Happy 15th birthday Byron

Today is Byron 15th birthday. His birthday gift will arrive in the post (today) at his Mother’s home in New Malden.
This year’s gift is similar to every gift sent on his birthday since February 26, 2016, none of which were acknowledged, either because British Royal Mail made sure he did not receive them, or because family law solicitor Charlotte Adler ensured he did not receive them, year after year, after year.
Legally, Byron has been prevented from receiving any correspondence from his father, or anyone related to him on his father’s side, including his grandmother and godfather both now deceased having never seen Byron again, by a judgment made in family court.
The responsible judge is Michele O’Leary. Michele was a failing family law barrister, by reputation, who managed to pass the multiple choice exam for Deputy District Judge, that then provided her with the opportunity to sit in Family court as a judge able to make unappealable judgments in a court service that offers assured immunity to judges no matter how egregious their deviance from impartial fact based judgment may be.
Even when that deviance includes criminality to the extent of witness tampering, interfering with justice in another country, and making judgments on financial accounting matters that are obviously, transparently, deliberately wrong. Criminality to the extent that even when judgements like Michele’s judgment in Byron’s case is no more than fabricated invention presented as fact to drive an illegal judgment, the British family Court Service does not allow the oversight of an Appeals process to eliminate this criminal conduct from inside the court service.

As a result of Michele O’Leary’s deviant judgment, the Plaintiff, a family Law solicitor Mother, who brought the action to Family Court, where O’Leary was not even set down by the Court service as the judge for her bogus hearing. O’Leary was switched at the last minute with DDJ. Burles, the judge appointed for that hearing in 2015, and was then able to rule giving Adler control over all contact with Byron. That included sending birthday cards to his school. By awarding Adler total control over Byron’s life, O’Leary enabled her to legally prevent him receiving any opportunities arising from being my son. In time perhaps that will form a court case of its own.
Was it legal to deny a child this opportunity in life by making a ruling based on awarding money for the clearly dishonest plaintiff rather than considering the child’s welfare?
These opportunities arising from having me as his father that he was familiar with having been raised by myself for the first four years of his life in which he had my full parenting attention coupled with the financial means to provide an education in life along with all opportunities that included a variety of experiences that make up an entire chapter of an interesting book in how children can diligently be exposed to life enhancing opportunity. Early exposure to life experiences that develop skills from an early age, always at an age appropriate level.
Listing those life experiences that I had planned for Byron that went ahead without him thanks to the O’Leary judgment would be a trail of tears. The sole purpose in this endeavor might be if a court was to consider the damages arising from O’Leary’s judgment.
How do you value what Byron lost in all of the experiences and life lessons he would have had with me in those ten years since he was prevented from being a part of his own father’s life.
Who can tell what impact the projection of those multiple learning opportunities like; the pyramids of Giza, to the steps of the Acropolis, to hikes in Yosemite, and sunshine meetings with elephant families in Zambia after boating down the Zambezi, might have had on a developing young mind. Especially when considering these opportunities alongside the alternative family law provided. Life in a small house in the small town Korean area of New Malden, ending up in boarding school. When all along he has had the opportunity to be schooled with my supervision and constant presence in his day to day schooling.
How did Adler and O’Leary get away with what is quite clearly both illegal and an abuse of basic human rights. A child’s right to know his father. Replacing a world of opportunity with a ring fenced rainy boarding school experience denied all contact with everyone he knew and loved in his early life.
The answer is simple. Both Charlotte Adler and Michele O’Leary are members of Family Court. An organization that exists with power vested in the Judge on the day, working legislation that is way past sell by, in which the Judge is free from any regulatory oversight and assured immunity from any level of corrupt judgment. Even when that corruption is published in Black and White certainty that shows beyond all reasonable doubt that the Family Court Judge is a deviant corrupt liar.
As a result of this endemic systemic failing in British Family law deviant members of the Law Society entitled to practice in Family Court are able to manipulate the levers of family court power to grift whatever financial advantage best suits their own financial benefit.
In the case of Adler and O’Leary, this financial advantage won by lying and trading Byron’s life with his father, was a sum in excess of £3 million. My entire net worth as a 54 year old having worked a diligent productive 30 years to build up this comfortable lifestyle. Yet, to say all I lost was £3 million would not reflect the ancillary consequences of this legal coup by Adler and O’Leary.
