Gun Law and the N.R.A. By Logan Twain

Logan Twain’s first single Gun Law and the N.R.A is available on all streamed platforms from today: November 15th. 2022.
Gun Law and the N.R.A references classic 80’s rock, the music that influenced Logan’s formative development, including the slide playing of Duane Allman and AC/DC’s ‘Back In Black’ rhythm timing.
Aside from being a fun romp through the rock canon, with a soaring slide guitar solo, the song is a tribute to former TWAIN TWIN guitarist singer, and twin brother of Logan, Jim Twain who became another statistic in America’s gun law on June 1, 2022, aged 23.
Find out more at #SensibleGunLawNOW
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Logan Twain was born on April 20, 1999 two minutes before his brother Jim to newly weds, Earl and Loretta Twain in Millington Hospital, Shelby County, Tennessee. The boys were born on the day of the Columbine school shooting. Live coverage from Columbine was on the Hopsital TV when Loretta gave birth.
The twins were raised as Republicans. Churchgoers from the beginning and NRA members from an early age. Home was a trailer in Shelby County with their Mother, Loretta. Their father, Earl, a Marine Sergeant, was away almost continuously, fighting wars in distant lands to provide them with a home-education defined by gun-law and the repetition of right-wing conspiracy theories paired with Biblical interpretation. Most of his home visits involved taking the boys shooting. Both could dismantle and reassemble an AR-15 by the age of seven. Jim would go on to sell more automatic weapons in the Memphis area than any other gun sales executive before the age of 21. An accomplishment that won him a free AR-15.
The twins were close, finding comfort in each other’s interest while their mother descended into a hazy world of alcohol and meth, emerging only briefly each Sunday morning to ensure their Church attendance.
In 2005 Earl Twain lost both legs above the knee in an IED incident during his third tour of Afghanistan. After completing his Army rehab where he acquired a sizable opioid habit, Earl returned to his Tennessee trailer providing for his young family on an Army disability pension.
In this new trailer bound legless loveless marriage Earl migrated his opioid addiction to Alcohol and Meth in which Loretta matched him shot for shot. Their parents decline was obvious to the boys, who learned to keep out of their way. Two years of sheer hell followed Earls mutilated repatriation to the family trailer for all four occupants before Earl Twain killed himself by gun in 2007. He used his Army issue Beretta M9. Sensibly pressing the barrel into the soft of his chin and firing upwards. He was 27. The twins were eight.
2007 had seen the highest number of Army suicides to date, a 13% rise over 2006. Earl was one of 102 confirmed Military suicides that year. There were 935 suicide attempts by US Military in 2007 so Loretta had the consolation of knowing Earl was in the upper percentile of success, and a celebrity of sorts, joining the 27 club.
After the funeral, where he was buried with full military honors as a Purple Heart recipient, life in the trailer was somewhat improved for Loretta and the twins. Loretta reconnected with family members and put more effort into her church related duties although her reliance on Meth and Alcohol had by this time already taken it’s toll on her appearance and her maternal function. Most of the monthly pension from the army went on alcohol and meth. The need to make money for food became a pressing urgency for the boys who went to bed hungry most nights.
Salvation came via a relative of Loretta’s. Her third cousin, a guitar player who had made a successful career at nearby Muscle Shoals Recording studios as a session player. Jimmy Johnson had appeared on many hit songs including The Staple Singers “If you’re ready. Come go with me”. The twins early efforts at singing this song immediately resonated with all who heard it. This new found attention led them to form their first band; The Twain Twins. Two guitars and two soprano voices, singing and playing in Everly’s style mellifluous harmony, honed in pitch, timing and phrasing to intuitive perfection after endless hours of practice in the trailer.
Their two part harmony version of “If you’re ready” won them an invitation to sing at Sunday service where they won hearts and minds to such an extent the Pastor gave them a cut of the increased donations bowl. They were booked for the following weeks 10 am service starting a weekly appearance run that lasted for years; providing money that kept the family afloat while the boys developed their musical talents and Loretta managed her Meth/alcohol combining. A habit enjoyed mostly while listening to Johnny Cash Gospel recordings.
