Hitlers dogs and the last 3 days of the Right-Wing Racist Reich
THE LAST THREE DAYS OF THE RACIST RELIGIOUS REICH is included in full in this book of Short Stories.
The Three Rs (Press Release)
Order from AMAZON; Kindle and paperback.

Those who forget the mistakes of history are condemned to repeat them.
This story recalls 3 days in History. In 1945.
29, 30 April and 1st May, through a cast of characters all unified by right-wing beliefs.
The What part is a recollection of key moments in the final days of the Right-wing Government, The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, the misnamed party that emerged from the German nationalist, racist and populist Freikorps paramilitary culture which used violence andmurder to eliminate all opposition and dominated German politics from 1920 for 25 years, until these three days.
The Where part is centered around the bunker in Berlin where Hitler retreated with his inner circle, including the First Lady of the Reich and her husband, the creator of propoganda in the era of mass media.
The When is the 29th of April 1945, until the 1st of May, 1945.
The Why part is to provide a simple timeline of consequences. a record of what follows when a group of right-wing christian believers, in this case as in many others, representing one third of the electorate, born into the mental infirmity that engenders right-wing choices to be superior, inherent in which is racism and white entitlement. This right-wing belief when raised on a platform of Christian supplication to invisible supreme beings only ever follows one path. Events in the three days I have chosen to magnify in this blog detail how right-wing Christian mind-sets, assigned by herd geography and not individual free-will choices made by adequately developed minds capable of critical thought, as is always the case, will always lead to the same outcome so graphically demonstrated by the participants in my three day recollection.
The How part is essentially, because they could. The natural political balance in any Two Party Democratic system, was done away with. Liberal opposition to Germany’s right-wing model of fascist leadership was eroded to the point of irrelevance. Without this check and boundary, right wing imagination, such as it ever is outside of an oxymoron, was allowed to run unchecked to its natural conclusion.
There are many commonalities between both the mind sets of the right-wing Christians and the time periods in which they rise up from under the ethical stones they normally inhabit, far from the examination of conscience. Far from the right to kill millions to prove their right-wing Christian views have any place in a compassionate society capable of achieving Love and a Peaceful world.
The characters in this story in order of appearance:
Adolph Hitler
Eva Braun
Gretl Braun
Magda Goebbels
Harald Quandt Magda’s son by her first marriage. Learned about Mercedes and BMW engines flying them for the Luftwaffe in the 1941 occupation of Crete. Became the richest man in West Germany post war. Owing 10% of Mercedes Benz and 30% of BMW. Died in 1967 in a plane crash.
Joseph Goebbels Died 1st May 1945, aged 47. The brains behind the indoctrination.
Hermann Göring. Morphine addicted head of the Luftwaffe. The greatest air army the world had ever seen. Powered by the engines of Mercedes and BMW. Tried and Nurmberg, and hanged as a war criminal.
Gerdy Troost Right wing socialite, German Shepherd owner.
Albert Speer Architect and friend of the Hitlers. Died at 76 in London. After 20 years of a Nurmberg sentence
Martin Bormann
Benito Mussolini
Clara Petacci Mistress of Mussolini. Stood by her man to die by his side at 33.
Walter Audisio Tasked with the summary execution of Italy’s most right-wing fascists. Shot Clara in the chest, not the beautiful face.
Heinrich Himmler
Helga, Hildegard, Helmut, Holdine, Hedwig, and Heidrun Goebbels. The six children from the second marriage by marvelous Mother (the Mother of the Third Reich), Magda Goebbels.
Edward Bernays The American wordsmith who translated and sold Goebbels’ German sales-art into the USA.
Rochus Misch Nazi officer inside the bunker. Last surviving witness to events in these three days.
General Wilhelm Keitel Survived the Berlin bunker, but was tried in Nurmberg and hanged in 1946 as a war criminal
Ludwig Stumpfegger Hitlers doctor, administered the cyanide where ordered. Died 2nd May 1945.
And three principal dogs. Negus, Stasi and Blondi. Died in Berlin on April 29th, 1945.

