Wallace June 03

The hottest day of the Summer so far - First of June, 30 degrees. So off for a swim in Bushy Park.

Pics are thumbnails - click to enlarge.

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The Bridge at Bushy Park

  Its real hot in the car. Walking in the park Swim time  
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There was talk that the log was too big for me to fetch Determination Must keep my hair dry Almost there . Dry land .
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See!!!. Cool water Phew .  
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meanwhile back indoors Posing at he table Reading my morning paper And here I am in the Studio with Danny - a South African singer. And these are my new friends in South Africa.

Wallace's favorite music, without which none of this would be possible, is available here

This is meditation music - beautiful soundscapes incorporating notes, frequencies and tempos woven into a harmonious musical blend using only positive elements, to raise individual consciousness, align you with the spiritual laws and enable you to upgrade your life experience, helping you enhance and uphold a positive attitude and enjoyment of life. It works great on dogs too. Whenever this music comes on - I lie by the speaker for an uplifitng snooze.