Along this musical journey Logan became an accomplished slide-guitar player after being gifted a brass slide uncle Jimmy told him “was left in the studio by Duane Allman.” A frequent player at Muscle Shoals Studio, Duane Allman became the inspiration for Logan’s slide playing.
Having never set a foot in any Tennessee school, officially, the twins were home educated by Loretta, whose single subject was Bible Study. In reality their teachers were Fox News and Alex Jones and their salvation was Jesus and Duane Allman. With that background the boys largely raised themselves with music as their guide. They knew every song Jimmy Johnson had played on at Muscle Shoals. Their live show repertoire was exclusively songs Jimmy Johnson played on in Muscle Shoals sessions. Including Paul Simon’s “Love’s me like a Rock” and “Kodachrome.”
After a three year run of weekly Sunday appearances at the Church their voices broke and that sweet soprano harmony lowered. Reaction from the congregation was not positive as they struggled with pitch in the new lower register. By popular demand the pastor ended their regular Sunday income-generating slot. Once more the boys experienced food anxiety. In their early teens by this time, prayer prevailed and they found paid work in a Memphis Gun Shop owned by a sympathetic Christian Republican NRA member with a similar interest in Alex Jones.
Both had been trained with advanced gun skills from a young age by their father. By the age of seven both were marksmen with short and long guns. Logan and Jim thrived in this environment of right-wing gun patriotism, rising to some influence in the local NRA Chapter.
Being sons of a deceased veteran Purple Heart winner gave them status at the weekly NRA meetings. A status enhanced after Jim put up a poster of Alex Jones in the NRA meeting hall. Like many NRA members, both boys were mesmerized by Alex Jones and his important guidance. AJ always got to the real truth.
Their developmental years were split evenly between church attendance, NRA meetings, usually referencing the latest Alex Jones revelation, and selling guns and ammunition at the store.
Loretta was an invisible presence in their lives. She was 34 when she was found dead in her bed. Cause of death was congestive heart failure. She had averaged two bottles of vodka daily along with what the coroner described as “excessive meth amphetamine. Enough to kill a healthy horse.” Her habit continued after Earl’s death seven years before. At 34 she looked 74. Logan told family “Loretta died of a broken heart” which was true.
After her funeral the boys remained in the Trailer where they found some joy rekindling their musical harmony singing in long sessions after their work day.
The iceberg in the Titanic of Jim’s life struck in December of 2021. While working at the Gun store Jim sold a gun to an 18 year old from Uvalde, Texas, despite being aware of some disturbance in this character that gave him forewarning of imminent impropriety. Somehow he knew it was wrong to sell an assault rifle to a troubled teen with a foreign sounding name but he knew he needed only two more sales to win Employee of the Month for the second time since the Covid spike in gun sales.
About five months later he saw that young man again on TV. He remembered the name Salvador, uncommon as it was.
On May 24, 2022, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos used his assault rifle to kill nineteen students and two teachers. Earlier that day he shot his grandmother in the face at home. Jim remembered this particular sale all too well. When he saw that same boy on TV shooting up the school in Uvalde, Jim experienced epiphanous remorse. Questioning everything he believed in, especially God, Trump , Alex Jones and his fraternal brotherhood, and the NRA who taught him the 2nd amendment was sacrosanct.
Jim realized it was not just the families of the gun law victims who are collateral damage in the mass shooting experience. Haunted by dream images of dead children Jim saw his role in that event with brutal clarity. Once the first dot of wokeness was joined, the picture populated itself with clarity at astonishing speed. Pixels of truth joined together to deconstruct and invalidate his entire past.
During this time he started using google to research facts about Alex Jones, his ethical mentor. This led him to tell Logan “Sandy Hook was not what Alex Jones said it was. Actors paid by the Liberal left to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. Adam Lanza was a real 20 year old, like one of us, who shot 26 people dead. Most of them were just little kids.” For Jim the tipping point came when he heard the father of one of the dead children from Sandy Hook explain that an NRA member had urinated on his child’s grave, convinced as he was that the grave was a fake.
