20 August. 79 days to the US election.

20 August. 79 days to the US election.

This is the original Letter to Byron page from when it was published ‘Live.’
The live blog is no longer updated.

The entire content of Letters to Byron is a book, available in Paperback or Kindle.

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My beautiful Byron,

As I write here in August of 2020, most likely for your attention no sooner than 2022, I am looking at what to write that might translate well across that time.

Of course, ideally, you would be with me now, as it is your summer holiday, and I am sure you would rather be with me than where Adler, Amlot and O’Leary have determined.

Here in the U.S. we are on the eve of a historic election which may identify the need to change much of what is now normal behavior. To recognise where endemic systemic corruption empowers one elite group at the expense of another through a judiciary that exists to serve one side only. In a relationship that has nothing to do with justice, or the arm of law that system is meant to serve, like Policing, or jail sentencing, but instead, simply continues a systemic ingrained behavioral practice free from any accountability. Corruption is an awful quality in any institution and when an entire system is predicated on corruption, as is the case with British family law, only a process of trial and accountability, be it a commission for truth and reconciliation, or a legal arm that prosecutes and punishes, things can only change after this process completes.

In America’s current politics that ‘day of reckoning’ will be November 3rd. There will be an election. The right wing religious racists will show up to vote. And if their total number adds up to less than the total number of normal human being with basic ethical standards and an awareness of empathy and compassion, then the current racist religious right regime of Trump and his criminal cohorts will be removed from power and the levers of power, control of the Federal government with all the organs of state, will transfer to the Democrat party. Its leader is Joe Biden. A man who will be 78 when he begins his 4 year term as President.

Endemic systemic corruption has followed this current Presidency from the beginning, much as it has the British family court system. Where the members entitled to operate the levers of power are free from any checks and boundaries and face no accountability, even when committing transparently heinous abuses, much as O’Leary, Adler and Amlot got away with in their fixed Court hearing in 2015, where they switched judge on the morning of the hearing, for a deputy Judge with a big reputation in family law for dishonesty and incompetence, who announced herself as the newly appointed Judge by throwing out the case entirely, refusing all the witnesses, and openly declaring that she was awarding whatever her fellow members of family law, Adler and Amlot wanted. This included stopping you having any contact with me. It also included larceny on a grand scale, but that’s just common criminal theft. I can accept that follows on from any unregulated office that is predicated on a model of corruption without checks and balances. And when thieves are allowed to steal without censure, then that is, on one level, acceptably predictable. What is not fine at all, is stopping you from seeing me. And for that, just as Trump will find out on November, the day will come where the numbers on one side, the corrupt self serving greed mongers placing their own reward above all else, will face a count off with those who represent equitable dispensation of justice.

I think in time British law will follow on from an electoral process in Britain that rejects organs of state that operate on the corrupt values that in no way represent fair and honest justice, and there will be a process of re evaluation in which child abuse and larceny will be considered unacceptable. Soon after which there will be appropriate accountability and a new, honest system will emerge. Hopefully for America that process will begin on November 4th. Hopefully for you and me that process will begin in Britain sooner rather than later.

Right now the politic of Britain is to the right, like America, and that does not favor the social revision I am hoping for, but politically we know Britain usually follows on from America. (America sneezes and the world catches a cold.) Just as the arrival of racist religious right government in America in 2016 saw a copycat effect worldwide, we can realistically hope that Democrat win in November here will see similar slides away from the right in countries including Britain. And with a more aware approach, child abuse and larceny legitimized in family court will be reviewed and replaced with a system in which this is considered criminal, with miscreants prosecuted. And jailed.

This weekend we had some lovely guests, including my friends two sons, a 10 year old and a 12 year old. It was so nice to spend time with boys of your age. I so wished you could have been a part of that BBQ pool party. You are 11, and that is such a wonderful developmental age. You learn at such a marvelous rate. It was nice to be reminded of that talking to these very nice young men, who live with their mum, but spend summer holidays with their dad. They are lucky that their mother is not a member of family law who places their relationship with their dad below zero. The thing is, they know it as well. I think you will know in time that the reason you don’t see me is not because I don’t want to see you. It is because three very corrupt members of family law gamed a broken system believing that their actions are protected by some kind of special privilege according to British family law………….

…….Continued in the book……..

The live blog is no longer updated.
The entire content of Letters to Byron is a book available in Paperback or Kindle.