Anniversary of 911. 18 years later

Great pictures lie.
I didn’t want to read this piece after seeing this amazing, horrifying picture of graceful dignified resignation. But I did.
This is a brilliant assembly of words from two years after the event that rings even more true today. (Read by clicking the picture link.)
Toms follow up story “Surviving the Fall”is Here
All of which reminds me of where I was that day. September 11th, 2001. Around ten in the morning in London.
We all remember exactly where we were and how it felt because it was the first time we had ever experienced an event of such professional coordination on such a grand scale. It was a picture that moved much as the picture of the falling man has moved in our perception over time.
There was a movie on last night on Netflix. About the students from the school under the towers. With lots of actual footage. Every time I watch those buildings collapse on themselves in a perfect straight line I remember that day and especially my first reaction as I watched them fall in a straight line. Disbelief. Clear awareness that something was wrong with that picture.
I was in London. I watched it ‘Live’. Everyone watched it. That night, as is the way, we convened in the local pub and the falling towers was the subject on every pair of pint swilling lips. I was asked ‘Who could have done it.’ because at that stage the word Al Qaeda had not been invented. All we knew was – all planes had been grounded in American airspace – except government planes sent to pick up all Saudi wealthy in the US (including Bin laden family) to fly them out – ahead of any retribution against Saudi. Because they had found a Saudi passport in the ruins of the north tower that had fallen from the pocket of one of the terrorists as he was crashing into the Tower.
I have some familiarity with instant armed air response from my military visits to Hoedspruit, the northern border radar station monitoring air space to South Africa’s north. During my war service (The Emergency Bouzouki Player is the book about that) where I saw first hand the SAAF could launch two mirage fighters, armed and ready at 20,000ft within three minutes. (24/7)
That was in 1980.
On 911, twenty minutes after the towers fell, two F16’s arrived. Hmm.
My every instinct from what I was seeing that day – watching live for first time – before the press spin had evolved through endless repeats – was in the form of a bet.
James, a TV cameraman for BBC asked me “Who did this“.
I bet him that it was impossible this had happened without US collusion, whoever turned out to be the mastermind. “Has to be an inside job” was my bet. “No one else has the skill and resources to put this together.”
In the days and weeks that followed, TV worldwide kept replaying the images and the narrative developed. First Al Qaeda. Then a bearded 6.5 chap on Dialysis in caves in Tora Bora. And the flags flew as Pat Tillman the football player gave up a million dollar contract to join the army and go kill raghead gooks who attacked America. (Ironically dying of friendly fire shortly after his poor decision.)
The jingoism rang like a clarion call through the red white and blue blooded young men. Half of Oklahoma signed up for service. Within a month a trillion dollars had gone directly into companies financing the Iraq regime change. Under the Bush banner of “We will bomb them back to the stone ages” despite the fact Iraq was not connected to 911.
Cheney’s share of Halliburton alone made him a billionaire. Many billionaires were made from that flag waving decision to allocate trillions to war. Sales of US flags went sky high.
And what war? Iraq didn’t even want to fight. Their air force simply took off and flew to Iran rather than try engage overwhelming force against which they had no chance. Iraqi pilots mamma didn’t raise no fool.
Investigation of crimes follows the Means Motive and Opportunity model.
911 gave them the opportunity.
Their motive was trillions of dollars.
Their means was control of the Pentagon and the White House. With le grande enfant eediawt to grin sheepishly over the upside down goat book. The distraction, talking to god and relaying his instruction.
If your going to lie – make it big. The bigger the lie – the more likely it is people will believe it. Its worked for the two big religious businesses. Jesus and Muhammad. Still the greatest lies ever sold.
And it worked for the beneficiaries of 911 for exactly the same reason.
Words 750
Blog count: 919,100
Stories I have chosen to blog about since 2013
Letters to Byron. Weekly letters from a father to his son, prevented by family-court abuse from seeing his own father, but not from reading a blog
How Tuti lost her head through the Kafala system. Beheadings in the Kingdom.