As Jim became more Woke he realized this was not, as Alex Jones and his fellow Christian NRA GOP members said, a false flag. It was selfish greed. Alex Jones had made tens of millions of dollars out of lying to the gullible who would believe whatever he said. They believed an invisible voice in the sky directed their every fortune, so their low bar in critical thinking made a good fit for Alex Jones’ thundering rhetoric.
For the first time Jim saw that all actions have consequences. Gullible idiocy is no excuse. After one week of unraveling his young life of delusional beliefs he became overwhelmed by guilt at his unfortunate congenital stupidity. Jim began obsessively writing what he called “His Gun Law Manifesto”. This became a four page hand written document that Logan would later take forward in Jim’s memory as #SensibleGunLawNow
Then, just one week after Salvador Ramos demonstrated the good guy with a gun theory in Uvalde, in an impulsive moment of genetic recidivism Jim recovered his inheritance, the Beretta 9mm his father Earl used to end his life. Jim used the Beretta to fire a single round upward from the soft under the chin to blow the top of his skull outwards. The identical suicide choice made by his father. It was June 1, 2022. Seven days after Uvalde.
Logan was affected. The last of a four person family, he was traumatized by loss and guilt at his complicity in a society predicated entirely on the disingenuous. In a coin toss between joining his family, Logan realized he would not be joining them in death after all, given his new awareness in the lie of afterlife. Logan chose life and music. He became obsessively immersed in music. Most days he would play his guitar for more than 12 hours.
Logan committed to making some sense of Jim’s life and death along with amends for his part in supporting the gun law deception using Jim’s four page document as his metric for change. His first song without Jim as his sidekick was recorded as a tribute to Jim, reflecting their last conversation.
A statement to memorialize Jim’s intention to change the narrative that raises children to place unquestioning value on the opinions of money-motivated old men selling them god and guns.
Some two months after Jiums death, Logan had the idea for Gun law and the N/R.A. Originally titled #Fu&kTheNRA, he was persuaded to take a commercial view. Logan recorded his parts in Memphis, working with London Producers to add production values. Most significantly this took the form of accepting voice coaching to sing without his pronounced southern accent. His original version sung with his Southern drawl sounded, in his opinion “Like a Lynard Skynard B Side.”
Singing with his English accent brought out a new confidence in Logan.
After a variety of threats from his former NRA friends Logan was advised to use a different name for the release, annoying as he had become to his former friends with his song remembering all victims of gun violence but especially the children who had no say in gun law.
Logan agreed with Jim’s vision for sensible Gun Law reform. Sensible Gun law begins with removing the NRA, the GOP and the QKK from the law making process. It is clear that 18 year olds should not have access to Assault rifles designed for the battlefield. It is clear that those who argue for this 2nd amendment entitlement are deranged enemies of humanity who have foregone the right to influence future gun-law.
Copied from the Twain Twins fan newsletter by Olivia Burchett. October, 2022.
In December of 2021 18-year-old Salvador Ramos bought an AR-15 from the Millington based gun dealership where musician, Jim Twain worked. Racked by guilt, Jim Twain would go on to take his own life following the Uvalde shooting. Jim’s death affected Logan. He gave up his job at the Gun Store, quit NRA meetings and questioned the 2nd amendment. Around the same time he read that Alex Jones was facing serious court charges brought by Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis. Their son Jesse Lewis was among the 20 children who killed in the 2012 attack in Sandy Hook. Logan realized Jones was no more than a criminal grifter, lying to make millions out of the misery of dead children. “They are dead because deficient gun laws invited exploitation by the unscrupulous in the name of Jesus” appeared on Logan’s Twitter as his lightbulb moment.
Logan had an epiphany. Posted on Twitter. “Everything I was groomed to believe was a lie. Starting with the greatest lie ever told. Jesus. A con made up by rotten people to exploit innocents for their own profit.”
The TWAIN TWINS may be over but we will never forget those glorious shows and wish Logan every success with his new solo venture. #SensibleGunLawNow
Jim’s sensible gun law manifesto includes;
Comprehensive background checks on all major national databases.
Sensible checks and boundaries for gun ownership including mental-health qualification.
No further civilian sales of automatic fire military grade assault-rifles.
Insurance required for all gun ownership by those passing the responsible gun ownership criteria.
