Some stories are easier to tell than others and some are just plain boring no matter how you try polish. Unless you are involved in…

No payment or completion schedule for my flooded home in over 9 Months. Axa Insurance and Gab Robins LA.

It was New Year’s night 1945 in Hanko when Alexander Marinesko, 32, commander of S-13, the Red Fleets most advanced submarine, romanced a Swedish restaurant…

Andrews Guantanamo Bay business plan. (First posted in 2009.) Objective: Create a business model to generate $2 hundred million annual turnover using the resource of…

When the Nazi concentration camps were liberated it was the end of horrendous persecution for the tens of thousands of people still in the camps….

Bearing in mind the extraordinary response I have had from Cafcass and Enhanced Service Manager Philip Durban, as detailed in my blog, this is my …

“Cafcass looks after the interests of children involved in family proceedings. We work with children and their families, and then advise the courts on…

The remarkable story of Flight UTA772 Go to a certain latitude and longitude on Google Maps. notice a tiny icon that looks like an airplane….

For my 39th birthday I went for dinner in Rome with Phyllis, Barbara and Don. Rome is called ‘The Eternal City’ and that’s probably because…

Extract from my book : The Emergency Bouzouki Player This farmer had only one horse, and one day the horse ran away. The neighbors came…

Call that Flu In December 2019 I read on the BBC page that some 58% of the Chinese pork herd had been destroyed because of disease….