
December news. 2000.

Turning on the lights in Cobham - and having dinner with the Springbok rugby players

(There are fourteen pics on this page - so it may take a minute or two to load.)

December is here already. My first job was to turn on the Christmas lights in Cobham.

Here we are in Cobham. My driver took me in to meet up with my uncle - who didnt offer me a drink, but very kindly slipped me a mince pie while no one was looking.....mmmmmm


There was this group of older guys - all dressed in black - blowing on these loud silver things. I went over to have a look - and they made some really funny sounds. Later I heard they were called the 'Salvation Army'.


Not the sort of music I am generally used to - but I must say - It grew on me very quickly. I always enjoy hearing live music....


During the walk about I met some of the locals. Heres a fine looking bit of skirt who stopped to say hello. She's a 'standard' schnautzer - so a little out of my league size wise.

I was willing to give love a chance, but unfortunately she looked down her nose at me - and walked away.


After that brush with rejection - I bumped into my friend Tito's mum. Best of all she was having a smoke - so I had the chance to get a little passive relief for my fractured nerves.


And after we turned on the lights - we had a drink with the Mayor of Cobham, and his lovely wife. They were really nice to me - oh - and my uncle slipped me another mince pie....


After all the excitement I am happy to report the fillet steak at La Coppana made the two hour wait in the car all worthwhile...


Oh - and its worth mentioning - there were no drummers on this gig..... in a week where I met up again with my favourite drummer - Charlie- who came all the way from Nashville to visit me....



The day after the England South Africa Rugby game at Twickenham - I went for dinner with the players. Well - I would have if the security guy had'nt 'asked me to leave' - and made me wait in the car for most of the night.


heres my friend Louis - the singer from Jive Nation - with one of the rugby players.


Some of the guys were really tall - this one - and the one behind him were particularly large


As they had made me wait in the car while everyone was eating and being merry - one of the players wrote a nice message for me.......


Here he is holding his message for me... A nice guy he was....


Here's another of the nicest guys there - with my uncle Louis - who just gave him one of the CD's my dad made. (Your own copy is available HERE) His name is Percyand my uncle told me he is his favourite player.


This guy was pretty big as well.


Heres my uncle John with Percy, after they had finished a sizeable amount of steak and sausage.


Luckily there was so much steak that my dad brought me out of the car and fed me more steak than I could eat. Actually - thats not quite accurate - because I would keep eating steak until I exploded - so I guess I should just say he gave me 'loads a' steak'. Served rare - just the way I like it.


I think I like this rugby thing if this is how they eat. I heard they had seventy kilos of raw steak and fifty kilos of sausage to feed these guys.


Heres another red meat eater. The guy behind him has shoes that looked bigger than me......



And after all that I went back to my local - where they let me go inside - and Jenny is always extra nice to me....


Wallace's favorite music, without which none of this would be possible, is available here

This is meditation music - beautiful soundscapes incorporating notes, frequencies and tempos woven into a harmonious musical blend using only positive elements, to raise individual consciousness, align you with the spiritual laws and enable you to upgrade your life experience, helping you enhance and uphold a positive attitude and enjoyment of life. It works great on dogs too. Whenever this music comes on - I lie by the speaker for an uplifitng snooze.