#SensibleGunLawNow is premised on the reality that the NRA and the GOP cannot be included in any aspect of the gun law reform legislation process, having discounted themselves from any credibility in this regard. They are, every single one, willing accomplices in the death of every child killed by their support for selling assault rifles to children with mental issues. For opposing all sensible reforms simply as a matter of policy. #SensibleGunLawNow is up to those citizens without a vested interest in obstructing change.
Song Facts:
Lyric on left in italics . . …………… . . . . . Facts to the right.
Lawmakers of USA . . …………… . . . . Born on On July 4, 1776. The USA. With its Constitutional legislation.
The GOP the QKK . . …………… . . . . The GOP was founded in 1854 by anti-slavery activists who opposed the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which allowed for the potential expansion of chattel slavery into the western territories. Since the mid-1850s, it has been the main political rival of the Democratic Party. It was the party of Lincoln that prosecuted the Civil war and won. The party that allowed the losing leaders to escape the consequences of their treason. They remained a consistent conservative alternative to the Democrats until thew turn of the 20th century. After 1912, many Roosevelt supporters left the Republican Party, and the Party underwent an ideological shift to the right. Reversing advances made in the civil rights era. Membership saw recidivism to the white supremacy of the Slave era. The GOP became increasingly drawn to opportunist benefit for white Christian men.
The GOP lost its congressional majorities during the Great Depression (1929–1940) under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose popular socialist themed New Deal programs shifted the country towards the Democratic Party for most of the next three decades. What made America great was socialist intention. Company tax was upwards of 90% requiring the companies to reinvest in labor or face tax consequences for hoarding wealth. This is how middle America went from dirt bowl poverty to white picket fences for 2.4 child families of white parents. The infrastructure act that created jobs to build the infrastructure that the American economy boomed along was a perfect example of capitalist socialism at its most effective.
Following the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the party’s core base shifted, with southern states becoming more reliably Republican in presidential politics. After the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, the Republican Party opposed abortion in its party platform and grew its support among evangelicals. The trend towards narrow minded prejudiced thinking in the name of Jesus and for the benefit of the white man prosecuting a systemically racist agenda heightened immeasurably with the advent of the cold war. Nationalism in the America first context that provided Eisenhower with the platform to manufacture the weaponry to defeat Nazism turned form its ideological anti fascist position to the very opposite. The GOP increasingly swung lawmaking to favor christian white men above all other ideological considerations. With each successive GOP period, Nixon, Reagan and the Bush’s, the GOP moved ever closer to the core values of conservatism so readily identifiable with the German Socialist Workers party. Each successive defeat at the elections post-war left lessons on how to improve controlling the levers of power. Each lesson narrowed the GOP ideology towards its teleological end. The benefit of white Christian men above all others. Primarily at the expense of those who were were not White, Christian or men. While GOP opportunists saw the cold war period as fertile ground for seizing control, by combining use of fear with exploitation if ignorance, of the lawmaking process in the US. Enemies of the US, primarily the USSR and then Russia recognized this law breakdown of the constitutional freedoms that the GOP eroded to win their power base as their opportunity to continue their war with America from within. Using the devices of propaganda and media manipulation to direct the opinions and votes of the GOP members whose behaviors were so readily identifiable by their history. It was far more simple than it needed to be for enemies of the US to manipulate the lawmaking process to install anti American elements into key positions to complete a master plan that would divide and destroy the national unity that had once offered such strong resistance to German fascism and then the USSR. A wall was built by the GOP that left the nation divided, reminded that “A house divided against itself can never stand.” The Biblical quote Lincoln employed in a campaign speech he delivered at the 1858 Illinois Republican State Convention. The House divided speech resonated then and as we know from History, Lincoln led the GOP to a successful defeat of the Slavery first racist American party of the day, the Democrats. 150 years after the racists defeat in 1865, in 2015 the US political system was ready and primed for a takeover. By 2016 it was clear that the GOP represented the exact opposite of the values its was founded upon.
