The Menu Bombings
“For me, the most ironic token of the first human moon landing is the plaque signed by President Richard M. Nixon that Apollo 11 took to the moon. It reads, ‘We came in peace for all Mankind.’ As the United States was dropping seven and a half megatons of conventional explosives on small nations in Southeast Asia, we congratulated ourselves on our humanity. We would harm no one on a lifeless rock.”
Although religious republican conservative Americans didn’t give a jot at the news then, I think, quite probably, the vast majority of American friends reading my words will be unfamiliar with ‘The Menu Bombings’. When we bombed a non combatant sovereign nation, dropping over 100,000 tons of ordnance, killing over 4,000 civilians and achieving zero military success.
Abject failure. Mass murder. Awful.Republican leaders with the ethical code of rodents. Greedy deluded rabid rodents. Supported by people who said “Nothing to see here.” It took another five years before Nixon was impeached. Kissinger walked away scott free. Sound familiar?
What about the crew of those B52 Stratofortresses. I would love to read how they coped with being abused in this way by their mass murdering criminal leaders. Turned into accomplices to the horrible mutilation of 4,000 civilians not at War with the US by these Republican rats who even look like rats.

U.S. bombs Cambodia for the first time

To keep the secret, an intricate reporting system was established at the Pentagon to prevent disclosure of the bombing. Although the New York Times broke the story of the secret bombing campaign in May 1969, there was little adverse public reaction.
July 20, 1969
America and the Soviet Union had been in a race to see who could get to the moon first ever since the Soviets beat the U.S. into manned space flight with Yuri Gagarin’s orbital flight in 1961. Later that year, then-President John F. Kennedy vowed that America would be first to put a man on the moon, saying “To be sure, we are behind, and will be behind for some time in manned flight. But we do not intend to stay behind, and in this decade, we shall make up and move ahead.”
To meet this goal, Kennedy and his successors, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, authorized generous funding for space exploration. Thanks to this support, less than a decade after what became known as Kennedy’s “moon speech,” the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sent the first men to the moon.Nixon joined approximately 500 million people around the world in watching Armstrong and Aldrin as the astronauts left their lunar landing module and walked on the moon. (The Soviet Union and China, America’s two biggest rivals in the space race, banned the broadcast in their respective countries.) After they planted an American flag on the moon’s surface, the astronauts spoke directly to President Nixon, who congratulated them on their historic mission.
They left a plaque signed by President Richard M. Nixon that Apollo 11 that reads, ‘We came in peace for all Mankind.’
Nixon continued to be an influential force in America’s space program. In 1972, he approved development of the space shuttle program. In an ironic twist, by the 21st century, space shuttle flights–especially those to the international space station–had become international cooperative endeavors with Russians and Americans joining forces to conduct missions and sharing space exploration technology.In a more ironic twist, in Helsinki in 2018, US President Trump agreed the Republican Party should serve the interests of Russian Leader, former KGB operative, Vladimir Putin. And American Republican Christian conservatives did not give one jot.
They times, they are not a changing at all. Mr. Zimmerman. Misplaced 60’s optimism it appears.
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