Many strands of illegal persecution arose from Adler and her team of family law deviants including; Tom Amlot, Simon Webster, Graham Coy, Richard Castle.
I was physically attacked in one instance. Doorstopped outside my home by a large heavyset goon who assaulted me under the legal deceit of serving a subpoena. (That would in normal legal process have been served to my lawyers office). That assault did leave a trauma residue. It is not pleasant being physically struck by a large Nazi-looking shaven head goon with hate in his eyes and a gloating smile when he saw me hit the ground. I reported that attack, commissioned by family law members in a clear breach of their regulatory code. Nothing happened.
I was the victim of a break in at my home in which my laptop containing all my legal files in the case Adler brought against me was stolen. The police attended directly after the burglary was noticed. They investigated. A scene of crime officer took forensic tests. They then interviewed Adler and her then boyfriend, her boxing Instructor. (The Pole, as she called him, for some reason unrelated to Polish ancestry.)
The investigating office told me “They are our only suspects. But she works as a lawyer. She’s never going to admit it. Without any evidence we can’t take it further even with a warrant to search her home. She would never keep evidence there. Clearly it’s unlikely anyone else had the means motive and opportunity to steal your laptop. There is no sign of a break in. She had a key. You should have changed the locks. Best case, claim it on your insurance.” I submitted that police report to the Solicitors regulatory body. Nothing happened. I claimed it on the Insurance. There’s a whole story of criminality there too.
This list of criminality by members of family law goes on. And on. Criminality perpetrated with malice aforethought by members of family law, secure in knowing they enjoy immunity from prosecution as members of family law, able to commit criminality above the law.
I made every effort, spending enormous amounts of money to ensure that Byron could continue seeing me. The more I spent, the more Adler and especially her Family law front, Tom Amlot, pushed back both legally, and otherwise. Negotiating even an overnight visit with Byron would typically end up costing me £5,000 a night. That was legal. Lying about a property not being flooded when it was, to have the costs value increased, was illegal. Fraud. With premeditation. Lying about an Insurance claim to The Axa Insurance to grift £300,000 in an insurance payout was both illegal and Insurance fraud by members of family law. Lying repeatedly in O’Leary’s court was perjury. The lies remain in the court judgment that can at any time be viewed alongside the facts that show the extent of this perjury.
Had there been any oversight for the perjury I reported, establishing the truth behind how often and how readily Amlot, Adler and Webster lied, and for that matter the equally dishonest family law members I paid £160,000 to, Graham Coy and Richard Castle, while O’Leary entered their lies as facts in judgment, then all of them would have faced the maximum censure that perjury and larceny inside family court while representing the reputation of the family court as ‘Officers of the Court’, carries.
When, near the end of the hearing in 2015, I told O’Leary directly in her court that I intended reporting her lies in a book following this court case, her reply (paraphrased) was “You do that and I will have you jailed for contempt. These are closed proceedings. if you say one word of what happened here I will find you in contempt.”
And yet.
From soon after that threat was made, I have repeatedly listed the lies of O’Leary and the others in Adler vs Broulidakis 2015, including O’Leary’s very obvious witness tampering that is of itself a legal offense warranting jail time. I have repeated these disclosures as often as I have been able to in the hope that one or more of the accused would in fact do as they said and challenge me in court because if the content of that judgment is not a series of lies written with deliberation by corrupt grifter liars exploiting the family law system, then they should proceed with a full examination of the facts in the court case they bring to prove I am ‘lying.’
Is it at all peculiar that I have not even received so much as a cease and desist letter to date, let alone an invitation to speak in front of a British court about alleged ‘Contempt’; when I have detailed a lying judges lies in minute detail; revealing the extent of how dishonest and corrupt a sitting judge in family court was then and most probably continues to be to this day.
Nasty criminal persecutions that could only have come from them (Team Adler) happened with regularity. My Wikipedia page was edited to include credibility harming lies that left me in no doubt as to who posted them.
My collection of valuable Crystal Geodes that were stored while I waited to ship them to my new home in California after The O’Leary judgment awarded 100% of my home to freeloading house-guest turned successful Law firm owner on my dime, Charlotte Adler, were vandalized.