The QKK . . …………… . . . . began with the KKK. A christian organization formed to continue Christian racism post abolition act, directly after the wars end in 1865. The first Klan used terrorism, both physical assault and murder, against politically active Black people and their allies in the Southern United States in the late 1860s. It was a defining organization of the Reconstruction era. Organized in numerous chapters across the Southern United States using the church network to organize its racist attacks. The KKK sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using voter intimidation and targeted violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was autonomous and highly secretive about membership and plans. Every member in every chapter was a white-christian-racist. (The Racist Religious Right.) As the Klans popularity declined, WW1 changed the playing field for white supremacy interests. Black soldiers went off to war and on their return were not willing to remain excluded from the benefits of having served. This led to an increased demand for racist suppression of uppity niggers.
The second Klan started in 1915 as a small group in Georgia. Taking inspiration from D. W. Griffith’s 1915 silent film The Birth of a Nation, which mythologized the founding of the first Klan, it employed marketing techniques and a popular fraternal organization structure. Rooted in local Protestant communities, it sought to maintain white supremacy, often took hard right positions like pro-Prohibition and pro-compulsory public education. It targeted Jews, while also stressing its opposition to the alleged political power of the pope and the Catholic Church. This second Klan flourished both in the south and northern states; it was funded by initiation fees and selling its members a standard white costume. The chapters did not have dues. It used K-words which were similar to those used by the first Klan, while adding cross burning’s and mass parades to intimidate others. It rapidly declined in the latter half of the 1920s as increased prosperity meant the lowest layer of whites did not need to assert their need for social relevance by way of racist exploitation.
The third and current manifestation of the KKK emerged after 1950, in the form of localized and isolated groups that use the KKK name and brand. They have focused on opposition to the civil rights movement, often using violence and murder to suppress activists. This manifestation is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total KKK membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total. But clearly that is not the total number of Klan-centric racists in the USA when you consider some 70 million citizens voted Trump racism in 2016.
During the early 20th century the Klan enjoyed general acceptance for their racist policies. To the extent that many if not most of the 4,000 lynchings that characterize their influence on America’s South were well attended public rituals in which ordinary American kids dressed in their Sunday best and collected their dates to enjoy the spectacle as an entertainment treat for an average young American. Gradually the extent of their aberrant behavior, widespread use of the N word, gratuitous lynchings and awful mutilations of black children like Emmet Till increased the weight of liberal outrage towards the endemic systemic racist class, preventing its ongoing conduct happening in silence in the shadows.
Billie Holliday wrote Strange Fruit. Hoover’s Republican racist right FBI hounded Billie Holliday mercilessly, up to and including on her death bed.
Bob Dylan wrote many songs about the perils of being Black in America. “Make me feel ashamed to live in a land where justice is a game.” Hollywood brought out a succession of powerful movies like Mississippi Burning giving attention to the very depths of depravity this class of American represented. And for these reasons a wider awareness of Americas historic issues with racism and its legal prosecution seemed to portend a better, less racist future for the USA. But frequent reminders that it was always two steps forward one step back were never far from the surface. Evidenced in the incarceration numbers. The drug laws jailing Black men for cannabis use to discount them from voting. The astonishing habit of policing allowing officers to shoot black people on sight with qualified immunity from any prosecution. The consistent gaslighting in law that prevented the ongoing abuse of Blacks in the US from attracting popular support the way that it did with the Anti Apartheid movement in South Africa.
Into this mish mash of rising christo-fascist racism came the magical fairy dust to make it all sparkle onwards. The conspiracy theorists. Q Anon, making claims so ridiculous only a pure red fascist-racist could ever believe them and repeat them in the way Trump has made his trademark. Yet they did. Now a new generation of KKK emerged. All the same qualities that fueled their will to benefit from being white Christians post war, but now imbued with that added validation. What they were doing was not in any way wrong. That crazy notion that Blacks were above jungle savages was just Hollywood liberal nonsense. False news and conspiracies. And in this arrangement with blind faith where the lie became the equal of the truth, subject to who lies-loudest making perfect sense, we arrived at today’s QKK. Where racism is false news. And antifa are not our heroic soldiers who took down fascism in 1945, but in an ironic twist in wordplay, the fascists looking to burn down America, loot its pristine malls and rape its virginal daughters. Because admitting to being anti-fascist means that you are actually a fascist. Facts that are self evident to every trained QKK patriot and graduate of Trumps University for deep thinkers.
