Jacks Day. Press release

Released December 1st, 2023.
Jacks Day by Logan Twain ft. Taylor911
Listen: YouTube /
The song will be played live on YouTube on the first night of Trumps incarceration, celebrating America’s emancipation from this era of grifter-idiot terrorism.

About Logan Twain and Taylor911
Logan Twain and twin brother Jim were born on April 20, 1999 to newly weds, Earl and Loretta Twain in Millington Hospital, Shelby County, Tennessee. The same day as the Columbine School shooting.
Earl and Loretta were both raised as Republican Christian Conservatives who raised the twins on the righteous paths of the racist right. Earl Twain was a Marine, away from his young family almost continuously. The twins grew up close, finding comfort in each other’s musical interest while their mother descended into a hazy world of alcohol and meth in the families trailer in Memphis.
In 2005 Earl Twain lost both legs above the knee in an IED incident during his third tour of Afghanistan. During Army rehab he acquired a sizable opioid habit before returning to his Tennessee trailer providing for his young family on an Army disability pension.
In this new trailer bound legless-loveless marriage Earl migrated his opioid addiction to Alcohol and Meth in which Loretta matched him shot for shot. The boys were six when Earl was discharged from service. Two years of sheer hell followed Earls mutilated repatriation to the family trailer for all four occupants before Earl Twain killed himself by gun in 2007. He was 27. The twins were eight.
After the funeral, where Earl was buried with full military honors as a Purple Heart recipient, life in the trailer was somewhat improved for Loretta and the twins. Loretta reconnected with family members and began weekly trips outside the trailer, usually on church related duties although her reliance on Meth and Alcohol had by this time already taken it’s toll on her appearance and her maternal function. Most of the monthly pension from the army went on alcohol and meth. The boys experienced food anxiety for most of their teens.
The first miraculous salvation for the twins came via a relative of Loretta’s. Her third cousin, a guitar player who had made a successful career at nearby Muscle Shoals Recording studios as a session player. Jimmy Johnson had appeared on many hit songs including The Staple Singers “If you’re ready. Come go with me”. The twins early efforts at singing this song immediately resonated with all who heard it. This new found attention led them to form their first band; The Twain Twins. Two guitars and two soprano voices, singing and playing in Everly Brother’s style mellifluous harmony, honed in pitch, timing and phrasing to intuitive perfection after endless hours of practice in the trailer. Their two part harmony version of “If you’re ready” won them the opportunity to sing to the congregation Sunday service where they won hearts and minds to such an extent the Pastor gave them a cut of the increased donations bowl. The twins were booked for the following weeks 10 am service starting a weekly appearance run that lasted for years; their lord providing the much needed money that kept the family afloat while the boys developed their musical talents and Loretta managed her Meth/alcohol combining. During this time they were frequently joined by their first cousin, Taylor911.
Earls twin brother brother Wayne had married Faith Twain a year after his twin Earl married Loretta. Wayne, like his twin joined the Marine corps, and like his twin, also married a young girl from their trailer park. While Faith yearned for a child, after an IED neutering incident during his first tour abroad, Wayne was unable to provide the necessary biological components. By secret arrangement between Faith and Earl, her husbands fertile twin brother, a child was born in 2001. On September 11. “It’s the same DNA” is how Faith explained her mysterious pregnancy to Wayne and her Lord whose sanction was asked and approved before she bedded her husbands brother.

