Biden’s Two Party Racist Apartheid Christian solution

Today is Monday, 23 rd January. Here’s a snapshot of world news on this day. Who did what. Actions and likely consequences.
Nebal Farsakh, a spokesperson of the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), reports; Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis, just like all the hospitals in southern Gaza, is under intense attack. Both facilities are under siege and enduring a communications blackout.
“This is not the first time. [In the last few weeks], there were several attacks and bombings in the area of El Amal Hospital in Khan Younis. We got direct attacks at the Palestine Red Crescent headquarters with artillery shelling, which literally destroyed three floors and killed at least seven people inside the building,” she said from Ramallah. Ambulances were unable to respond to calls from the wounded in the area. “The situation there is extremely dangerous, they are hearing strong bombing in the area. Anyone who tries to move out or just walk in the street is being targeted.”
Also today, Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres) reports that staff in Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis say they can feel the “ground shaking” as Israeli bombardments close in, with a “sense of panic” among staff, patients and displaced people in the building.
At least 65 Palestinians were killed in southern Gaza’s Khan Younis on Monday as Israel intensifies attacks on the city. At least 25,295 people have been killed and 63,000 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The death toll in Israel from the October 7 Hamas attack stands at 1,139. Of which more than 50% were Israeli military and many, maybe 50%, were killed by Israel fire in the Hannibal directive.
On this same day Israeli military announce their biggest loss in a single day. 24 Army reservists killed. Netanyahu said that despite its suffering, his country would push on with its offensive until it had “absolute victory.” The tragedy of Israels suffering when 24 of their soldiers die during an ethnic cleansing land grab in Palestine is front page news for many major newscasters, worded slightly differently.
On the same day The United States and United Kingdom launched new air attacks on Houthi rebels in Yemen protesting the US genocide in Palestine, hitting the capital Sanaa and other areas.
It does seem that the Zionist narrative of ethnic cleansing in the 2023 update on Plan Delat is not going quite as planned when the US is having to take over missions requiring expensive deadly force directly, without even pretending they act for their American voters above Zionists. Protests by Americans against Biden’s allegiance to Zionism over the American people’s Will are becoming more noticeable despite the absence of any accurate reporting by MSM.
It may be that after 107 days of believing it’s A OK to explode children because Biden said we are all Zionists first and Christian-Americans second, more Americans are now deciding that mass child murder may not reconcile with their Christian faith. That sending more money per capita to Israel than to our own American social programs is somehow not as good for American as it is for Israelis.
In this same wave of attacks in Khan Younis, journalist Heba al-Abdallah and her five year old daughter Jouri died when an Israeli aircraft bombed their home, killing everyone inside. Heba’s death is at least the 113 th journalist killing by Israeli/US targeted attack since October 7th.
As Biden’s Christian blitzkrieg approaches its 107th day of continuous slaughter it is clear just how important journalists, hospitals and churches are as favored high-value targets. Women and children too. Our team gets more points for women and children. Babies in Hospital wards win the highest points-score.
This Zionist genocidal terrorist killing spree murders hundreds every day with no end in sight. The terrorist message is as clear today as it was in 1948. The more horrific the killing, the more terror it visits on the victims, the more likely the brutalized Palestinians are to vacate Israeli land.
This is no less than confusingly unconscionable Christianity by American Christian’s practicing their uniquely American version of Christian faith that glorifies the murder of infants in hospitals; while celebrating the killing of children and elderly women seeking protection inside their churches.
Biden’s Zionist Christian movement doing their prosperity Jesus version of onward Christian Soldiers. Biden’s Zionist look for Christian America may not be as Christian as any Christian leader we have known before.
Over 25,000 souls extinguished with no end in sight and a declared intention to deny all Palestinians the right to exist seems exactly like what Jesus the Palestinian figurehead of Americas Christian-Zionists would not do. It’s not really what any Christian would do. Ever.
Perhaps Catholic Biden and his multi denominational Christian support Bidenistas, should rename their brand of Christianity for what it is, because Zionist Christians are clearly not aligned to any traditional version of Christianity representing the ideology of kindness and love associated with the benevolent Jesus.
You can’t be a Zionist and a Christian any more than you can be a pregnant virgin. The Zionist requirement for endless genocidal murder of defenseless children can never coexist with any version of Christian belief that includes ‘Thou Shalt not Kill’ in its subscribers manifesto.
Babies in hospitals and old women in churches are included in the Christian no killing agenda, but even old men and middle aged women might also be a breach of the holiest of holy’s no-kill requirement. Rules are rules and God knows, Christian dogma has very clear guidelines. And red lines.
“Thous Shalt Not Kill” is not the case with Zionism. Killing is both necessary and essential. Zionisms right to exist depends on killing. Thou Shalt Kill. Constantly. Daily. Since killing for Zionism’s right to exist established the state of Israel; by killing in the ethnic cleansing style of genocide.
Christianity, conversely, prohibits killing, as the Jesus makes plain by commandment. That is the non-negotiable conflict between Zionism and Christianity requiring a hard choice. A red line Christian choice. Pick one or the other. Claiming to be both makes you either a hypocrite or a gaslighting liar, pretending. Although you can be both of those things at the same time, as Biden demonstrates.
Being a Zionist-first Christian, is breaks many of the traditional Christian commandments. Bearing false witness, worshiping another god. Zionism. Take your pick of contradictions. Nowhere does the Jesus story say “Thou Shalt genocide millions, especially children in Hospital’s and old women inside churches and then be welcomed by St. Peter for your eternal bliss at Gods right-hand in good Christian’s heaven.”
