Kumeka, Vol. II
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Kumeka, Vol. II
Released on 16 June 2019.
17 years after the release of Music for Kumeka by Andrew Brel in 2002, the time is right for a follow up, channeling the same frequency energy as the original, KUMEKA 2 is meditation music drawing heavily on the 528 hz ‘healing’ frequency.
Seven songs, lasting over one hour. Recorded in California, at Treadmill mobile Studios over three months in 2019. Including 1 month in Joshua Tree National Park communing with nature and wood, where the acoustic guitar parts were recorded outdoors on two Microphones 25 feet apart, only at night, using the desert floor and the night sky as a reverb chamber.
The guitar used was a 2005 Taylor NS72, one of a pair made that year to order. (The second one went to Steve Georgiou, (Cat Stevens) to use on his live shows from 2006.)
The Microphones were a Shure SM7’s through a Universal Audio Apollo Twin, into a Mac Laptop running Logic. (On battery power.)
Various sounds of the desert were recorded during the night and layered to create a lush organic background, much like a string section, but using sounds of nature and plentiful Hall reverb. Achieved by playing back the layered sound through a large speaker in the desert, and recording the sound from fifty-feet away which gives it that spatial reverb depth.
There is no other audio processing on the various tracks other than echo effects, which again are organic. Recordings made by playing the part through a speaker and re recording the sounds reflection from a desert hillside, moving the microphone in a trial and error process to find the optimal echo effect off the desert hillside.
The rainfall is recorded inside the caravan following an un seasonal heavy rainfall one night that lasted for 72 minutes. During which time I recorded one long file, the sound in the trailer under the pelting rain that was then edited into 7 sections for use on the 7 tracks.
The Inspiration for the album is from ascended master and Chohan of the eighth ray, Kumeka, who in 2002 began raising the consciousness of humanity by raising the frequency on the planet. Introduced to me by my friend Diana Cooper, who asked me to intuit this recording, which was released as Music for Kumeka in 2002.
Now, more than ever, we need to raise our consciousness towards the highest good.
For one hour, this music provides the immersive frequencies to do just that.
“Music to raise your consciousness towards the highest good.“
Andrew Brel. 2019
Download or Listen: / AMAZON / Youtube / Apple Music / Spotify / Pandora
Kumeka, Vol. II by Andrew Brel. 2019
Sequel to ‘Music for Kumeka’ from 2002.
Has Trump derangement syndrome affected your sleep?
Does Brexit madness wake you in a cold sweat in the middle of the night?
If you have a smart phone, here is a one hour long pre-sleep video featuring ‘Kumeka II music. Peaceful clouds rolling across a blue sky with meditation music I made just for this time.
It works. Night after night. Better than Xanax. Save a fortune on sleep-meds. Put it on when you go to bed. And relax into peaceful restorative sleep.
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