Faith and Wayne named their daughter Taylor911 Always-Remember Twain. She would seldom use her second name and resolved from an early age to change it as soon as she could.
Taylor911 had the sweetest voice anyone had ever heard. When she sang the room went silent as if commanded by the Lord himself into reverent silence. Logan and Jim sang with her whenever they could, their mellifluous harmony singing frequently bringing down the house during Sundays church service.
Having never set a foot in any Tennessee school, officially, the twins were home educated by Loretta, whose single subject was Bible Study. In reality the twins teachers were Fox News and Alex Jones; their salvation was Jesus and Duane Allman. In this low-rent trailer park background the boys raised themselves with music as their guide. They knew every song Jimmy Johnson had played on at Muscle Shoals. Their live show repertoire was exclusively songs Jimmy Johnson played on in Muscle Shoals sessions. Including Paul Simon’s “Love’s me like a Rock” and “Kodachrome.”
After a three year run of weekly Sunday appearances at the Church their voices broke and that sweet soprano harmony lowered. Reaction from the congregation was not positive as they struggled with pitch in the new lower register. By popular demand the pastor ended their regular Sunday income-generating slot. Once more the Twain boys experienced food anxiety.
In their early teens by this time, prayer prevailed and they found paid work in a Memphis Gun Shop owned by a sympathetic Christian Republican NRA member with a similar interest in Alex Jones. Their developmental years were split evenly between church attendance, NRA meetings, usually referencing the latest Alex Jones revelation, selling guns and ammunition at the store and learning new songs with two guitars and two voices, occasionally joined by the now blossoming beauty of Taylor911.
Taylor911‘s fortunes went through dramatic change that year.
Faith and Wayne had divorced. Divorce being a glamorized version of describing Wayne’s sudden and permanent disappearance in a haze of alcohol and meth. Taylor911 would never see or hear from Wayne again. By this time Faith had succumbed to opioid addiction, suffering a disabling stroke in 2014 following an overdose of poor quality meth. Taylor911, just 13, was left to care for her bedridden pill-popping mother, leaving no opportunity to continue schooling. Someone had to stay home to look after Faith.
By some curious anomaly of DNA and fortuitous timing, before she was pulled out of school, Taylor911 tested at 186 IQ during compulsory testing in her school district. At a time when that misfortune may well have tripped her down the traditional path of drug infected tattooed illiteracy, pure good fortune saw Taylor911 mentored by a Memphis Liberal arts professor, volunteering in inner school education. This kindness motivated academic was struck by the misfortune that seemed destined to derail this bright young mind with a trailer bound existence caring for an ailing mother. Encouraged by her remarkable IQ, he enabled her enrollment in an online University course, matching her aptitude to a Psychology program. Three years later Taylor911 graduated with a first class Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. She was sixteen. The year was 2017.
In between caring for her mother and completing her online studies, Taylor911 sang. Whenever possible she would meet with Logan and Jim to work on three party harmony singing. In this time spent close together in the emotionally bonding business of harmony singing she became attracted to Jim. “His beautiful vulnerability.” Neither Taylor911 nor Jim knew about the secret arrangement between Faith and Earl that made Taylor911 their half-sister as well as first-cousin. For several months in 2015, Jim, 16, and Taylor911, 14, dated although there is only speculation that their relationship was consummated.
In 2019 Logan’s mother Loretta Twain, 34, was found dead in her bed by Logan. Cause of death was congestive heart failure. She had averaged two bottles of vodka daily along with what the coroner described as “excessive meth amphetamine. Enough to kill a healthy horse.” Her habit had continued and worsened after Earl’s death seven years before. At 34 she looked 74. Logan told family “Loretta died of a broken heart” which was true.
After her funeral the boys remained in the Twain-family Trailer where they found some joy rekindling their musical harmony singing in long sessions after their work day. Meanwhile two-trailers down in another Twain-family trailer, Taylor911 worked alone, studying for ten hours a day, while caring for her mother Faith, and avoiding the twins after finding out the truth of her birth father. She struggled with feelings for both of the twins that she had to transpose from being natural to not.
The iceberg in the Titanic of Jim’s life struck in December of 2021. While he was still reeling from the news of Taylor911 being his girlfriend, his cousin and his half-sister. He still felt powerful feelings for this beautiful relative.
Then, while working at the Gun store Jim sold a gun to an 18 year old from Uvalde, Texas. He was aware of some disturbance in this character that gave him forewarning of imminent impropriety. He knew it was wrong to sell an assault-rifle to a troubled teen with a foreign sounding name but he also knew he needed only two more sales to win Employee of the Month for the second time since the Covid spike in gun sales. Jim placed his ambitious need for success above what he knew to be the right thing. He closed that sale.
About five months later Jim saw that young man again on TV. He remembered the name Salvador, uncommon as it was. On May 24, 2022, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos used the military grade assault-rifle bought from Jim Twain to kill nineteen students and two teachers. Earlier that day he shot his grandmother in the face at home with the same weapon. Jim remembered this particular sale all too well. That moment of poor decision making haunted his every waking moment from that moment forwards.
When he saw that same boy on TV shooting up the school in Uvalde, Jim experienced epiphanous remorse. Questioning everything he believed in, especially God, Trump, Alex Jones and his fraternal brotherhood, and especially the NRA who taught him the 2nd amendment was sacrosanct, leading him to believe military grade assault rifles, intended for the battlefield, should be sold to anyone and everyone because the 2nd amendment said so.
Jim realized it was not just the families of the gun law victims who are collateral damage in the mass shooting experience. Haunted by dream images of dead children Jim saw his role in that event with brutal clarity. Once the first dot of wokeness was joined, the picture populated itself with clarity at astonishing speed. Pixels of truth joined together to deconstruct and invalidate his entire past. He started using google to research facts about Alex Jones, his ethical mentor. This led Jim to tell Logan “Sandy Hook was not what Alex Jones said it was. Actors paid by the Liberal left to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. Adam Lanza was a real 20 year old, like one of us, who shot 26 people dead. Most of them were just little kids.”
For Jim the tipping point came when he heard the father of one of the dead children from Sandy Hook explain that an NRA member had urinated on his child’s grave, convinced as he was that the grave was a fake.
As Jim realized how far his delusional beliefs were from the core of an ethical sound person, one by one the pillars of his childhood belief crumbled. For the first time Jim saw that all actions have consequences. He realized gullible-idiocy and material-greed are no excuse. As he realized the extent of his complicity in this national derangement, Jim identified Trump as the misleader in chief. The liar who had so deceived him. The man he trusted most to tell the truth had lied. He identified Trumpism as a Moron-Christo-Fascistocracy in which he was as culpable as every other Trump voter.
After one week of unraveling his life of delusional beliefs Jim became overwhelmed by guilt at his unfortunate congenital stupidity. In an impulsive moment of genetic recidivism Jim used the same gun Earl had engaged for his suicide to fire a single round upward from the soft under the chin. He died instantly. The identical suicide method employed by his father. It was June 1, 2022. Seven days after Uvalde. Jim Twain was 23. He left a single word suicide note. It read TRUMP. (In uppercase.)

