If you tolerate this then your children will be next

What does it take to vote for a leader whose policy is to starve a million children?
One pattern I see repeated in many of my liberal Pro-Biden friends, is delusion and denial. Denial and deflection. Just stay ignorant of what starvation looks like. Remember that you Stand With Israel.
If you’re a Biden voter or a Trump voter, then this post detailing some of the stages of starvation, especially from a child-centric point of view, is not for you.
After all, these are not white children being starved, so why would you care about your role in this extraordinarily cruel and inhumane method of mass child murder. Especially if you already know a vote for POTUS is a vote for starving a million children whichever POTUS you vote for.
A second option when considering whether to vote for a Pro-Starvation Leader, one that is more common for those of us who have children and know it’s possible that starving a million children to death does not reconcile with how we would like to see our own children fall foul of American foreign policy, is to NOT support the starvation of a million children.
To not sit by idly, gormlessly debating frivolity on the scale of Superbowls, Taylor Swift and an election in which we are expected to believe two vulnerable octogenarian Zionists represent a democracy that the Founding Father’s would consider fitting for “We the People” to be represented in the spirit of “The Land of the Brave and the Home of the Free.” While every passing day a million children are one day closer to death by starvation in a policy endorsed and paid for by the Zionist in Chief. Information that many place below their right to enjoy Taylor Swifts superbowl without being bothered by these million starving kids. Perfectly satisfied with the Ziocracy that replaced Democracy.
How challenging is it to ring fence your humanity against knowing your role in mass child murder; to stay in a delusional state of denial of your role in the future of one million children with your vote for Zionism. And all that Zionism represents. A murderous brand of fascist rascism that is now at the advanced stage of starving a million children to death with the full and unconditional support of “We the American People.” When did we become a nation who actively mass murder a million children without noticing?
Consider then what is involved in starving one million kids to death. And for those that do, consider why it is that you support starving one million kids to death with your vote?
Israel’s blockade of Gaza caused 2.3 million people to experience malnutrition. Malnutrition can result in specific diseases, like anemia when people don’t get enough iron or beriberi if they don’t get adequate thiamine.
That was just the start though. As we are reminded by Sunak’s wish to Netanyahu “We hope you win”. His arm in arm reassurance to Netanyahu that coincided with day ten of the starvation program. Sunak must have known that Israels objective was to starve 2.3 million people to death if necessary to complete their mission. Starving a million kids to death is what Sunak considers a ‘Win’ for his Zionist stand-by-Israel, in the name of the British people. Who now know where they stand in the matter of starving a million kids.
But; how many of the British people want to starve a million children to death? An honest question. You cant back Israel without standing by their right to starve a million kids. How many voters will remember this is what they voted for?
A severe lack of food for a prolonged period, as we saw impacting on 1 million children after the first month, when not enough calories of any sort to keep up with the body’s energy needs, is starvation. That would have kicked in around day 30 of Israels blockade. Starvation for a million kids.
The body’s reserve resources are depleted. The result is substantial weight loss, wasting away of the body’s tissues and eventually death.
When faced with starvation, the body fights back. The first day without food is a lot like the overnight fast between dinner one night and breakfast the next morning. Energy levels are low but pick up with a morning meal. Within days, faced with nothing to eat, the body begins feeding on itself.
“The body starts to consume energy stores — carbohydrates, fats and then the protein parts of tissue,” says Maureen Gallagher, senior nutrition adviser to Action Against Hunger, a network of international humanitarian organizations focused on eliminating hunger. Metabolism slows, the body cannot regulate its temperature, kidney function is impaired and the immune system weakens.
When the body uses its reserves to provide basic energy needs, it can no longer supply necessary nutrients to vital organs and tissues. The heart, lungs, ovaries and testes shrink. Muscles shrink and people feel weak. Body temperature drops and people can feel chilled. People can become irritable. It becomes difficult to concentrate.
Eventually, nothing is left for the body to scavenge except muscle. “Once protein stores start getting used, death is not far,” says Dr. Nancy Zucker, director of the Duke Center for Eating Disorders at Duke University.
“You’re consuming your own muscle, including the heart muscle.” In the late stages of starvation, people can experience hallucinations, convulsions and disruptions in heart rhythm. Finally, the heart stops.
How long does this take?
Israeli researchers know from experience. For starvation of children to be effective in the manner that Zionism requires, the job cannot be rushed, placing a priority on ensuring that no Food Aid reaches the starving children. Imagine who would stop aid reaching a million starving children and then consider what the first name was that came to your mind.
