Monetizing Justice
Addressing the criminal accountability of the heinous Trump Money Laundering gang that has brought the entire world to the brink of disaster primarily for the benefit of Russian billionaires, Catholic molesters and Arab beheaders.
Make America Right Again will be an independent company, monetizing the life terms of the Trump gang using the seized assets. M.A.R.A will function as an ongoing revenue source for a new American social order of; Universal health care, universal income, and educational reforms to put an end to the racist opportunism separating the richest from the poor. It will eliminate Trumps multi trillion trade deficit in 3 years. The benefits will be felt equally across the spectrum of America’s citizenry.
LIVE FROM TRUMP TOWER. New York’s hottest tourist attraction.
Will generate a daily profit of $50 million. Over a 25 year life span. Do your own math. And that is only the LIVE revenues from gate money and TV rights for live broadcast.
Ground floor investors in MARA will see a twenty five year growth income opportunity with long residuals. The Company is called MARA with the goal of Making America Write Again. Income stream begins with seizures of ‘ill gotten gains’ using the British model of ‘Unexplained Wealth’ and exploiting rights to the greatest TV media reality TV show EVER.
Originally proposed as a modification to my Guantanamo Bay business model, for the previous Republican Criminal gang, the new model for post trial incarceration is a purpose built facility in NYC. Inside what is now the Trump Tower. A refurbished Trump Tower that will be seized under new seizure laws covering ‘Unexplained Wealth.” This process has a 21 day window, from legislation to closure. The facts are self evident. The investigations have been completed.
Interior design by the worlds leading glass build architect working with the space resource of 100,000 square feet of Trump Tower to refurbish as cells and facilities to include a live stage with seating for 666. Plus 50 VIP seats. That will allow a daily show as well as 24 hour live streams from all 25 cells.
25 inmates will be tried and housed here following arrest, with broadcasting launched live as 25 arrests occur simultaneously. Each of the 25 will have their own exclusive TV reality show. 24/7. PPV.
No bail for any of the big 25 and only that top 25 from the Trump era will make it to the ‘Glass Tower’.
A made for purpose all glass set of cages replicating elements of Alcatraz Prison. Twelve to the left. Twelve to the right and one in the middle.
With a tourist boardwalk following this line, from cage 25 down to cage one. In horizontal latitude, running down a 15 degree slope. Symbolically demonstrating ‘The slippery slope.”
A reality TV show will screen during the 30 days of court hearings, (concurrent with the trials set down for 30 days) in which the audience will choose who gets what Number. From 1 to 25.
Trump may not get no 1. Perhaps The Kush is more worthy? But nah, it’s got to be Trump. Doesn’t it?
After the trials – which will not exceed 30 days – the prison terms will begin with the symbolic disrobing. All inmates will be naked for the duration of their incarceration. William Barr will likely enjoy that given his Opus Dei membership.
Yael Kushner will have a claim to the number one cell. All that internal plastic gives her viewer appeal for the most coveted visitor opportunity, even greater than her step mum, whose nudity is already celebrated by America’s masturbator’s, who form a prime demographic for the PPV featuring Yael and Melania.
Perhaps Trumps cell should look out over Yael to one side and Melania to the other. 24/7 seeing both naked, separated only by glass bars. With no conjugal rights to either.
All cells will be solitary confinement. With only the TV cameras broadcasting 24/7 for company.
All inmates will be naked. All visible through clear glass. All the time. For life. (Or 25 years. To be determined at the trial.)
The one concession is the see through glass washrooms is that all toilets will be made of gold. (As early viewer testing has show to be favorite in the bathroom demand.)
Hourly admission will be low. Starting at $100 for a thirty minute walk through.
That is excluding any photo or video rights.
Visitors to New York will be able to see the Trumps ‘In the Flesh.’
Trump Glass Tower The TGT ticket will become the number one tourist draw in NYC overnight continuing for 25 years, even as the older participants die off.
Live view revenues will likely be 10,000 people per hour.