I arrived to pack a pair of large Amethyst Geods awaiting shipping to America to find someone had been into the space with a hammer and knocked off the crystal points inside the Geod. Transforming a $10,000 museum piece into a broken stone. This happened during a time of adversarial conflict with only one person. No one else had the means, motive or opportunity to commit that crime. Who would go into a secure area with the intention of destroying a beautiful Amethyst Crystal Geod. And then smash all the inside points into dust in a process requiring both time and precision. And a deeply deviant amount of premeditation. I know the identity of the criminal behind that breaking and entering and theft of property.
The list goes on. And on. I wrote a book about it. Containing specific details of malicious dishonest sociopathic criminal behaviors that all coincidentally occurred at the same time as Adler was bringing an aggressive family court action against me while preventing Byron from seeing me, at the same time blackmailing me for six figure sums in exchange for any visitation.
Nothing I said or did made any difference to the dispensation of justice. Because British family court is inherently, systemically corrupt. It’s members above any regulation, oversight or censure.
There is no legal oversight in family court. Judges can make Unappealable judgments. There is no ombudsman committee capable reviewing their criminal acts. The two bodies that exist, the Legal Ombudsman and the Solicitors Regulatory Authority are not independent, serving only to deflect the charges against corrupt family law members as they arise. This I know after spending countless hours documenting transparently illegal acts by members of family law for the attention of those two supposed oversight bodies.
And so; for readers of the Who Lies Wins book that ends with events up until 2019, when Byron was Ten; here’s what happened next.
I ended my weekly efforts to contact Byron. I stopped sending gifts, books, invitations to high value travel, art supplies and music related possibilities. None of them were reaching him anyhow. I had a lengthy talk with the headmaster at his school to evaluate his progress in school as he approached the end of his schooling at Rokeby. I made the formal offer to invite him to be schooled in the US. Under my auspices, with considerable support from my friends in education in the US. I consulted with possibly the most informed expert in Parental alienation in England on what would be best for Byron. (Thank you Karen for your enormously helpful insight into Parental Alienation in Britain.)
At which point I focused on getting on with my own life and directing those countless hours I spent wasting time in the hope that British Family law was not a broken system that exists only for the right of members to abuse children for their own monetary gain, towards goals more likely to produce a worthwhile outcome.
As Byron grows older he continues to know where I am. And what awaits him. Whatever elements of Parental alienation Adler has employed through the years, in which I acknowledge, she is a gifted professional trained in knowing her professional subject with the added venom of the historically troubled sociopath she was when we met, I also believe Byron’s memory and early learning in the way he enjoyed with me, cannot fully be erased by a deviant liar willing and able to mislead a growing child. The neural pathways formed in those first six years cannot be entirely quarterized by the hateful child-abusive malice of even the most gifted alienator.
At some point soon; when he is 15, or 16, or the year after, Byron will have the means to decide for himself. And then I look forward to spending some quality time together. We have much to catch up on. None of it relating to the conflict he will inevitably have experienced over what his Mother did when he was four. And five. And six. And every year thereafter.
I will recuse myself of any input into that therapeutic journey he will be best advised consulting with the most advanced practitioners in that area of Parental alienation.
Byron is not the first child to be abused by deviant British Family court. Nor the first to be subject to Parental Alienation. But it’s unlikely many children in his position have as many resources to draw on in parsing events from the past that affected him.
Two books exist that cover events day by day, week by week, month by month through those silent years. Who Lies Wins. And Letters to Byron.
Adler and O’Leary may have prevailed in family court with an illegal judgement for which they must face accountability if and when British family law defunds its criminal elements and disincentivizes its members from profiting from child abuse.
I googled today to see that both are still working in family law. That confirms this change to the underlying right of family law members to profit from child abuse remains intact. But unlike in previous years when my determination to help other victims of a criminal court service in Britain motivated my reporting, now I no longer care. British family law is beyond redemption. My contribution to the reformation is complete. I have done all I can do as a conscientious citizen highlighting criminal injustice within the establishment.