There’s great variation in the amount of time people can survive without food, depending on age, body weight, whether they have adequate water, and whether they have other underlying health issues. Mahatma Gandhi, in his nonviolent campaign for India’s independence, survived for 21 days with only sips of water. One study found that hunger strikers in various parts of the world survived for up to 40 days.
“There’s really no specific number of days people can survive,” says Gallagher.
Theoretically, women might have a survival advantage because they have a greater percentage of stored body fat. But, says Zucker, no study proves that. The most thorough study of near starvation in humans was a 1950 study by Ancel Keys, “The Biology of Human Starvation,” in which 36 volunteers – all male – were given a semi-starvation diet of 1,570 calories (the average man needs about 2,500 calories a day) for six months. It is from that study that nutrition scientists began to understand how the body reacts to food deprivation.
Children are smaller and have fewer body-fat stores to draw from. They fail much faster. “Children are at a much greater disadvantage,” says Zucker. “With anorexia nervosa, we have to act a lot more quickly, because children and teens have fewer stores available; they’re growing and their metabolic needs are greater.”
What is going on during starvation internally, biologically and metabolically, is invisible. But physical and behavioral changes are on display.
Images of Jews starved in the German Camps taken after liberation in 1945 show the effects of starvation clearly. Skeletal. Sunken eyes. Haunted expressions that speak of unimaginable horrors. I remember those photos all too well. I wandered how any Nazi could be capable of such inhumanity. In the identical model of starving children that we see in the Gaza Concentration camp, Israels success is identical to that of the Nazi Germans. I wonder how any Zionist is capable of such inhumanity. But more so I wonder how so many Americans and Brits willing play their supporting role in starving a million kids to death.
“Starvation is a state of threat,” says Zucker. And so people who are starving might act like a cornered animal, alert to any change around them and too quick to react to perceived threats. With a severe ongoing lack of food, people start doing things to ration food. “They eat more slowly. They might start shredding food to make it look like there is more. You take a piece of bread and shred it so you have a pile of bread crumbs,” says Zucker.
The body attempts to protect the brain by shutting down the most metabolically intense functions first, like digestion, resulting in diarrhea.
“The brain is relatively protected, but eventually we worry about neuronal death and brain matter loss,” she says. Just as the heart, lungs and other organs weaken and shrivel without food, eventually so does the brain. The concern for children is that their brains are still developing and any loss of function due to starvation could be permanent. But their brains are more plastic and might have a greater ability to bounce back, after they begin eating again.
“It’s hard to know. Children suffer more steeply, but their recovery might be better. It might be a tie,” says Zucker. “But adults and children alike can have permanent brain damage.”
People who are in the throes of starvation look apathetic, lethargic — almost mechanical in their slow-motion reactions. Starving people may not look as if they’re in acute pain. But that doesn’t mean they’re not suffering. “I’ve seen kids who are not kids anymore. They’re either irritated and crying, or they’re apathetic and not playing,” says Gallagher. “And their mothers are hopeless and not showing any signs of caring.”
Israels started their campaign of starving 2.3 million in Gaza directly after October 7th, 2023. Efforts by humanitarian organizations to provide life giving aid to over 1 million starving children have met with the US government and the UK Government defunding the UN aid program. Preventing aid that would have helped a million lives from getting there.
While the Zionised west continue ‘Standing by Israel’ they stand by starving a million kids to death. When these Zionist friendly mass child killers consider how they feel about their role in starving a million kids to death, I expect they would agree it would be kinder, more humane, to just nuke them?
Starving 2.3 million people to death involves enormous pain and suffering. Starving a million kids to death will involve a tremendous amount of pain and suffering for those who voted for this Israeli right to starve a million kids. It is unlikely you will look back on your part in starving a million kids and say “But there are two sides to every story. Israel has the right to defend itself. Hamas did this to themselves.” Or even “Biden is a great leader. If I don’t vote for him then Trump will win. Because that’s what the News says and I believe it. “
A vote for Zionist Joe is a vote to keep on starving a million children until “The Mission is Complete.”
If you are still comfortable with voting to starve a million kids to death and know what this means for those starving children, even the ones who might survive with the trauma legacy of this experience to haunt the rest of their immune system compromised lives, then you must own it. As is the way with action and reaction.
“You stand by Israel” means you stand by their right to starve 2.3 million people and you stand by the decision to stop the UN Aid from reaching them at around the 110 day mark when the youngest are dying in droves of the starvation you wished upon them.
“If you tolerate this then your children will be next”.
Or as the 2024 Biden generation reworked the 1986 USA For Africa song;
“We are the World. Let’s starve the children.”

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