5,000 on each 30 minute walk through.
Approximate gross from the door – $2.4 million a day.
There will be VIP packages for much much more, allowing longer and interactive opportunities, including branded product co ventures.
Art seminars in attached conference rooms. With live TV hook up to the cells.
The space is large. 100,000 sq ft. Made by top level builders to use the space to maximum effect. In the center of the TRUMP GLASS TOWER we will have a state of art sound stage with recording capability, top of range video cameras, enabling state of art live music broadcasts. In HD, Super HD and Super Dooper 3d HD. The background for these televised live shows will be the 25 inmates.
Performing artists will be chosen for their qualities and musical skill, and not solely on appearance. Booking will be made by musical professionals with ethical credibility. Artists will perform daily to a live audience. Promoting a positive message through their music. Which can have a secondary use as the musical element to the reality TV spectacle. A Live concert at 9 pm in the evening. (Between one and two hours max.) Seating for a live audience of 666 will be sold at $66 per ticket, on a first come first serve basis, using bots to ensure no fraudulent scalping occurs.
It will be everyone’s right to have an equally opportunity to attend one of the LIVE FROM THE TOWER shows. At an affordable price.
There will be a 50 person VIP section, with ticket prices decided by daily auction. Located closest to Trumps cell. And these will likely attract six figure ticket prices, including meet and great with the performers.
This will be one of many branded products that will all pay into the company running this capitalist enterprise.
We can sell any manner of interactive experience. From choosing what meals Trump will be fed, to choosing the visiting hours for Willie Barr’s conjugal visits with his Opus Dei mentor.
Every evenings Live Music show will be recorded as well as broadcast, as a stand alone copyright, with the artists getting a fair share of all revenues. (Including inclusion on compilations that will follow.)
Other products generating revenue include:
Interview rights for sale, allowing one on one time with any or all of the 25.
We allow advertising for specific products. Pay enough, and you get to use the images and words of your chosen Trumpeter to launch your new product. I can see new AR 15 manufacturers lining up for young Don. He’s quite the gunman.
Trump Spliffs? A joint company branded to a product that will make long term users as stupid as a Trump.
There’s gold dust right there. Legal everywhere by special license. With only Black people allowed to be retailers. A form of reparation for a racist abuse ongoing since slavery began.
For the art world, attached artist platforms for (richly) sponsored artists to sketch their favorite trump nude. Melanoma? Ivanka? Eric? Take your pick, long as you pay.
All proceeds of every deal go to the holding company. MAWA. A company set up with a corruption free model.
I will volunteer to act as CEO for the first 3 years with no salary. I will promise you a three year target to eliminate the entire national debt deficit. And finance ground breaking initiatives that really will make America great. Starting with education here we will teach this generation how to write again. And teach them, be example about right again.
That’s right. A multi Trillion dollar business opportunity. With proceeds benefiting investors and government on an equitable split. Federal Government will be the 50% beneficiary partner. The investors have to make profit for the remaining 50% to include all operating costs.
The minimum of 50% of gross proceeds from all ventures go to a Government fund, to be spent on;
# Environmental capitalism
# National Health Care
# And Universal income based on any young person agreeing to one year of non military community service. Followed by a lifetime of $2,000 pm Universal Income
# Education revamp enabling equal opportunity for all to have an education and not an indoctrination
# Effectively ending all drug laws and making right the consequences of the entire drug law system that has funded the global terrorism arising specifically from US consumption of drugs and enabling legal big Pharma (like Purdue) to exploit the consequences of idiotic laws whose origins lie in prohibition and racist opportunism to create for profit prisons and remove Blacks from the election process.
And finally: Repayment of all monies owing to contractors and others stiffed by Trump and his cronies.
That’s right folks. MAWA will make America great again where it matters most; economically, and through equal opportunity to have a cool life, with proper health and education for all.
Imagine this live paying audience for the greatest reality TV show the Earth has ever seen. 25 in-cell cameras running, 24 hours daily, 7 days a week, and by the sale of TV rights on events involving the prisoners.
