13 February. 2020. Family Law
Proceeding affirms agreement of Terms and Conditions (If in doubt read it out loud.)
My beautiful Byron,
I am back to a more settled time zone after all that recent traveling. And I am doing well with exercise and fitness. And work is going gangbusters. My new record is getting closer to finish and my book writing is now occupying about eight hours of each day. I have a new book well on the way and I am loving writing and getting better at it with practice.
That’s good new from my side. Sadly though, the most important news is not good.
As you know, I couldn’t mention much in previous weeks because there was a legal process underway. I wrote to the court and received a reply, for the first time, directly from the court. This is because I reported how Adler and Amlot have a pattern of making court applications in which I am neither present nor represented. The Court simply grants their every wish. Finally I received a reply and I thought – at last I will be able to speak to a Judge in family court and explain why you should be allowed to have a relationship with me. Because you are my son and I am your father.
……. Continued in the book LETTERS TO BYRON on AMAZON
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