Crash memorial. UTA Flight 772
The remarkable story of Flight UTA772
Go to a certain latitude and longitude on Google Maps. notice a tiny icon that looks like an airplane. There’s a tragic and beautiful story behind it. Here it is, from start to finish.
UTA Flight 772 was a scheduled flight operating from Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo to Paris CDG airport in France. With many French nationals on board.

This is the flight path. UTA Flight 772 was a scheduled flight operating from Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo to Paris CDG airport in France. The flight never made it. All on board perished.Eighteen years later, families of the victims gathered at the crash site to build a memorial.

Due to the remoteness of the location, pieces of the wreckage could still be found at the site.

The memorial was built mostly by hand and uses dark stones to create a 200-foot diameter circle

The Tenere region is one of the most inaccessible places on the planet. The stones were trucked to the site from over 70 kilometers away.

170 broken mirrors, representing each victim, were placed around the circumference of the memorial.

The completed memorial.

Six Libyans were ultimately convicted of this terrorist attack. They used a suitcase bomb to blow up the plane, which resulted in 156 passengers and 14 crew members meeting their demise. Even in the face of this tragedy, the families constructed this beautiful memorial to never forget what happened. They will live on in their hearts, in the desert, and even on Google Earth forever.
UTA Flight 772 Wikipedia Page
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