Paid for by the NRA . . …………… . . . . The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is a gun rights advocacy group based in the United States. Founded in 1871 to advance rifle marksmanship after the performance of both guns and gunmen in the civil war revealed alarming inadequacies in both.
Union Army records for the Civil War indicate that its troops fired about 1,000 rifle shots for each Confederate hit. Measured by the available data of the conflict, this average number is likely to be dependable. For every 1,000 shots fired, one casualty arose. Clearly the high fatality numbers from the Civil War did not come from riflemen. Rifles developed in leaps and bounds during the civil war, starting from the basic 1855 Springfield rifle musket. Almost 50,000 of these were manufactured before the start of the war and were widely used in the first battles by both sides. It used the newly designed conical Minie ball, at .58 cal, it could travel at speed up to 1,000 yards. There is no disguising the fact that gun development by the tim the Civil war began was unsophisticated at best. And medieval on the average metric of fit-for-purpose. Union General Burnside said of his recruits: “Out of ten soldiers who are perfect in drill and the manual of arms, only one knows the purpose of the sights on his gun or can hit the broad side of a barn.”
Contributing to the low efficiency number with long gun fire is the basic level of the guns they used in the Civil war and for that matter, in drafting the 2nd amendment. Muzzle loading, even with the advantages offered by the newly invented Minie ball, many of the rifles had smooth bore barrels, and reloading was a lengthy process requiring many stages. It took a skilled trained rifleman an average 20 seconds to load and fire a smoothbore blackpowder musket.
Considering the evidence available to military intelligence after the war and the accounting for the ammunition fired by both sides, the need for improvement was obvious. The NRA was a high value necessity. Very quickly this organization assisted advances in both gun manufacture, starting with breech loading rifles replacing muzzle loaders. And by organizing shooting contests to give practice to new members. Creating a new generation of skilled shooters. Things moved along rapidly. Especially with the advent of John Browning’s designs. After the passage of the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934, the first federal gun-control law in the US, the NRA formed its Legislative Affairs Division to update members with facts and analysis of upcoming bills.
Karl Frederick, NRA president in 1934, during congressional NFA hearings testified “I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I seldom carry one. […] I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.” Four years later, the NRA backed the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. The NRA supported the NFA along with the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), which together created a system to federally license gun dealers and established restrictions on particular categories and classes of firearms.
So we see that since its inception after the Civil war up until the sixties, almost 100 years later, the NRA was a first rate, important organization that benefited the US and the defense of its constitution. Which included a second amendment written during the era of the muzzle loaders we now know required 1,000 efforts to hit one man. Consider then an efficient gunman would average two shots a minute. In 100 minutes he would fire 200 shots. It would take 500 minutes before he would expect to hit his first target.
Our well armed militia of the 2nd amendment could never have imaged the kind of gun power available to NRA GOP QKK member Stephen Paddock, who killed 60 people and wounded some 867 in his NRA GOP QKK gun fest in the Mandalay Bay on 1 October, 2017. Stephen remains #1 in the NRA /GOP/QKK high achievers list. His 61st fatality that night was himself.
Until the 1970s, the NRA was nonpartisan mainly focused on sportsmen, hunters, and target shooters. Politically the NRA downplayed and steered clear of gun control issues. But then during the 1970s it became increasingly aligned with the Republican Party. After 1977, the organization expanded its membership and its relevance by focusing heavily on political issues and forming coalitions with conservative politicians. The power of the NRA to lobby Government had been discovered and was to become the most important role for the evolving NRA, especially as the initial reason for the NRA’s existence had long since been fulfilled. The US now knew how to make guns very well. And how to shoot them very well. The NRA reinvented itself as a became a prominent gun rights lobbying organization promoting right-wing interests while continuing to teach firearm safety and competency. The organization continues to publishes several magazines and sponsors competitive marksmanship events along with a measured online presence catering to GOP/QKK interests. According to the NRA, it had nearly 5 million members as of December 2018.