I would like to start with Hitlers dogs.
Yes, Adolph was a first world war veteran and a gifted art student, but did he really love dogs? And children; or was that another of Goebbels spin factory devices?
During his military service in World War I, Hitler rescued a stray white Fox Terrier named “Fuchsl”. Hitler had great affection for the dog and when he was not on duty at the front, or among the German wounded in the Ypres Salient in Belgium on October 14, 1918, when then Corporal Hitler was temporarily blinded by a British gas shell and evacuated to a German military hospital, he would spend much of his free time training Fuchsl. Hitler experienced profound loss when Fuchsl left.

In 1921, during his poverty phase that was the germination time for his right-wing Catholic ideology to evolve the manifesto for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, the Nazi Party, he was gifted a German Shepherd named “Prinz”. Unable to afford to keep Prinz he was forced to lodge the dog elsewhere. However, she managed to escape and return to him. Hitler was deeply moved by the loyalty and obedience of the dog, developing a great liking for the breed; and a preference for bitches.
Hitler owned a German Shepherd called “Muckl” and then two German Shepherd bitches, a mother [born 1926] and daughter [born ca. 1930] – both named Blonda, before taking ownership of his most famous dog. The one associated with Joseph Goebbels, his grand propagandists, design of ‘Hitler the dog lover’. (Good with kids too.)

Blondi, born in 1941, was an 8 week old puppy gifted to him from his Lutheran God praising right-wing assistant, General Martin Bormann. Blondi became Hitlers constant companion, even after his move into the Führerbunker located underneath the garden of the Reich Chancellery on 16 January 1945
In May 1942, Hitler bought another young German Shepherd “from a minor official in the post office in Ingolstadt“to keep Blondi company. He called her Bella.
Meanwhile, Hitler met Eva Braun in 1929, while she was working as an assistant to a Nazi party photographer. She fell in love with Herr Wollf. By the end of 1932, their relationship had become intimate. Eva made a second attention-getting suicide bid in 1935 with an overdose of pills when she felt Hitler was not devoting enough of his time to her, and by 1936, she had established her close relationship, if not marriage too, Der Fuhrer. She was installed in rooms adjacent to those of Hitler at the Chancellery, designed by Nazi architect, Albert Speer. She also had a suite at the Berghof. Eva and her younger sister Gretl, who had followed her sister to a job with right-wing Catholic photographer Hoffmann, had an apartment together in Munich along with a villa, provided by Hitler.
By now Eva and Hitler were as close as peas in a pod, but Hitler wanted neither marriage nor children. His paternal needs were satisfied by owning German Shepherd bitches. His marriage was “To the German people.” His devoted friend, Magda Goebbels would serve the role of First Lady.
The British reacted by changing the name of their German Shepherds to Alsatians, to stop the animal abuse arising from this association with Hitler.

Speer wrote in his autobiography of Eva as a lonely neglected secret mistress, hidden away and treated badly by her lover, who humiliated her constantly with statements that women had no place in politics, as they were too stupid, and that he would never marry as that would suggest children which he did not want, in case they were expected to be raised as party successors to their father.

Eva certainly seemed happy enough with the dynamics of their relationship, choosing to appease her maternal instincts with two Black Scottish Highland Terriers, Negus and Stasi, and by assuming the role of loving “aunt” to the children of Hitler’s inner circle. Eva vowed her loyalty. She would follow her man to the grave if necessary to be near him always.

By now, the Blondi years, the Hitler family comprised Hitler and Blondi on one side and Eva with Negus and Stasi on the other.
Hitler adored Blondi, keeping her by his side constantly. After they moved to the bunker in Berlin, he allowed her to sleep on the foot of his bed. Annoying to Eva for a number of reasons, including Blondi’s intolerance of the smaller Highland Terriers. Negus and Stasi.

Blondi was Goebbels star performer in Nazi propaganda portraying Hitler as an animal lover. German Shepherds were coveted as “germanische Urhunde“, being close to the wolf, and became very fashionable during the Nazi era.


Because he could. The arts of cut and paste with pictures and publishing made him the first man to find himself in this position.



The full story that was once this Blog is in the book The Three Rs
THE LAST THREE DAYS OF THE RACIST RELIGIOUS REICH is included in full in this book of Short Stories.
The Three Rs (Press Release)
Order from AMAZON; Kindle and paperback.
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