August 29. Masons leaving party
My beautiful Byron,
This weekend is Labor day here. That marks the end of summer and the kids go back to school.
This picture is in my studio in Riverbank.
When you were three. And the next picture is you and me watching football in Spain. I used to love carrying you everywhere.
….The letter is no longer archived here. The entire content of Letters to Byron is a book, available in Paperback or Kindle.
Links to Andrew’s Amazon Page.
Who Lies Wins. (Press Release)
2019 release: Who Lies Wins is based on actual judgments from Britain’s family court. By British author Andrea Lee. A story about family law based on actual profiteering by judges and lawyers abusing children for enormous remuneration. Interesting for anyone affected by family law judgments.
Order HERE Kindle and paperback. Worldwide.
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