The NRA is among the most influential advocacy groups in U.S. politics. The NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) is its lobbying division, which manages its political action committee (PAC). Over its history the organization has influenced legislation, participated in or initiated lawsuits, and endorsed or opposed various candidates at local, state, and federal levels. Invariably in support of conservative interests and specifically stone walling gun law amendments by parrot repeating the 2nd amendment in a narrow view of the constitution that would place the rights of the gun to fire on automatic above the rights of a child to breath. Some notable lobbying efforts by the NRA-ILA are the Firearm Owners Protection Act, which lessened restrictions of the Gun Control Act of 1968, and the Dickey Amendment, which blocks the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from using federal funds to advocate for gun control. Starting in the mid-to-late 1970s the NRA has been increasingly criticized by gun control and gun rights advocacy groups, political commentators, and politicians. The organization has been the focus of intense criticism in the aftermath of high-profile shootings, such as the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, after which they suggested adding armed security guards to schools rather than restricting access to assault rifles. Russia has invested in sending a female agent to work the NRA lobby from inside. To use monetary bribes to influence NRA lobbying policy.
Mariya Butina; born November 10, 1988, is a Russian politician, political activist and self described entrepreneur who was convicted in 2018 of acting as an unregistered foreign agent of Russia within the United States. Her time? Working inside the NRA, lobbying for pro Trump interests. Mariya used her sexual charms and a Putin linked credit account to infiltrate the NRA on behalf of Russia. In December 2018, she pleaded guilty to felony charges of conspiracy to act as an unregistered foreign agent of the Russian state. In April 2019, a federal judge sentenced her to 18 months in prison. She served around 14 months in Federal prison before she was released in October 2019 and deported back to Russia. In 2021, she was elected to the State Duma as a member of United Russia. Mariya Butina is one of the names on the Russia sanctions list post Ukraine invasion. Butina is best remembered as hard evidence of Russia using the NRA to influence the US election process by promoting fake news about Trump.
The NRA power to win hearts and minds of lawmakers is undeniable. The amounts they pay each specific lawmaker in each specific state is a matter of record. All the lawmaker has to do is say “I will defend the 2nd constitution with every breath in my body.” Easy money in a simple formula. Reward for representing the racist religious right. Here are the top government beneficiaries of NRA payments. This chart lists the senators who have benefited the most from the NRA’s political spending throughout their political careers, along with the average number of gun deaths per year in their state. Mitch McConnell comes in at #14, having received more than $1.2 million in direct donations from the NRA, independent expenditures, and other patronages over his career.
Write constitution law today . . …………… . . . . These lawmakers are in the list above. Many of our lawmakers are there only because NRA influence put them there for a specific legal function.
What we the people have to say
makes no difference anyway
Just GOP and QKK Paid for by the NRA . . …………… . . . . Our conclusion using the evidence of new-laws passed is that the will of the people is not represented in the passing of new laws primarily because the NRA/GOP/QKK lobby manifests such a crushing obstacle to any change that would restrict the use of assault rifles on children and in schools. When the lawmakers are on the payroll of the NRA and not in the service to their voters. The notion of a democracy is made laughable when the will of the majority is valued far below the will of a few NRA Oligarchs.
Romney’s paid by the NRA . . …………… . . . . $13 million paid to Mormon Mitt.
Utah’s one gun-death a day . . …………… . . . . 400 gun deaths a year average in Utah.
Amendment two’s taught in their school . . …………… . . . . The NRA dog-whistle 2nd amendment in school syllabus to distract from the urgent need to reform gun law. The 2nd amendment no more entitles an 18 year old to own an assault rifle as a Stinger Missile.
God and Guns their golden rule . . …………… . . . . Religion supports the notion that gun ownership is a god given right that federal government want to take away from the believers in what amounts to blasphemy.
Say God say Guns we must obey . . …………… . . . . Conservatives must conform to the values of the religious conservative. This includes God’s law on slavery and the execution of homosexuals as Leviticus makes clear beyond all reasonable doubt.
God and guns we think and pray . . …………… . . . . Praying is essential in maintaining the appropriate balance of cognitive dissonance necessary to keep the god delusion afloat.
God and guns we think and pray . . …………… . . . . Say it again. God. Guns. Pray. To the dead children victims? Thoughts and prayers. What else can we send?
Verse 3:
The civil war had guns for all . . …………… . . . . Mostly smoothbore blackpowder muzzle loader muskets used in barrage-fire on command.
