August 8th. Gun crazy
This has been a rather strange weekend. Spree killers are back in the news and on peoples minds. Although America has a lot of guns, more than any other country in the world, its not as if they get used all the time? But last weekend a few people did make some terrible decisions and there were a number of mass killings. Where some complete idiot takes an assault rifle (like an army machine gun) and goes shooting people, just for fun really.
Although this has happened before, many times, last weekend was a bit different, because it seemed that the shooters were not doing it for the same reasons as previous incidences of ‘Mass killing’. They were acting in reaction to the presidents example. The US President, Trump, represents some values that we do not agree with. Like racism. It seems his racist speeches wound up this young man who drive 600 miles to a border town and shot up a store (Walmart) killing some people of a different race to himself after explaining how he agreed with President Trumps views on racism. He doesn’t like Mexicans because Trump keeps saying they are invading and he must ‘Build a Wall’ to keep them out.
…………The letter is no longer archived here. The entire content of Letters to Byron is a book, available in Paperback or Kindle.
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