Genocide for Dummies
The first ten genocides I learned about in History class, and how Manifest Destiny enabled the Native People Genocide-for-Jesus, by killing more than 40 million Bison, starting the era of Indemnity Legislation for unaccountable criminal leaders, the Rich Old White Men, paying uneducated poor boys a pittance to kill on command.

The first ten genocides I learned about in History class, and how Manifest Destiny enabled the Native People Genocide-for-Jesus, by killing more than 40 million Bison, starting the era of Indemnity Legislation for unaccountable criminal leaders, the Rich Old White Men, paying uneducated poor boys a pittance to kill on command.I first became curious about genocide, scorched earth and ethnic cleansing sometime around 1971. When I was ten. This early interest began because my Father was an anti Fascist fighter in World War 2 while my mother was a victim of oppressive occupation in Greece, that starved and killed women and children.This process of self education guided by my parents first hand accounts, began in History class at school when I learned the Afrikaner account of the British occupation in the Anglo Boer War of 1899. The first genocide of the 20th century. a horror show of British Empire colonialism when the British; under the Lords, Kitchener and Roberts, herded the Boer women and children into concentrations camps. There many, and estimates range from 50% to 85%, died. The British occupation scorched Earth the Boers farms, slaughtered all the Boer’s livestock, leaving the carcasses to rot, successfully starving the Boer Commandoes out by killing their women and children to win their colonist war of genocide; after which the Good Lords Roberts and Kitchener were praised as National Heroes in Gods eyes; returning to a grateful Kings enormous gratitude. With mass attended parades and flags, with salutes and brightly colored Uniforms with shiny buttons, and medals galore. Feted in the History books as the Greatest of Great Brits. That’s Lord Kitcheners face on the famous mustached picture recruiting boys for World War 1 with YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU posters.Then there was the Greek genocide. The Half million Greeks brutally killed by the Muslims in Ottoman empire between 1913 and 1922..The next ethnic cleanse genocide with scorched earth and mass murder of women and children I read about was the rise of Fascism in Italy in the 20’s. Fascism as a conservative right authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, nationalism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the rich white elites and strong regimentation of society and the economy. With a great deal of flag waving and religious subjugation of the young, mostly into Catholicism which offers an astonishingly high possibly for pedophilia.
Around this time of eager learning from the History books I was being taught in school, it became clear; the History books being recited to me by Afrikaans Nationalist teachers at Bryanston High were not on the up and up. The official account of events appeared to me as intended only to ensure the ongoing immunity of mass murdering criminals by rewriting their criminality as Nationalist Patriotic duty. I learned a great deal from the legend of Benito and his gal, Clara Petacci.
That dashing diminutive, Alfa-Romeo driving ladies man, Benito Mussolini, sending his shaven headed Blitzkrieg Catholic Goons to commit fascist atrocity in Ethiopia. Executing mass child murder genocide to steal land from a mild population ill equipped to defend themselves from Fascist occupation that eventually ended the life of their leader, the Ras Tafari; while the Global Justice bodies watched helplessly as Christian Fascism ran riot through the lives of countless Christians. Hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian civilians died as a result of the Italian invasion, including during the reprisal Yekatit 12 massacre in Addis Ababa, in which as many as 30,000 civilians were killed. Yet instead of the Global Community seeing this new label on old behaviors, Fascism, as the Terrorism it was, the Conservative Religious Right adapted the ideology and repeated it as their own leader class narrative.Soon after that lesson in what happens when you offer Fascist leaders popular approval to wave flags, I immersed myself in the most famous of the ethnic cleanse, genocide-led Land Grabs; the Goebbels inspired Nazi effort, with its thoroughly confused Final Solution that would go on to form the template for many future organizations looking for an optimal form of dictatorial leadership to serve the exclusive benefit of an elite leader class. The 10,000 year Reich that ended after just 13 years.By this time, after years of reading libraries of books from an early age; focussed on Fascism, Nazism, Zionism, Genocide and The Rise and Fall of Empires, I had a very firm impression of America as the beacon of freedom and human rights in Global politics. The great Liberator. They even had Ford name the famous Ford manufactured Heavy Bomber, the Liberator. They named their ICBM Missiles, Peacekeepers.Outside of News reporting on what America stood for that reached South Africa in the seventies, I had resonated with many American voices whose narrative I understood as the sound of free speech. Marlon Brando. Muhammad Ali. John F. Kennedy. Marilyn Monroe. Phil Ochs. Buffy Saint Marie. Woody Guthrie. The young Bob Dylan. Articulate smart people who spoke to the key issue I wanted to hear as an alternative to the mostly Nazi mainstream reporting. The methodology of Mans greed driven inhumanity. America, I decided, was a great place because they had a constitution that made enormous sense when trying to fathom how and why nations would use genocide, ethnic cleansing, scorched earth and concentration camps to mass murder women and children. As long as you had Free Speech, then the voices of the smartest could always be heard to oppose the Nazi Fascists and their dumbing down agenda. A condition I was raised in during the Apartheid years in South Africa, being force fed Nazi Nationalism at school by Nazi Nationalists.At no time did I learn about any American Native People or their rights to defend themselves from the chosen-few intending to genocide them and steal their land.