Yankees fired gunpowder and ball . . …………… . . . . smoothbore blackpowder muzzle loader muskets that could manage two shots a minute for a skilled infantryman.
One thousand rounds made just one pay . . …………… . . . . In the course of the Civil War it took an average 1,000 shots fired to hit one soldier.
That’s why we made the NRA . . …………… . . . . This inadequacy in guns and gunmanship led to the formation of the NRA in 1871, to improve guns and shooters.
There’s three things I have left to say
‘Bout GOP and QKK
Jesus and the NRA
Say God and Guns we must obey . . …………… . . . . 100% of those who are a member of these three organizations place obeisance to god and guns above every other consideration. Including the right of schoolchildren to not be machine gunned in the classroom. Jesus said the 2nd amendment makes guns godly.
God and Guns we must obey
God and guns we think and pray . . …………… . . . . After every school shooting we send thoughts and prayers. What else can we do? We must protect the guns.
The Mormon Browning changed the game . . …………… . . . . John Moses Browning was born a Mormon in Utah in 1855. In his 71 years he designed and oversaw the effective development of the machine gun.
Until John guns were the same . . …………… . . . . True. John Browning’s impact in bringing an effective high caliber machine gun to market was a game changer.
He designed the machine gun . . …………… . . . . He developed the telescoping bolt. He developed the first gas operated firearm. Eventually becoming the most manufactured machine gun in history. the Browning M2. .50 caliber. The ultimate and most successful machine gun in military history.
So we could kill till war was won . . …………… . . . . The advent of the reliable gas operated automatic fire machine gun meant whoever had more of those would likely win in battlefield war. The .50 Browning in American and British fighter planes in WW2 swung the aerial advantage from the Germans.
Till war was won
just better done (The machine gun.)
war better won . . …………… . . . . Browning’s superb designs raised the bar for killing by machine gun.
Guns still write our history . . …………… . . . . in 2020; 45,000 gun deaths in the US. More than 50% of those were suicide.
From Lincoln to the Kennedys . . …………… . . . . Political assassination has socially sculpted the US political landscape since the USA began its constitutional democracy.
From Indians through to Sandy Hook . . …………… . . . . Guns killed many Indians. Guns killed almost all Bison in the USA that were feeding the Indian population.
To MLK, Guns wrote our book . . …………… . . . . James Earl Ray, a George Wallace influenced republican racist and failed pornographer used a Remington sporting rifle to assassinate influential civil rights leader Dr. King at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. Firing from the shadows in a sneak attack. He was 40 at the time. He died at 70, serving a life sentence in Nashville.
White man’s guns means Blacks will pay . . …………… . . . . Gun culture, from Browning outwards is mostly the work of religious white men. A disproportionate number of Black men in the civil rights movement die by white men’s guns fired by white men, often in Blue uniforms.
Praying for the QKK
NRA that’s one to three
White man’s guns means Blacks will pay. . . …………… . . . . God wouldn’t want it any other way.
Lawmakers of USA
The GOP the QKK
Paid for by the NRA
Write constitution law today
What we the people have to say
makes no difference anyway
Just GOP and QKK
Paid for by the NRA
Romney’s paid by the NRA
Utah’s one gun-death a day
Amendment two’s taught in their school
God and Guns their golden rule
Say God say Guns we must obey
God and guns we think and pray
God and guns we think and pray
The civil war had guns for all
Yankees fired gunpowder and ball
One thousand rounds made just one pay
That’s why we made the NRA
There’s three things I have left to say
‘Bout GOP and QKK Jesus and the NRA
Say god and guns we must obey
God and Guns we must obey
God and guns we think and pray
The Mormon Browning changed the game
Until-John guns were the same
He designed the machine gun
So we could kill till war was won
Till war was won (just better done)
The machine gun
war better won
Guns still write our history
From Lincoln to the Kennedy’s
From Indians through to Sandy Hook
To MLK, Guns wrote our book
White man’s guns means Blacks will pay
White man’s guns means Blacks will pay
Say God and Guns by QKK
Praise GOP and NRA

#GunLawandtheNRA #SensibleGunLawNOW
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