And by seizure of the proceeds of crime. The unexplained wealth law will not only force Trump to disclose his Tax returns, it will seize all unexplained wealth.
Tourists will flock to NY to see the Trumps in the Flesh. World tourism will make NY the number one visited location EVER. Trumps Glass Tower will be the BEST most TREMENDOUS highest grossing event in History.
Trump and family can leave the Political opportunism to the professionals, elected in a proper fair paper ballot one-person-one-vote deciding the next leader. They can continue with what they do best. Lie cheat and steal and make a spectacle that puts bums on seats. In this case, their bare bums on glass seats. Finally they will all be starring in one reality show that benefits not just America, but the whole world.
I imagine the narcissist will LOVE this TREMENDOUS idea. Giving him the kind of audience he only ever dreamed of. Billions every day.
Imagine the ad revenue possibilities for the MARA 24 hour reality show?
Well no.
No ad revenue. You heard me right. No advertisements to interupt the Trump Glass Tower live streams. Ever.
This will be advert free programming. Available only to those able to pay for membership. No bootlegging of this product will be possible. Our tech in encrypting the content will be uncrackable. Did I mention, one level of this building, likely the one taken from the Saudi’s in the unexplained wealth order, will house a top merit-based tech department, addressing security of all digital content by the hundred best brains in digitalia. Possibly appoint Tim Berners Lee as the department head.
I am going to say, this will be bigger than every TV show gross revenue put together. In the space of three years.
Putting a lot of wrongs right.
The timeline:
1.) The arrests – live.
2.) The quickest remodel of 100,000 sq ft of NY prime real estate in History begins with the demo inside the Tower creating the open space. They have 90 days to deliver the ‘Glass Cells plus live stage plus all audio and visual requirements. Plus walkway access and egress for 10,000 visitors per hour.
3.) The trial – 25 trials concurrent, three months. 90 days in 25 chosen courts. No sentence will be under one life term.
4.) The live TV show allocating the cell numbers to the 25 run concurrently.
5.) The journey to jail. A one day spectacular live event on PPV where each one is introduced to their cell, and have the rules explained. Plus the transparency of removing their clothes live.
6.) The first live music event will be set for the day after ‘The Journey to Jail‘. 9PM ET. 90 minutes to a maximum of 120 m. (No less than one hour, no more than two.) Continuing daily. One prime time show every day.
7.) Archive of all shows goes live for purchase on vinyl. And CD. And DVD for the video and audio. No streaming media will be allowed for any of these shows unless it is from our own PPV stream.
8.) The 7 day a week format continues. From show one, 666 + 50 seats sold in advance. Marketing experts guide the exploitation of rights to the images associated with the 25.
A sideline will be the formation of the “unexplained wealth department” investigating every deal anyone did with Trump ever. Calculating the amounts involved and issuing subpoenas to those complicit, requiring 100% refund of all gains gotten in this fashion. That alone will return the first trillion we need to make up the trade deficit part of this agreement.
MARA. Make America Right Again. We do know what right is and we do know what we are allowing Trumpeters to do is very wrong.
Live from Trump Glass Cages.
The opening show, will be launched by our choice (as a world, not just the USA) of person best suited to this form of global closure on a chapter that brought us this close to extinction. Perhaps Obama?
Perhaps Desmond Tutu?
That one will need a deal of thinking. The subject of a show – a reality TV show running concurrent with the trials, in which nominated possibilities are represented by their advocates.
Certainly it will represent a ‘Truth and reconciliation‘ moment beyond historical compare. Imagine before each evening show, where the workers stiffed by Trump are repaid what is owed. Given a moment to discuss the impact Trumps fraud had on their lives.
And a source of funding to create a Great new America with opportunity for all.
With no economic slavery.
And no medical bankruptcy.
No racist prisons for profit.
And equal education opportunities for all.
And that really will MAG; this multi trillion dollar problem solver.
2,500 words
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