Hind Rajab and Taylor’s Swiftee Super Bowl News

Super Bowl world news. Sunday. February 11th.
Confirmed Video footage shows a Palestinian mother and her child lying on a street in the Sheikh Radwan area in Gaza City, after an Israeli sniper shot them both. The child survived while the mother was killed. It is unlikely that the child will survive long though. Israeli snipers have the best guns and abundant ammunition. And the certified Biden ‘Turkey Shoot Permit’ for lawn mowing season. This Kill for fun sport, targeting civilians, preferably mothers carrying children, is nothing new. Israel has enjoyed shooting Palestinians consistently for decades now. It’s sport. Legal sport.

Just ask Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed al-Madhoun. The two medics who responded to the call from six year old Hind Rajab, bleeding in her car, surrounded by six dead family members. “Come and get me. The tank is right here.” Her body was found 12 days later. The two medics charred bodies, decomposing, were just meters away from her bullet riddled car. Sadly Hind and the two medics will miss the Super Bowl.
Hamas says that the Israeli military’s continued bombing of the Gaza Strip has killed three Israeli captives and wounded eight others. Yesterday, Saturday, Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas responsible for the hostages safety, accused Israel of “deliberately executing” three of its captives in Gaza, “in a desperate attempt to rid (itself) of the burdens and obligations of this issue.
Conditions for the captives are becoming more dangerous in light of the inability to provide them with appropriate treatment. Clearly when you blockade all food and medicine going into Gaza where your hostages are held, you are starving your own people. Israel is responsible for the lives of the injured captives. But then Israel’s Hannibal protocol is all too real. All to predictable.
Israel media says the families of captives and other demonstrators have staged (another) protest in front of the Knesset, urging a captive-prisoner exchange deal. Israel’s leader continues to prefer killing his own people while taking tens of thousands of Palestinian hostages. Families of hostages know that every last hostage would have been released on October the 8th, the day after, if Israel had agreed to trade them for the 6,000 Palestinian hostages held in Israel. Netanyahu chose genocidal child slaughter instead.
Zionist CIC Biden clapped him on the back, wishing him well, promising him ten (14, limitless) billion more dollars to accomplish his mission, along with a bunch of UN vetoes to makes sure no one interfered with the Zionist right to ethnic cleanse Gaza and starve two million people to death, if that’s what mission accomplished looks like.
Now many Israelis are dead as a result, but more importantly, whatever happens next, Zionists will experience repercussions that makes all Zionist genocide supporters, and especially those in Israel, less safe.
Cause and effect. Would releasing the hostages have served Israel’s chances of continuing to exist more honestly than starve/bombing a million kids to prove how smart you are? In a desperate bid to cling to power, Trump like, ahead of criminal charges for a dirty criminal past. Netanyahu and his Nazi goons have ended world support for Israel’s right to exist as a genocidal terror regime who kill children for sport. For what? Keeping a ragged band of criminal grifters out of jail and in charge of gaslighting the real consequences for the worst child slaughter since the last band of Nazi cohorts chose the same ethnic cleanse genocide as their Final Solution.
Nuremberg is where it ended for that bunch of child murderers. An American led War Crimes Court. But in one notable, ironic difference for this gaggle of Zionist Nazis, in 1945 the US stood against Nazi child murder.
This time it will take a different world power to bring accountability for both Zionist parties in this heinous atrocity. This crime against all humanity that Biden defends with his “looks like the other team did it, not our guys” while two million people starve and women and children are hunted down for sport by teen-aged conscripts whose ingrained, irreversible hatred for all humanity reflects the true value of Zionism; along with the cost for its ongoing right to exist.
Nearly 7,000 Palestinians have been captured in occupied West Bank since October 7: Advocacy group The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society says that Israeli occupation forces have violently seized 6,950 Palestinian hostages in the occupied West Bank since October 7. Israel refuses to give information on the number and fate of hostages taken from the Gaza Strip.
It is a matter of record that Israel violates all ethical standards in the treatment of prisoners. Historically we know they have removed organs from hostages for the human organ trade. Mistreatment, brutalizing of Palestinian hostages is endemic. Palestinian women from Hebron area in the occupied West Bank, arrested in late October last year and released on November 30 in the Israel-Hamas deal, faced extreme violence and threats of rape in detention.
“The women were removed from their homes violently, in the middle of the night, blindfolded and painfully handcuffed. They were then transferred between several prisons. Every transfer came with beating, swearing, and threats to themselves and their families, including threats of rape. The women were humiliatingly strip-searched several times. The holding conditions in all the prisons and detention facilities were “inhumane”. The little food they were given was of poor quality, and they had to beg for drinking water. The cells were extremely small, crowded and filthy, and there was no way to clean them. Only some had mattresses, but these were extremely dirty, and the women were not given blankets or warm clothes. The toilets in the cell were exposed, even to people outside the cell. Requests for sanitary pads were repeatedly denied.”
What exactly is Biden thinking allying the U.S. to this Nazi criminality with his blind eye haziness?
In Las Vegas it’s game time in a few hours. More Taylor news will follow. Post Malone will sing the Star Spangled banner. Although perhaps ‘This is America’ would be a better fit.
In a gambling town like Vegas the safest bet today is that not one Taylor fan mentions how many children will die only because of American Zionist support before the game is through. Mass child murder is none of their business. They will vote Biden or Trump to keep it that way. That is a 100% certainty for a safe bet.
Another safe bet is this. There is no way Taylor’s requests for sanitary pads will ever be repeatedly denied. Quite probably she will not once be threatened with rape or humiliatingly be strip searched. Or watch her parents exploded by an American bomb.

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