Logan was traumatized by this third family loss, his twin brother. His guilt at complicity in a society predicated entirely on the disingenuous became overwhelming. Only his new awareness in the lie of afterlife made him resist the temptation to use the family Beretta in the traditional manner.
That and the comforting guidance of his cousin Taylor911, 21 by this time, leading him to direct his sense of furious anger at the root cause of the idiocy that destroyed his family. The name on Jim’s suicide note. Donald Trump.
Realizing the extent to which he had been mislead by Trump, Logan hit rock bottom. That involved drink and drugs and an overwhelming sense of self-loathing hopelessness that very nearly consumed his will to live. Finally after taking the family Beretta out one night with the intention of seeing his brother again, only a fortuitous surprise visit by his cousin/half-sister Taylor911 made him see bottom and turn north; choosing life and music; determined to help invest his time and talent in educating and uplifting his fellow dumbstruck-TrumpStruck Tennesseans.
Logan became obsessively immersed in music. Most days he would play his guitar and sing for an average of 12 hours. Working at songwriting with furious abandon; his recurrent theme being the religious right-wing conservative delusion causing untold misery to the most illiterate; being defenseless against this cynical deliberate exploitation of their vulnerability.
Nolan quit his day job, after seven years in the Memphis gun store, to become a professional musician, turning his back on the racist right-wing tropes that formed the pillars of his upbringing. It was as if a light switch turned on. He would make a living playing protest songs in live music venues where his 6 feet 4 inch stature combined with his striking good looks, not dissimilar to a glowing Kenny Loggin’s version of White Jesus, made him a popular draw.
Logan’s political awakening alienated him from his social circle. Only one family-member remained a constant, encouraging him in his journey away from grief towards finding his authentic self in awareness of what was right and what was wrong.
Despite strong feeling of attraction between the cousins, Taylor911 had by this time confirmed her suspicions about Faiths infidelity and told Logan why they could not take their relationship to the next level. They could sing together in perfect harmony, but never would they cross the boundary of sibling love. This suppression of powerful natural impulses found significant resonance in their harmony singing, imbuing their performances with a passion that held listeners spellbound.
Taylor 911’s mother Faith survived until 2021, before passing in her sleep. She was 37. Taylor911 remained at her side caring for her mother until the end. From the age of 13 until 20. In those seven years in that Trailer Taylor911 completed her undergrad Psychology degree, then her masters, followed directly by a Phd paper; linking income-level and literacy with the likelihood of life-ending addiction. She had all the data necessary to show how the low-income-illiterate class she was born into was 90% more likely to develop a life threatening addiction. Her case study was based on her mother’s example; education ended at 3rd grade level, pregnant at 16, never worked for more than $5 an hour, disabled by drug dependency by 21, bedridden in an haze of illness and drugs by 30, before dying at 37 in a body that looked ninety years old.
Her paper was widely published and earned her national recognition as the youngest PhD in the USA. Her story of triumph over adversity was sought after for a Hollywood retelling before Taylor911 declined further interest in celebrity. Her choice being to pursue a serious career as an academic. For this reason Taylor911 had her legal name changed and has successfully guarded her privacy. There are no photographs of her available on the internet. Only the picture she agreed to during the session recording JACKS DAY. Taken by Logan.

In 2023 Logan was inspired by Jack Smiths case against Trump to write JACKS DAY. Taylor911 agreed to sing on his song after he explained his ambition to perform the song live on Trumps first day in Jail.
Jacks Day is the first collaboration between Logan and Taylor911.
The reclusive academic formerly known as Taylor911 has agreed to perform the song live with Logan for a global party on YouTube Live celebrating the first night of Trumps incarceration, on the condition of No Photos.
#LoganTwainft.Taylor911 #JacksDay
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