The most common game played by us kids in South Africa then, under the spell of Hollywoods indoctrination, was cowboys and Indians. The cowboys had guns, six shooters, with caps that went bang. The Indians did not. In our games nobody wanted to be the Indian because they always lost. All they had was feathers. We used to toss coins to start the game. The losers got to be Indians.
In South African State School learning History as a curious young Greek boy, I was fascinated mostly by two things. My Swimming team Butterfly partner in the Mixed Relay, the perfectly proportioned Estelle Farrell in her wet Speedo, and to lesser extent, human behaviors.
Mans historical relationship with Government and Governance, especially the relationship between the leader class minority and the vast majority who somehow, inexplicably, allowed this corrupt leader class to commit atrocities for which they always seemed to be immune right up until annihilation meant they were no longer Victors, able to write history by their version of law.
The role of 40-60 million of these huge animals in the food chain and the ecosystem of the continent is as significant as you can imagine. Earlier this year I visited the museum at the Arch in St. Louis There is an exhibition detailing Manifest Destiny, with a Sharps Rifle below a large sized Buffalo model. A reminder of the Buffalo genocide that ended the Native Peoples dominion over their land. The Sharps single shot rifle used by cowboys who were paid $5 for each Bison scalp they brought in.
The Governments scorched earth policy was reinforced by the Sharps Rifle, a foundational component of an emerging militarized culture that teaches children hunting is a right of passage to manhood rather than what this hunting gun culture is; early training in gun skills to ensure more kids can join the cannon fodder military requirement. The Biblically themed ‘Dominion over animals” that God promises the Faithful.
The Sharps Rifle from the Bisons genocide is a landmark start of the American military complex; making guns for malign purposes promoting unregulated capitalist christian prosperity. Indoctrinating a new generation of American kids into the joy of killing for fun that enables the poorest to sign up for the army, to go kill people on demand. For the betterment of the leader class, who never die alongside the warring kids who do.
The most famous photograph of bison extermination is that chilling image of a mountain of bison skulls taken outside of Michigan Carbon Works in Rougeville, Michigan, in 1892. Those Bison skulls were harvested from the Plains after decomposition had completed, then delivered to Detroit where the bones were processed to be used for glue, fertilizer and dyes, or were burned for use as bone char for sugar refining.
At the close of the 19th century, there were between 30 and 60 million bison on the continent. By the time of this photograph, 1892, that population was reduced to only 456 wild bison.
Consider how many Bison 60 million Bison may be. Almost 1,000 pounds per animal. Around 50 thousand million pounds of animal. There is no comparable animal abuse in the history of animal abuse by Fascists. Not even the Barbary Lion slaughter by the Romans for their Colosseum comes close. The Romans killed thousands of these lions for their games; and even more in the effort to round them up to transport alive from Africa to Italy, driving them to extinction. The Arab empire that followed squeezed the remaining animals into smaller territories, and the influx of European colonialists in the 19th century polished off the remaining few.
But that horrific extinction event on wild animals is nothing when compared to the scale of what the Cowboy Army did to the great Bison Herd of Native American animals offending their right to prosperity.It takes some thinking to imagine what the American Governments ‘Manifest Destiny’ involved.
John L. O’Sullivan, a newspaper editor and magazine writer, coined the term “manifest destiny” when he wrote in 1845, that the United States was destined to expand across North America. But the origins of Manifest Destiny go back to the first wave of Immigrants into the native Peoples Land.