Perhaps Joe and the Christian genociders will still be able to enter their version of Gods eternal kingdom of heavenly bliss after what they have done, and continue to do in His Name. Perhaps they can loophole Jesus with the old deny, deny, deny gaslight defense.
“We didn’t kill any children in hospitals. We didn’t kill any old women in churches. It was the other team did it. Not us guys. We never killed a single baby or old person. Or indeed anyone. That’s not who we are. Israel says they never shot anyone. Anywhere. We demanded an inquiry. Israels Zionist leaders confirmed Israel has the right to defend itself. Hamas attacked Israel. They beheaded little babies in their sleep. Honest. Its true. A lot of people didn’t believe me when I told them I had seen pictures, but I am experienced. If I say it often enough then it becomes true. That’s how truth works. I am the victor here. I get to write the history book. Also I get to use the Zionist media network that tells my lies and then goes on to prevent the truth being reported by any surviving journalist we might have missed. That’s how much of a winner I am. So; how about it. Heaven for me?”
Biden’s Zionist-prosperity-Jesus is clearly not the same person as the all-knowing all seeing Palestinian one from Nazareth. Perhaps Biden’s Jesus will respect his free-will choice to gaslight him with good humor. Or as St. Peter is most likely to say when that meeting happens, as it will in Catholic Joe’s mind. “Joe. You crazy guy. You crack me up. Killing 10,000 kids and then telling your congregation you didn’t do nuttin. That is so hilarious I am going to give you a pass. Get in here you wonderful experienced old Zionist Christian man who lived such a good life preaching prosperity piety.”
I don’t know. I doubt St. Peter will be so forgiving. Or so generous with the alliteration. You would have to be well-read in the specific requirements for entering heaven to decide for yourself. Based on what I have learned so far about Christian belief, I am fairly sure the authentic traditional-Jesus believers, will not want to share their reward afterlife of eternal bliss in Gods heavenly paradise with a bunch of demented-deluded cruel terrorist-child-murderers.
Nor, for Catholic Jesus, is the mass murder of children in hospitals and old women in churches something you mention in confession for absolution, leaving with a reissued free pass to the place where only good Christian’s who accept Jesus as their savior go.
But then what do I know. Christian’s almost invariably make it up as they go along with their “take the best and leave the rest” smart-hypocrisy so why shouldn’t Joe and his Christian followers just carry on validating their own version of Christianity with the same nonsensical gaslighting they have depended on to get this far.
Where Jesus said “Joe, here’s my word for you. Go forth and mass-murder babies in hospitals. Then tell your lads to use fancy assault rifle’s to shoot terrified, terrorized old women sheltering is churches. But be sure to execute any journalist writing about this stuff because it needs to be our little secret.”
Biden can explain why his Christian base use the free will Jesus gifted them in all his magnificent love for humanity to execute all manner of vulnerable people in Jesus name. Makes sense. Zionism needs to see a lot of people die to keep it safe. Zionism could not exist and cannot continue to exist without many people dying. Has there been one single year since the terrorism began in 1948 that Israel has not killed Palestinians in large numbers.
Having established that Zionist Jesus is not the same as regular Jesus, lest examine the differences for Christians choosing Zionist Jesus. Specifically, heaven. As we know – Thous Shalt not Kill is a big commandment. How would a Zionist Christian bypass that when St. Peter does his accounting? Once you have worked out how to get Zionists into Christian heaven despite their unqualified status, what if they then find themselves face to face with any number of traditional Christians who Zionists have killed?
That might be awkward.
What if a Biden Christian just arrived in heaven; located a comfortable space to ruminate in heavenly bliss, when along come two women. Seventy-year-old Nahida Khalil Anton and her 50-year-old daughter, Samar Kamal Anton. The names seem familiar but its not until you realize who they are that thing get a little tetchy. Darn if its not those two we sniped in the Catholic Church in Gaza.
AWKWARD. What if those women, Nahida and her daughter Samar are also in heaven, which, as devout Christian’s they would expect to be.
Zionist Jesus must have a plan for them. To spare our current Biden Christians the embarrassment. God truly is great that way. Those who deserve heaven get in. Those who do not, do not. Absolution is guaranteed. No questions will be asked once you explain that “Zionist Jesus said it was OK to kill babies in hospitals and terrified old women hiding in churches.”
Zionist Jesus and his Earthly representative in Chief, Catholic Zionist Joe must have thought this one through. What to do with the Christians we massacred in Palestine. Darned if we knew they weren’t all Muslims?
How will the heavenly entry list will work, keeping the Christians who killed other Christians apart from the Christians they killed?
Trust Zionist God to show Biden a working solution. The two heaven solution. Its little bit racist, but its going to work. Heavenly Apartheid for the Christian’s we killed. The Zionist Christians go to one sector. While the killed Christians, the collateral damage for Zionist right to defend itself by killing Christians, like Nahida and her daughter Samar, and all the other Christians Zionism has killed along the way, go to a different, separate Heavenly development.
Never the twain shall meet, for all eternity. Zionist Christian Heaven for Biden and friends. Traditional regular Jesus Heaven for the rest.
Jesus is so great. No problem he cannot solve. Just ask Biden. Our Commander in Chief of the Nuclear arsenal Zionists can depend on if/when its time for the Samson Option. Christians worldwide will be glad to know we have cleared up this matter of who gets into heaven after that.

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