Now I feel that if others experience what Byron and me went through my conscience is clear. I have done all I could to warn all separating parents with children about remaining silent when corrupt government keep avoiding demands to end criminality in family court. One of the most intelligent reviews of my book has the header: “It could happen to you.”
I hope Byron receives this 15th birthday gift. I hope that he is able to call and enjoy a visit to California this year.
I hope Britain one day can end corruption in the legal establishment, even though family law brings some £40 billion a year into the establishments coffers.
British law, ratified in the House of Lords, protected the lucrative transatlantic slave trade for over three centuries, reaching its height in the 18th century. Rebellions and resistance and endless letters denouncing the criminals in British Law, led to Acts of Parliament that abolished the trade in 1807.
Family law, with its enslavement of children’s futures for the profits of establishment members, many of whom are Lords, is similar. What I hope will not be similar is what happens after this deviant legislation is ended. With the Slave Trade, the reforming British establishment paid enormous restitution. Not to the victims of slavery. But instead, to the wealthy establishment elites who profited from the slave trade. To them, the Eton elites, friends of the Royals, awards of astonishing generosity, compensating them for the many millions they would lose when their right to profit from human trafficking was ended. Proving, our British establishment with its elites on high in the Lord’s, get away with whatever benefits the members the most. The value of Profits for the members by far exceeds any sense of Justice or injustice in the discharge of their legal obligations in the illusion of British democracy.
We have Laws made for and by the Rich. In which they, the establishment conservatives, will happily continue profiting from human trafficking for as long as they can get away with it, over 300 years. Any similarly, profiting from legal child abuse in family court, for as long as they can keep getting away with it. Exactly as they did in Adler vs Broulidakis 2015.
You will only know this trade in child misery has ended when you see arrests for the miscreants identified in my story, as well as countless others.
Through this almost 11 year journey from that Father’s Day mafia hit in 2013 when Byron was removed from my life on Father’s day, I have learned that life goes on. Even after potentially life ending trauma on such an extreme scale. Like anything, if you want something to be the best it can be, moving forward only becomes the best it can be if you approach each new day with a happy shiny outlook. That requires separating the dark injustice of the past from the glorious opportunities of the future.
For Byron and me there is a happy future ahead. As Churchill said of the Member of Parliament accusing him of being drunk. “Yes, I Am Drunk, But You Are Ugly. Tomorrow I Will Be Sober, And You Will Still Be Ugly”.
Many children have to deal with parents from different sides of the behavioral and ideological spectrum. Deviant mass murderers have children who must process how they see their parents, when, for example, they visit them in prison in awareness of their awful crimes.
For the affected infected, deviant lying sociopathy doesn’t wash away like a hangover. Its there for life. But for those impacted by legalized deviant sociopathy, giving one flying F about criminal deviant sociopaths and their impact on your life is a choice that once made leaves a freedom that is even more exhilarating than I imagine seeing justice done in a punitive courtroom would ever be.
Happy birthday Byron. I hope to see you soon to celebrate all that is best in life and the possibilities that exist for you in your 16th year.
Note: This year will be the first birthday you have since you were born that your godfather Chris did not call me on your birthday. Chris passed in December last year. Aged 70. Cancer. Chris never stopped trying to see you and support your right to know your family. He sent you many gifts that you never received. Twice he traveled to London to see you. He wrote to Adler countless times to advocate for your rights. Chris had been ready to fly to London for the Court case in 2015, to give evidence about the lie about “He promised me his house”. But when O’Leary switched to take over the judges chair, she stopped Chris traveling. O’Leary cancelled all witnesses as well as cancelling all the witness evidence, bundles of pages of sworn evidence that showed the truth of that case, in a claim that was based entirely on no evidence by Adler. Just ‘She said he said’. Which is why they had to get rid of the factual evidence or they could not have continued the court case. I spoke with Chris daily during his final months. In one of our last conversations he told me how he felt about what happened to you. Having know you your whole life. What happened to you is not normal. Nor should you ever allow some sense of fear based loyalty to Adler make you believe that her conduct, and that shameful family court ruling define your right to know your family. I will tell you Chris’s final words for you when we meet.
Many people love you a great deal and miss you even more. No judge gets to tell you who you can and cannot see. Love does not work that way. You always have a choice.
#ByronBroulidakis #ChrisGhelakis


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