The phrase “Manifest Destiny” originated in the nineteenth century, but the concept originated in the seventeenth century with the first European immigrants in America, English Protestants or Puritans. Manifest Destiny is defined as “the concept of American exceptionalism, that is, the belief that America occupies a special place among the countries of the world.”
The Puritans came to America in 1630 believing that their survival in the new world would be a sign of God’s approval. As their ship the Arbella neared shore, group leader John Winthrop gave a sermon entitled “A Modell of Christian Charity,” in order to prepare his fellow passengers for what lay ahead.
His sermon stressed the importance of this experimental religious settlement in the new world, and how it would come to serve as an example for all settlements thereafter, stating “For wee must consider that wee shall be as a citty upon a hill. The eies of all people are upon us.”
Winthrop also recalled God’s instruction in the Bible about the need to expand and prosper, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.” The ideology of Manifest Destiny continued through the eighteenth-century as victorious America won independence from Great Britain, an event that many occasioned to be preordained and lauded by God and an example of American exceptionalism.
This entitlement by American God to commit Genocide in His Name, was God’s will. Decided by exceptional White American Christians for White American Christians, both exceptional as well as the ordinary but still whiter than the rest. Many of the exceptional Christians are still Christian in Government for Christian people to this day. Christians like Trump and Biden and Harris. Whose Manifest Destiny is Zionism.
For Millenia in the Great Prairies of North America Bison made the land hospitable for many other communities. Each skull in that famous picture of the Bison skull mountain represents one 600-kilogram animal. Bison are the largest land mammals in North America. Bison are not just massive in size, they are also a keystone species in the West, meaning they have a dramatic influence on an ecosystem. If one of these species disappears, no other species can fill its ecological role and the whole ecosystem changes as a result. Each Bison killed meant the end of grazing, wallowing and migrating practices that make the land hospitable for other species.
Killing off the Indians food supply paired well with herding many into concentration camps and genociding the native population. I visited the Concentration camp of Bosque Redondo in Fort Sumner, New Mexico, where there is a memorial to the ethnic cleanse of the 10,000 Indians incarcerated and tortured there.At this point it’s worth mentioning that the US has many memorials to the legacy of the Native People genocide. The Conservative religious right has not successfully expunged every record of their genocide.
You cannot defeat alcoholism without first admitting you are an alcoholic. Similarly, you cannot stop being a genocidal nation of Christian Zionists until admitting the unpleasant past.
Our American leader generation at that time, during their Manifest Destiny final-solution to the Pesky Varmint Indian problem, committed barbarity born of malevolent Christian ignorance that few occupiers in the history of terrorist occupation can match. The same Christian Conservative American Whites who just 100 years later, would embrace Christian Zionism in their insatiable appetite for blood, keeping the genocide ethnic cleanse momentum going for more exceptional prosperity. In His name. Manifestly.
Concluding this Native People genocide for dummies we can see that the Native People never recovered. Neither did the U.S. ecosystem. No one was ever prosecuted for any offense.
Almost as if the Biden of the time declared as Biden did in his great refute speech in November of 2023.
“I refute, absolutely refute that we are doing anything illegal; starving 2 million people to death.”
Hitler and his genocidal cronies were prosecuted after 12 good years of legal mass murder. But I’ll bet, few even know the names of the American leaders behind this Native People Genocide. And most of these have no interest in ever knowing. Let sleeping dogs lie. or even ‘There’s two sides to every story, and the gaslighter lies right in the middle.’
Funny how American history written by the killers is not always as honest as CNN, NBC and Fox report. What if the history you learned at school is not truthful and what if you then realized; if you were lied to about the Native Peoples genocide, what else did they lie about in History class.Does this help explain why 99% of American educated voters, those who voted Harris/Trump are so adept at holocaust denial.
History today, as ever, keeps the miscreants safe from accountability. Everywhere except with those who know what happened. Ironically that is now the majority of people. As the great unlearning gathers pace following the lessons of October 7.
The majority who know that numbers don’t lie. Liars do that, disempowering the gaslit victims of their criminality by laws the Leader Class write to keep a cabal of dishonest criminal grifters immune from any prosecution for their crimes, no matter how horrible they might be. Same as it ever was.
But for how long. Eventually, as Star Wars teaches us, The Empire Strikes Back.
You can fool some people sometime. But you cant fool all the people all the time. Eventually even the Christian majority will begin to suspect that starving two million people to Auschwitz style skeletal death is not what God wants his flock to keep doing, just because the supreme leader says it is. Funny enough.

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