
Songwriting and Living in a Studio February 2001

Here I am visiting the Webb's in Kent - for a songwriting day with the girls - The Webb sisters, Charley and Hattie. They have two lovely dogs, and we played for hours in the garden. They gave me a delicious dinner that night, but noticed Grahams range of hair products seems to show some dog discrimination..... and I'm still getting washed with that smelly old green flea stuff. Lifes hard for a dog without designer hair products!


This is Charley


and this is Hattie



This Months exciting news is that I now live in a studio. As if working in one wasnt enough, my bedroom has now turned into a studio. Luckily the music we do here is very much to my taste so its never a problem.


  This is Mickey Simmonds - first visitor to the new studio. He showed me this cool picking thing on the guitar.... And here I am enjoying the early spring sunshine in my 24 track digital bedroom. You may notice my 'Hairy Winter' look.


My Friend Patti - who I met at the SAS Band Shepherds Bush show came to visit.



I heard them talking about MEAT - so my ears really pricked up. When I heard she sand with Meat - I thought I would be in for a treat.

Eventually - it dawned on me. They weren't talking about real MEAT - its some singer called Meatloaf - which came as a grave disapointment.

I told the other dogs on the towpath that I could still get babes into my basket - and they didnt believe me....
Heres my friend Leo come to ask my advice on a new song.


Wallace's favorite music, without which none of this would be possible, is available here

This is meditation music - beautiful soundscapes incorporating notes, frequencies and tempos woven into a harmonious musical blend using only positive elements, to raise individual consciousness, align you with the spiritual laws and enable you to upgrade your life experience, helping you enhance and uphold a positive attitude and enjoyment of life. It works great on dogs too. Whenever this music comes on - I lie by the speaker for an uplifitng snooze.