How Tuti lost her head through the Kafala system
Deera Square. Riyadh. Every Friday after lunch prayers, the holy Muslims gather to watch the weeks public beheadings. Our favorite Oil trading partners, Bin Salman (MBS) and his Al Saud family have been refining this political means for total control over a religiously subjugated majority for many centuries now. While Deera Square may be the Bernebau for beheadings, it is merely the best location, not the only one. Beheadings are legal anywhere the Mullahs decide. Even in embassies in Istanbul.
Although we have known about this barbarism for many centuries, in our approach to censure, nothing has changed. Expansion work on Kim Kardashian’s aureola is infinitely more interesting to our press than serial rape of helpless women, who are beheaded if they complain.
We elect leaders to placate these barbaric entitled killers. It is more important for our leaders to win lucrative arms-deals from them in exchange for oil contracts than comment on the rights and wrongs of their Sharia-law-lunacy.
We do love to trade with them. So much money in those oil for defense contracts. These Billionaire Sheikhs are able to buy major sports clubs in the west with very little control, or awareness of the ‘Sportswash.’ Clubs like Manchester City, where they can wallow in the love of an appreciative western society. Meanwhile we ensure our press normalizes their barbarism by not reporting even a wafer thin mint sized portion of their human rights misconduct. We have no interest in discussing the Kafala system, in which the poorest are contracted in situations where they are effectively, slaves.
Barely a mention of even the grotesque live execution and bone-saw dismemberment of a US resident (Kashoggi) in the Istanbul embassy by staff of MBS, using information given by our very own Lord Kushner.
Our favorite Muslims kill at will and that has no prospect of changing while we are represented by their supporters. Deera square continues to do a roaring trade. The art of beheading is passed down by generation. Kids grow up training to be come ‘Beheaders’. Refining the skills for this career. The very best, who get the big gigs, can take a large womans head off clean with one stroke of their perfectly sharpened blade.
In Britain, the Royal Family invite their royals to royal occasions with all the respect of royalty. Its a thing between Royals. In America, our Royal Trumps invite them to buy whatever they want and afford them the honor of important trading partners.
Just look at the portfolio of one high-profile Saudi Arabian investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns chunks of private and public companies in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East through Kingdom Holding Co., 5% of which is listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange (he is listed as owning the other 95%). Holdings include stakes in ride-sharing firm Lyft, Twitter, Citigroup, hotel management company Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, the swanky Hotel George V in Paris and the Savoy Hotel in London. Outside of Kingdom Holding, the Prince owns real estate in Saudi Arabia, the majority of Arabic-language entertainment firm Rotana, and other assets.
Prince Alwaleed, also bought Donald Trump’s yacht in 1991, saving him from another likely bankruptcy.
But; there is a huge but. And it’s not on Mrs West. Don’t mention the barbarism. The misogyny. The iniquitous hoarding of obscene wealth by the .01%
Here’s just one story from 2018. How Tuti used Kafala system, to get into a work opportunity in Saudi.
Tuti was a low paid submissive woman, in the Kingdom to work, earning money to send home to her young child in his poverty encrusted life in Indonesia. Tuti Tursilawati was born in 1984. Contracted as a housekeeper in the Kingdom since 2009, she arrived as an attractive 25 year old, mother of one. With a pleasant smile.
Soon after, by her account, her employer, Suud Malhaq Al Utaibi rapes her. Likely this has been going on for some time. Serial rape before eventually, in 2010, nine months after her arrival, she fights back. She kills Suud Malhaq Al Utaibi in what she calls self defense, and then, fearing for the consequences she knows all to well as a woman in a Sharia country, she flees. In this process she meets a man who will help her get to Mecca. That turns into a gang rape by 9 men before Tuti is arrested for the murder of her employer, in the Saudi city of Ta’if.
In 2011 she was convicted for the murder of her employer Suud Malhaq Al Utaibi.
For the next 7 years she is held in confinement, where we can assume she was serially abused until in 2018 she was beheaded for her crime, in Ta’if. She was 34.
No mainstream Western media reports poor Tuti’s sad end. But during this time reports of anal-bleaching bills by reality TV stars has made big money news. Lets face it, no one wants to know about poor women being beheaded by Muslims.
Until you read this post, I’ll wager you didn’t know how readily Sharia law uses beheading, or about Kefala, and how many have died as a result.
Barbaric beheading does go on. And countless hundreds have lost their heads in the Sharia Countries for the entertainment of the Saudi Muslims and a not-so-subtle reminder by the Al Saud ruling family about consequences for troublemakers in the Kingdom.
Like Atheists.
Or Apostates.
Vote Trump for more of the same. (#Trump2020landlsideformore). We need their Arms money. So they can keep on killing tens of thousands of children in the Yemen. An unprecedented human rights catastrophe enabled by US and UK arms sales.
Here’s what was published about poor Tuti:
Tuti Tursilawati was executed on Monday in the city of Taif, Indonesia’s foreign ministry said, seven years after she was sentenced to death for killing her employer in an act she claimed was self-defence from sexual abuse.
President Joko Widodo criticised the decision on Wednesday, saying the government has officially protested to Riyadh and demanded better protection of Indonesian workers in the country.
“The execution of Tuti Tursilawati was done without notification to our representatives, either in Riyadh or Jeddah,” he said at a news conference.
Tursilawati claimed she was acting in self-defence when she killed her employer in 2010 after he tried to rape her. Migrant Care, an NGO advocating for the rights of Indonesian workers abroad, condemned the execution and urged the government to take serious diplomatic steps. It said Indonesia should reverse its recent decision to allow a limited number of Indonesian migrant workers to Saudi Arabia despite a 2015 moratorium banning new domestic workers from entering 21 Middle Eastern countries.
Indonesia introduced the ban following the execution of two other Indonesian maids by Saudi Arabia the same year.
Punishable by death?
Drug trafficking, rape, murder, apostasy and armed robbery are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia’s version of Islamic law.
As well as the Middle East, Indonesia also sends domestic workers to many parts of Asia, including Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, and has often complained about the treatment of its workers abroad. GCC countries have come under fire over its controversial Kafala system of sponsorship for migrant workers, which is used to varying extents in different countries across the region.
Kafala restricts most workers from moving to a new job before their contracts end unless they obtain their employer’s consent, trapping many workers in abusive situations.
International rights and labour groups have called for comprehensive laws to protect migrant labourers and reforming the kafala system. And according to Human Rights Watch several Gulf countries have slowly improved the labour protections for migrant domestic workers.
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