did want some fancy new uniforms for the boys. Surely we should move away from this kind of sin based morality. Times have changed thanks to our genius. I think, #TrumpKushner2020 landslide. And make Pence the first inmate in our new homo intolerant America. #lockthemup will take on a whole new meaning. Most of them are liberal and democrat. And far too smart for our own good. And they look so damn fine who knows where that might lead a red blooded young enthusiast like our Jared. The wooden boy. That’s what they call him. ( I overheard two gays talking. That’s how I know.) The Wooden boy. I think that’s because he is not a Christian. Which is a warning flag. Yael Kushner would make a far better VP. One we could all get behind. If possible. She is so sexy. Almost as much as her step mum, just with less silicon in her valley.
April 7
Cardinal Pell is a free man. Kiddie Fucking is A OK for Australian Catholics. Same day R Kellys request for parole is turned down.
Cardinal George Pell has been freed from jail after Australia’s highest court overturned his convictions for child sexual abuse.
On the same day Black American singer/pedo R Kelly is refused parole (Because Prisons are Covid risk) for far lessor offences than Pell. But R Kelly is a Black American who failed to join the Catholic movement. So Whatcha expect?
You have to admire the loyalty of those Catholics. They were never going to let one of their pedos do hard time just for fucking little boys Catholic style. I mean. Really. This was always going to happen. No matter how outraged Tim Minchin gets. The day the Catholics take pedophilia away from their members, the whole cult will lose its raison d’être.
It’s all there in THE POPE SONG. By His highness Tim Minchin.

April 7
Facts. Another day for Snuff TV at #1.
Facts have never mattered more. Avoiding purveyors of false news has never mattered more.
Unless you are a DOJ Official compiling evidence for the imminent arrest of a mass murderer.Its compelling – road smash TV yes. I get why people love to tune in. Like a snuff movie in real time. Watching an opportunist thief seizing the moment to enrich himself at the expense of MANY lives.
(DARN. I have used UPPERCASE for the FIRST TIME. That’s how pissed I am. Letting my standards drop to this IDIOT level.)
The BBC live news feed is all you need.
Some other news today.
Turkmenistan is run by a fuckwit who says they have Zero infections and holds a national cycling day so the entire population can ride though each others aerosol. To prove there is no Covid. A dentist leader? Still better than a reality TV Bankrupt leader.
Turkey is selling Arms to Libyan warlords to foment disastrous war in what was once the jewel of Africa. Run by the only leader I ever encountered who was universally loved by his people. Look at them now. I estimate 10,000 Muslims will die so that Turkeys Erdogan can make few hundred million in oil theft just from the single Boat shipment the BBC investigators found. That’s not newsworthy.
South Africa arrested a 55 year old man in Cape Town for posting a YouTube video. Hmm. If Trump comments, then it will be news. Not otherwise.
In Greece, healthcare workers went on strike in protest at working conditions, staff shortages and a lack of equipment. Greece has suffered less than some other European countries. On Monday, the death toll stood at 79, with 1,755 cases recorded. Gathering in Churches appears to have not killed them as predicted. Greek God at work.
And then there this snippet. About Trump. Not by Trump.
Aside from trying to spread false hope to distract from how badly Trump has bungled coronavirus, he is promoting an unproven drug against ALL medical advice.The medical community including his own 80 year old Fauci the facial-grimacer repeat of chloroquine; “not supported by the data.”
It’s basically quinine, from the bark of the cinchona tree, first widely used to battle malaria, which of course is a parasitic infection, not a virus at all, or even a bacteria. There are no conclusive peer reviewed studies that show it has the slightest effect on viral infections. It has a wide range of very serious side effects including blindness. Anyone who takes it needs to be monitored by ophthalmologists.
People have already died after listening to Trump recommend this. if by any fluke it heals a few people by unconnected random chemical interaction, it will not be anything more than that.
FFS. I visited Malarial Africa and wouldn’t take chloroquine because of the risks it represents……… It’s widely known. (I took sensible precautions against malaria and was never infected. If you want to know more about visiting malarial areas; PM me BEFORE taking malarial medication. But I digress. Back to the FALSE NEWS is in UPPERCASE subject.)
Remember Honest Mike?
Trumps Bestie? On TV all the time. WITH UPPERCASE all around the TWEETS of the TWIT.
Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer and Spokesman for many years? Boy did they make some Trump sized profits together.During Cohen’s trial we learned that, acting on Trumps behalf, he took a bribe of over a million dollars from a drug company, for access to the president. Fact. Now they want their favor repaid. That company is Novartis.
NOVARTIS. Selling industrial amounts of their product now after a Trumpo led huge order.
Chloroquine. That’s where your tax dollars are going. That’s where your TV reality show medical expert is profiting again.
DO NOT WATCH THE TRUMP TV SHOW. Its there to make stupid people feel entertained. It makes a fool of you.
If your concerned over the facts of Covid 19 – then the BBC Live news feed is all you need. Be smart. It may save your life. it may save millions of lives.
Don’t spread false news. Trump IS FALSE News #BoycotmassmurdererTrump

Remember this happy day in 2018. When Trump made $1.2 million just for being a genius businessman?https://www.cbsnews.com/news/novartis-michael-cohen-1-2-million-for-advice/