The 27 club, Trump and Juice Wrld. Young son of a single Christian mum takes cough medicine, makes a rap song on his iPhone, hires a private plane and dies at 21.
The Greensboro massacre – talking bout China Grove. Awful Racism Klan story from the US in 1979
Slavery. A brief overview of legal slavery in 2019 The 13th amendment. Where prisoners can be slaves to prison owners, selling their labor for profit.
Inherent racism and lynching. American racism. Some 5,000 people lynched. Strange fruit.
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Athens, Antiparochi, Turkey, Syria, Hevrin and the blundering dolt. The horrible death of Kurdish leader, Hevrin Shalaf. Contrasted with the development of Athens
MBS, Trump, Pegasus and Khashoggi. Bin Salman and hacking and Kashoggi
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Trump and Churchill. Comparing Great Leadership qualities
Captain Silas Soule and Minister John Chivington. Memorial day. Great Americans of Yore
Kaveh Golestan. My friend for many years. A human great.
About “The Emergency Bouzouki Player.” My lovely first book about PTSD
My cousin George and the medals. How I was given my fathers WW2 medals
Facts and opinions. A Brexit story
Christians for Trump. More Trump Clan fun
M A W A. Make America Write Again. My solution to most of what ails the USA
Werner Schmitzenkopf’s letter to the POTUS. More Trump satire
Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid? More Trump satire
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How to stay healthy. In the era of Trump derangement syndrome
Emanuel Sampson. Black on White Christian. Confused Black culture adopting religion.
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Willie and Trigger. Willie Nelsons astonishing guitar, A Martin made acoustic nylon he calls Trigger.
The Tulsa massacre of 1921. American racism history
All of my Love. Karac’s song. Led Zeppelins final tour ended with this tragedy
The Menu Bombings. Because it’s not taught in Trumps American schools.
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Wallace the dogs blog. My mini Schnauzer Wallace was pure K9 legend.
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Student protest Comparing SA in 1976 to today’s student protests
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Browning 1910 FN. My first gun and how I used it
My #metoo moment. A humorous aside to gender discrimination in #metoo
George Lincoln Rockwell. American Nazi history
Call that Fake news? My Sun Story. When I got paid by Rupert Murdoch for creating false news.
Hubert Lanz. Devout Catholic. Mass murderer. Nazi Catholics were the best Nazi’s
Distomou. 10 June, 1944 Where I learned what an Ossuary really is
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British sale of African goods to America, Slavery and the British
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Paragraph 175. Nazis and gay people.
Crash memorial. UTA Flight 772. French families memorialize their dead in the desert.
Call that flu. The Spanish flu. 19 million dead in 1919
Where you can order my books and also send copies to friends
Who Lies Wins. (Press Release) #1 Amazon Best seller in Family law, October 2019.
Who Lies Wins is based on the actual judgments in Britain’s family court affecting British author and parent Andrea Lee. A loving capable parent who cannot not see her son thanks to a family court judgment that meant a fortune earned by family law members. Her story illustrates the critical importance of removing the remunerative incentive for increasing the adversarial element in a court system developed to process criminals; not the psychological profile of parenhts separating and being emotionally vulnerable to suggestion that benefits family-lawyers above their client’s parenting responsibility.
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2020 new edition of The Emergency Bouzouki Player first published in 2011, is a first-hand account of the unwilling forced conscription into South Africa’s Apartheid army in 1979, of an 18 year old Greek medical student and musician atthe height of the 33 year long ‘Border War’.
An anti war polemic underpinned by dark humor. With well researched facts about South Africa’s history, including the two Anglo Boer Wars and the introduction of British racist legislation. Includes personal experiences like meeting the Apartheid leader, PW. Botha, and the lasting legacy of undiagnosed PTSD for an entire generation of South African conscripts.
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‘One Day in Paris’ is a novel being one year in the life of former British Army officer, Dan Blake.
An fast moving cerebral action thriller with love and guns and high-tech nano weaponry generating billions in trade deals. How the .1% of the 1% prosper through war and defense contracts.
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