April 8th.
Calendar summary of US response to Covid.
I think of this as a time capsule. I am looking forward to reading this blog in two years time.
Here’s a sneak preview.
Nov 2019. – China advises US about a new untreatable coronavirus after whistleblower doctor in Wuhan speaks out
Nov 2019. – Trump spends 80% of his working time using government money to pay his own golf resorts so he can play golf, renting his security detail golf carts at premium prices. Genius businessman is how Pence explains it 30% of Americans agree
Dec 18th – House Impeaches Trump
Dec 24th – Trump releases tax returns and is completely exonerated
Dec 24th – later – Hoax. Trump releases a word salad that confuses all Americans not under meth influence. All roads lead to Russia
Jan 8th – First CDC warning
Jan 9th – Trump campaign rally. In between golf at Trump owned resorts costing US tax payers millions. Per month
Jan 10th – Trumps tax returns are finally released they show he has not received billions from Putin. All roads do not lead to Russia
Jan 10th – later. Hoax. Trump refused to release his tax returns. All roads do lead to Russia
Jan 14th – Trump campaign rally. 67% of crowd are also members of both NRA and KKK the rest are there by personal invitation and $50 a head. Two Blacks in the crowd. Both paid.
Jan 16h – House sends impeachment articles to Senate
Jan 18th – Trump golfs. 10th highest paid sportsman in America.
Jan 18th – Trump releases tax returns and is completely exonerated
Jan 18th – later. The tax returns turn out to be a Jared Kushner wooden boy hoax. All roads lead to Russia
Jan 19th – Trump golfs. Today’s cost to the US taxpayer for 18 holes is, $1.2 million. Making trump the 7th highest paid athlete in American professional sport.
Jan 20th – first case of corona virus in the US, Washington State.
Jan 22nd – “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
Jan 28th – Trump campaign rally. NRA and KKK attendance numbers drop to 57%. Paid guests now get $75 a man while Trump women get a free T Shirt saying “Trump can grab this” above a downward pointing arrow
Jan 29th – Trump releases tax returns and is completely exonerated.
Jan. 29, Peter Navarro warns his colleagues at the White House that if the administration did not mount an aggressive containment strategy for the coronavirus, it could kill more than half a million Americans and cost the country nearly $6 trillion.
Jan 29th. Hoax. Trump did not release any tax returns. All roads lead to Russia
Jan 30th – Trump campaign rally
Feb 1st – Trump golfs. The moderator calculating hte list of top ten sports earners in the US is Vented with Covid. So there is no list today. Estimates place Trump at #1 highest earning athlete today.
Feb 2nd – “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”Feb 5th – Senate votes to acquit. Then takes a five-day weekend.Feb 10th – Trump campaign rally
Feb 12th – Dow Jones closes at an all time high of 29,551.42
Feb 15h – Trump golfs. No Richest list stats available. The lister has died of Covid. 84% of vented patients die.
Feb 19th – Trump campaign rally
Feb 20th – Trump campaign rally
Feb 21st – Trump campaign rally. Numbers drop at rate that alarms the wooden boy who proposes. “Stop the rally’s. Let’s take over the White House daily briefing. You can make it the #1 reality TV show. You have got this. Cometh the hour and all that. Reality TV shows need the best.” Jared is rewarded handsomely. With a percentage of the proceeds from the hit TV show. Jared floats idea of branding as snuff tv. Trump says “I’ll get back to you ion that.”
Feb. 23, Navarro distributes an even more dire second memo in which he said as many as 100 million Americans could be infected with COVID-19, which might kill upwards of 2 million U.S. citizens.
Feb 24th – “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
Feb 25h – “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”
Feb 25h – “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
Feb 26th – “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
Feb 26th – “We’re going very substantially down, not up.” Also “This is a flu. This is like a flu”; “Now, you treat this like a flu”; “It’s a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we’ll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner.”
February 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Feb 28th – “We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”
Feb 28th – Trump campaign rally. He declares he will disclose his taxes “Tomorrow”. But Clan attendance is dwindling.
March 2nd – “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don’t think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”
March 2nd – “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly.”
March 4: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”
March 5th – “I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work.”
March 5th – “The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!”
March 6th – “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down.”
March 6th – “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. And the tests are beautiful…. the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.”
March 6th – “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”
March 6th – “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
March 7th – Trump golfs. The (dead) statistician for “Richest sportsmen in the USA has been replaced. Today Trump becomes the 4th highest paid professional sportsman in America. Bill for 18 holes? $1.4 million. Beneficiary golf course? Mar a Lago.
March 8th – Trump golfs. Steady at #4 richest Sportsman. (#1 remains an Irish traveler known as The Gypsy King.)
March 8th – “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.”
March 9th – “This blindsided the world.”
March 13th – [Declared state of emergency]
March 17th – “This is a pandemic,” Mr. Trump told reporters. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”
March 18th – “It’s not racist at all. No. Not at all. It comes from China. That’s why. It comes from China. I want to be accurate.”
March 23th- Dow Jones closes at 18,591.93
March 25th – 3.3 million Americans file for unemployment.
March 30th – Dow Jones closes at 21,917.16
April 2nd – 6.6 million Americans file for unemployment.
April 7th – trillions disappear from markets. Then reappear mysteriously as markets rebound. Partially. Enough to keep the clan members on board the sinking ship. Steered by the wooden boy
April 8th – Trumps snuff TV show breaks all records in being the greatest #1 live reality show. Billions around the word watch laughing at him. Not with him. He appears to be that dumb. “Dumb like a Fox” says Jared.
April 8th – Trump confirms on his TV show that Yael Kushner personally created 15 million jobs in the USA. The economy is booming. The wooden boy confirms “Our Christian Country is saved. By an Orthodox Jew.” Thank God.
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